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How to callback to load async data #9

Open clabnet opened 9 months ago

clabnet commented 9 months ago

I have this tree

        :virtual="{ size: 26, remain: 22 }"

To call the cbGetChildren method is required the await because it need to wait the API response.

  const cbGetChildren = (node: BaseTreeNode, callback: (children: TreeNodeOptions[]) => void) => {
    console.log('[cbGetChildren]', node.key, node)
    let result: TreeNodeOptions[] = []
    const filter = '?level=1&name=FUQF.ALB.02.201B&parent=H-FUQF'
    console.log('[cbGetChildren] filter:', filter)
    const { data } = useAxios<TreeNodeOptions[]>(`/api/bom/lite${filter}`, config.axios, { immediate: false })
    result = data.value
    console.log('[cbGetChildren] result:', result)
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 200)

Sorry for the dumb question: how to invoke the callback function with the 'async' and 'await' keywords ?

Thank's in advance