lydia-wu / cadence

Liberty University CADENCE Capstone Team Fall 2021 - Spring 2022
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Solidify Requirements for DG 01 #5

Closed lydia-wu closed 2 years ago

lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

Purpose: to fulfill LU requirements and create a foundation for Cadence, solidify system/stakeholder requirements both in GENESYS and in GitHub for the team to understand and communicate at the official Decision Gate meeting

tasking due date: 2021-09-17, 11:30AM


lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

meeting @hunter-alloway 3:30-4pm EDT, 2021-09-15 via Discord

lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

@hunter-alloway please fill out the highlighted columns (Description, Rationale, Origin) in the file below. Send questions my way; attempt Priority if you have time, but don't feel pressure to get it perfect.

Here are my response windows:

Thursday: 8AM-11AM Friday: 10AM-11AM


Please give this comment a "like" once you've seen it.

lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

meeting with client 4:30-6:10pm EDT, 2021-09-15 via Teams

lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

thanks @hunter-alloway . can you download this file (draft_1_2) and make a hierarchy diagrams from it? Will be a good visual for the decision gate

Cadence_requirements_draft_1_2.xlsx e.

lydia-wu commented 3 years ago

@michaeld3951 @htyuki @hunter-alloway Congruent with an email update I just sent, here are the current materials I plan to float by Dr. Bae tomorrow at our 12:05pm preliminary DG01 meeting. I'll lead the PPT, but I'll pull you guys in where it's relevant or you have some particular insight, so be ready to hop in. Let me know your questions or thoughts on any of the stuff below.


Cadence arch concept.pdf


lydia-wu commented 2 years ago


Following meeting with Dr. Bae today, tasking for Reqs moving forward, referring to this updated requirements sheet (make sure it ends with "3"): Cadence_requirements_draft_3.xlsx

Assignee Tasking
@htyuki go through and map each system requirement in this excel to a corresponding stakeholder requirement
@htyuki go through the requirements; assign priorities to each requirement. Then confer with client for approval
@michaeld3951 Author paper report; reference @hunter-alloway's GENESYS work and @htyuki insight
@hunter-alloway flesh out descriptions and remaining fields (sans "priority"), fill everything into GENESYS, generate revised Hierarchy Diagram
@lydia-wu Put together PPT; schedule Friday DG 02, finalize with client
lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

scheduled DG 02 for 2021-09-24 Friday @2:10PM-EDT

michaeld3951 commented 2 years ago


Here is the written report for DG 01 (draft). It is based off of the template that Dr. Bae provided in Canvas.

I have questions pertaining to these sections:

Assumptions -- what assumptions do we have for this project?

References -- are there any other references that should be listed/edited?

Business Abstract -- do we need this section? Should we just lump the stakeholders sub-section into the stakeholder requirements section since we only have 1 stakeholder?

Requirements -- should we upload a separate excel spreadsheet that just has the stakeholder requirements in it and not the system requirements as well?

htyuki commented 2 years ago


I attached an excel file that:

  1. Correlates the stakeholder requirements to the system requirements
  2. Assign priorities to each requirement (currently under client review)
lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

@michaeld3951 thoughts below to flesh out the report:

Assumptions -- what assumptions do we have for this project?

(pulled this format from here)

References -- are there any other references that should be listed/edited?

Business Abstract -- do we need this section? Should we just lump the stakeholders sub-section into the stakeholder requirements section since we only have 1 stakeholder?

Requirements -- should we upload a separate excel spreadsheet that just has the stakeholder requirements in it and not the system requirements as well?

  • Yes. Good call.

What are your thoughts? Let me know if I can re-word/flesh out/distill any of what I've just written up there^

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Attached is an updated list of the System/Stakeholder requirements. I will have the description/rationale fields updated before our next meeting on Monday, September 20. The systesm requirements have been uploaded to GENESYS and the Stakeholder Requirements will be uploaded before tomorrow's meeting. Cadence_Requirements_Priority (1).xlsx

michaeld3951 commented 2 years ago


Here is an updated report for DG 01. Please review it and let me know what I should change

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Cadence_Requirements_Priority (1).xlsx Updated version of the stakeholder and system requirements. Note: All fields in system requirements are complete.

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Updated version of the stakeholder and system requirements. Note: All fields in system and stakeholder requirements are complete. Cadence_Requirements_Updated_09-20-2021.xlsx

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

Updated version of the stakeholder and system requirements. (latest: v4b) Changes: adjusted numbering for clarity.


@tyuki can you go through and re-map the system to the stakeholder requirements? @hunter-alloway check to see if this aligns with the GENESYS you're working on

lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

Hey team--here is the PPT that I will be sending out in a couple hours in preparation for the Decision Gate tomorrow.

  1. In the "notes" section of the PPT are the assignments for who is taking which slide.
  2. the meat of this presentation is in section "B"; @htyuki and @michaeld3951 the vision I have is that you'll elaborate on the requirements by talking about description and rationale, but they won't be listed on the slides themselves (to improve slide readability).
  3. @hunter-alloway you'll be on stand-by to summarize what @htyuki and @michaeld3951 have said after each of their slides; details are in the "notes" section

Shoot me your questions as they arise!

(also attached for reference--the slide deck from the preliminary meeting last week) engr481_team03_preliminaryDecisionGate01_20210917.pptx


lydia-wu commented 2 years ago

The latest on the materials for the DG01 (find them in the OneDrive from the Client, My Files > Cadence > DecisionGates

  1. GENESYS File
  2. ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_01_STRS.docx
  3. ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_01.pptx
  4. ENGR481_Team03_DecisionGate_01_StakeholderRequirements.pdf

Canvas Submission Actions (for our records): DG01 Submission

hunter-alloway commented 2 years ago

Attached are the revised System & Stakeholder requirements. I have created two sheets to seperate them for clarity per @lydia-wu reccomendation. Cadence_System&Stakeholder_Requirements.xlsx