lydia-wu / cadence

Liberty University CADENCE Capstone Team Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
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Solidify Functions for DG 04 #12

Closed lydia-wu closed 2 years ago

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

Purpose: to fulfill LU requirements and create a foundation for Cadence, solidify system FUNCTIONS both in GENESYS and in GitHub for the team to understand and communicate at the official Decision Gate meeting

tasking final due date: 2021-10-22, 11:30AM-EDT Timebox: 10 hours

DG prep tasking (@michaeld3951):

DG final submission tasking (congruent with #9, #8, and #5 ):

Additional tasking will appear here as we develop functions for our project.

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

due: 2021-10-13 Wednesday, 12PM-EDT (let's burn a little hotter on this so that we can protect our Fall Breaks; if the below tasks are done by 12PM-EDT, I'll put in a couple hours after that to compile everything before heading out)

here's the reference for the latest model (03):


If Dr. Bae has comments about altering operations, I will flesh this visio out a little more; in the mean time, let's proceed with documentation and brainstorming-- (tasking time window: 2021-10-11 to 2021-10-13)

Here's a reminder of our latest timeline: <html xmlns:m="" xmlns="">

Checkpoint | Estimated End Date | Description | Content STATUS | Materials STATUS | Meeting STATUS -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- DG 03: System Operations | Tuesday 2021-10-19 Pending | What does the system DO physically? | Tasking, Deep dives, Operations Mapping | Compiled; formal documentation needed | Not Scheduled | DG 04: System Functions | Friday 2021-10-22 Pending | HOW does the system ACCOMPLISH these operations? | Learning Tasking “Soft Assign” | Functions tentatively mapped out (see slide B.5) | Not Scheduled | DG 05: System Architecture | Friday 2021-11-05 Pending | HOW are all the pieces RELATED? | Brainstorming Phases | Rough Draft from Client Available | Not Scheduled DG 06: Implementation Strategy | Friday 2021-11-19 Pending | WHAT is our detailed implementation PLAN for the SW build? | Not started | Not started | Not Scheduled |

If we can push through DG05 by November 5th, one probable outcome is that we flesh out our implementation strategy before Thanksgiving Break. Final adjustments and formatting may happen after that point, but hopefully we can burn quite low at the beginning of December, then tie things up nicely before Reading Day. However, to condense it, we'll have to put in more hours for the next two months.

What are your thoughts?

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Hi @lydia-wu I do have 2 comments to make on this lastest update:

  1. I think we should be scheduling the Decision Gate meetings further in advance, as Dr. Bae's "prime slots" seem to fill up 1-2 weeks in advance. If we schedule Decision Gate meetings further in advance, it will ensure we have a slot time with Dr. Bae, even if we have to reschedule down the road.

  2. I think we should organize the task of assembling a timeline. I have created a timeline schedule including details such as relationships with each of the four domains, and terminology taken directly from the Wasson Model (attached). Since @htyuki is currently leading the task of scheduling meetings for the team with Dr. Bae, could I provide her assistance by maintaining this excel file? It will ensure that @htyuki is both on track with the latest status for our teams availability as well as provide her with information regarding each domain so that she does not have to dig through GitHub to find topics of interrest we want cover during each decision gate meeting.

Let me know what you think of these two points and of the timeline tasking :)

SE_Wasson_Model_2 (1).PDF

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

@hunter-alloway !

  1. I think we should be scheduling the Decision Gate meetings further in advance,

that's a good call

2.A I think we should organize the task of assembling a timeline. I have created a timeline schedule including details such as relationships with each of the four domains, and terminology taken directly from the Wasson Model

yes! can you share your work? Really grateful that you've taken the lead on that

2.B Since @htyuki is currently leading the task of scheduling meetings for the team with Dr. Bae, could I provide her assistance by maintaining this excel file?

