Open steven-ok opened 7 years ago
Actually, even if I open sublime-text by clicking on the icon, I still have this problem of deleting words in the wrong place...
So could you kindly show me the configuration in your sublime-text.desktop please? @Xiang-DangDang
[Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Sublime Text GenericName=Text Editor Comment=Sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose
Exec=/usr/bin/subl %F Terminal=false MimeType=text/plain; Icon=sublime-text Categories=TextEditor;Development; StartupNotify=true Actions=Window;Document; StartupWMClass=Sublime_text
[Desktop Action Window] Name=New Window
Exec=/usr/bin/subl -n OnlyShowIn=Unity;
[Desktop Action Document] Name=New File
Exec=/usr/bin/subl --command new_file OnlyShowIn=Unity;
不过我的状况更糟一些,因为我即便双击图标打开 sublime 也无法正常使用退格键。另外,在我的系统里,直接使用作者提供的 .so 文件是无法在 sublime 里成功使用 fcitx 的——每次切换到 fcitx ,都会立即跳回为英文输入法,完全无法使用。还得先修改源代码,将其中关于 fcitx 的部分删掉,只保留关于 xim 的部分,再重新编译为 .so 文件,这时才能在 sublime 里用 fcitx 。(我自己开了个 issue 描述这个奇怪的问题,不过作者回复说无法重现,见 )不过这样带来的好处是, ibus 倒能用了。。。
这样看来,还是只能滚回继续用 vim 了。。但好喜欢 sublime 的新配色 Mariana 啊 T_T 。。
Now I have come up with a way to partially solve this problem of deleting with backspace. Although it has some shortcomings, it could at least provide a fairly acceptive experience of typing Chinese characters with fcitx.
//{ "keys": ["backspace"], "command": "left_delete" },
in the right column (User). (It is Line 19 in my file.)~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/
.mkdir Default
.cp ./User/Default\ \(Linux\).sublime-keymap ./Default
Now backspace will behave correctly - it will delete words in the input box of fcitx rather than in sublime.
The theory is that although the default .sublime-keymap is read-only, the .sublime-keymap file in the Default folder will override the original default one, and thus we can modify it. Therefore, with the line of backspace key in the default keymap file deleted, sublime loses the control of backspace, and thus fcitx could get control of that key when in need.
But this method is not perfect. It has a side effect - the backspace key can never be used in sublime any more. To work around, we can just use shift+backspace which has the same function with backspace, or try to use del key, or even vim mode. : )
Reference: (See stevenfrog's post)
If you are using some plugins concerning applying (new) keymap, also remember to comment/delete the lines with backspace key involved, or the plugins will ask sublime to back again take control of backspace and never give the control of that key to fcitx. Like as for the package ActuralVim, we need to comment // { "keys": ["backspace"], "args": {"key": "<bs>"}, "context": [{ "key": "setting.actual_intercept", "operand": true }], "command": "actual_keypress" },
(Line 23 in my file) in the keymap configuration file of ActualVim, which is ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/ActualVim/Default.sublime-keymap
PSS. In order not to cause some other bugs in ActualVim, like the wrong behavior of insert after deleting with shift+backspace - the words are inserted in the position before deleting rather than after it, we should change "backspace" to "shift+backspace" in the line mentioned above in the keymap configuration file of ActualVim, rather than simply comment/delete that line.
在Linux 上通过命令打开 sublime-text ,输入法在输入中文出现候选字的时候(这个时候还未选择汉字),现在按下退格,将不能删除输入框上的 字母拼音, 而是删除了编辑文件的内容,候选框依然无法消失,依然还显示在屏幕上,然而用图标打开 sublime text 就不会出现这个问题