lyft / scissors

✂ Android image cropping library
Apache License 2.0
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Question - Is it possible to load image from camera and not only from Gallery? #5

Closed davidbeloo closed 8 years ago

lexer commented 8 years ago




rohanmahale commented 8 years ago

Hi @davidbeloosesky

I am trying to load an image into the cropview but it does not show up. I pass a string extra to my crop image activity.

I then try to load it into the cropview using the following

void setupUI() {
    if (getIntent().getExtras() != null) {
        if (getIntent().getExtras().getString(KEY_IMAGE_FILE_PATH) != null) {
                    .load(Uri.fromFile(new File(getIntent().getStringExtra(KEY_IMAGE_FILE_PATH))));



The value of the string on debugging is


Why does the image not show up? Am I using the api wrong or is it a bug?

eveliotc commented 8 years ago

@davidbeloosesky as @lexer demonstrated you can only load Bitmaps from a model e.g. a File, Uri, String, etc. We don't have a camera view at the moment.

@rohanmahale there is no need for Uri.fromFile part just providing a File should suffice, also make sure you have read permission. Please create a separate issue if you still can't load your file.