Absolutely. Green light from me

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

@lydia-wu I added a sheet to our SRS & SYS requirements mapping shared excel file^ :)

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Here is a rough rough draft of the activity diagram I created from the functions provided in VISIO. Please provide me with any feedback you may have especially if you have any ideas on how I can make this file more "presentable".


lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

here is the latest visio (version 04)


It fleshes out some functions, groups some functions into one function, and deletes some functions. Please push your questions to me, and we'll try to flesh it out together

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago


@hunter-alloway @htyuki when you get a chance, fill out these slides as you are able; waiting on GENESYS diagrams and excel table information; this is in preparation for next week, Friday

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Updated GENESYS file as well as a png of one of the activity diagrams for one of the swim lanes. Hierarchy diagram for Functions to come before Friday as well as four seperate activity diagrams with four new high level function names.


hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Revised Presentation including Operations Hierarchy Diagram. Function Activity Diagrams to be uploaded next week.


hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Updated GENESYS file with all non-highlighted corresponding requirements for the "functions" domain using the "based on" relation.


hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

The highlighted files in excel are the updates I recently made today (10/15/2021) and yesterday (10/14/2021). Attached are the presentation slides including each of the activity diagrams as well as the newly revised GENESYS file.

For future reference, please do not change the cells in Excel for the "function" elements without highlighting what you have changed as I will need this information to update the GENESYS file. This only applies to the "function" elements and is a new development as the GENESYS file is extremely sensitive.

ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_04.pdf ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_04.pptx

ENGR481_Team03_Internet_of_Things (4).zip

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

Alright, team! Attached is the latest draft of the PPT deck, revised from @hunter-alloway's latest upload ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_04.pptx

tasking due: 2021-10-20 @10AM-EDT (so that we can send to Dr. Bae before the noon preliminary DG04 meeting)

next steps for DG04:

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

@htyuki @hunter-alloway @michaeld3951 Alright, team--following a meeting with the client this afternoon, we have some significant changes to the functions domain (indicated in yellow highlight below); can we sync up tomorrow (Tuesday) at some stage? I'm open at any point after6pm-EDT or between 11am-12pm-EDT.

I project the meeting will take about 30 minutes; then we'll be able to assess how much work needs to be done by the time we get to 12pm on Wednesday.

Flowchart v.5


lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

@michaeld3951 @htyuki @hunter-alloway here's a link for the PPT; hopefully we can edit simultaneously

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

@lydia-wu The activity diagrams have been created and are now in the powerpoint. I was only able to make 1/6 hierarchy diagrams for the first swim lane. We are going to need 6 hierarchy diagrams until I can format them to fit into one diagram with the number mapping convention. Attached is the most recent GENESYS file. The presentation should be up to date as I used the link you attached above^

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

@hunter-alloway great work! rest on 482 material; after today's prelim meeting, I'll take on the remaining hierarchy diagrams for the functions domain if Dr. Bae sees them as valuable to our presentation.

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

PPT revisions are done on my end.

attached are the two completed table files as well-- ENGR481_Team_03_FuncDefinitions.pdf ENGR481_Team_03_OpFuncMatrix.pdf

waiting on--

michaeld3951 commented 2 years ago

Here's the SysFunc Written report for DG 04:

SyFD-cadence.docx SyFD-cadence.pdf

Please let me know if anything needs to be edited.

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago


Files to be sent to the client, professor, and team once the PPT is finalized with that remaining visual:

(1) ENGR481_Team_03_SyFD_Flowchart.pdf (2) ENGR481_Team_03_SyFD_Report.pdf (3) ENGR481_Team_03_FuncDefinitions.pdf (4) ENGR481_Team_03_OpFuncMatrix.pdf (5) PDF of the PPT (6) .pptx of the PPT

@lydia-wu will submit the DG materials to Canvas tomorrow at some stage

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago


files submitted-- ENGR481_Team_03_DecisionGate_04.pptx ENGR481_Team_03_FuncDefinitions.pdf ENGR481_Team_03_OpFuncMatrix.pdf ENGR481_Team_03_SyFD_Flowchart.pdf ENGR481_Team_03_SyFD_Report.pdf

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

Well done! For notes-- meeting ran long (12PM-12:58PM) Decision Gate approved by both client and professor.

follow-up actions:

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Attached are the revised presentation slides: formatted to include two of the cells that werre cut off and also includes the final deliverable: "Deliver Report to Customer".
Also included is the revised GENESYS file including all hierarchy diagrams for each function's "swim lane".



hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Attached are the revised presentation slides including the revised activity diagrams that I will go over on 10/25/2021 during our scheduled meeting time. (Iterate Update)

ENGR481_Team_03_DecisionGate_04.pdf ENGR481_Team_03_DecisionGate_04.pptx