lyhistory / Peter-s-Tool

GNU General Public License v3.0
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track magic link redeem status - both spawnable and traditional transfer/sales links #7

Closed SmartLayer closed 5 years ago

SmartLayer commented 5 years ago

stage 3: update UI of the tool by checking magic link redeem status through web3j

lyhistory commented 5 years ago

still working in progress, last weekends got issues with my truffle solc, and Ganache private chain, I used to test solidity with web3js+truffle+Ganache for local dev env, but with web3j got TxHashMissmatch issue when make transaction, then I wasted some time debugging into web3j library, but only found that the remoteHash returned from sending rawTransaction not equals to localHash, and I found someone also has similar wired issue with Ganache, resolved after upgrade to latest though

lyhistory commented 5 years ago

I raised an issue in the contract I was stuck in several problems about the Spawnable Meetup contract when I try to redeem and verify the token, finally I make it through by modifying the contract, so now I can continue to work on the UI display

lyhistory commented 5 years ago

done the functionality, robustness and details still need to be enhanced

lyhistory commented 5 years ago

added some user friendly warning:

  1. all good state magiclinktool1

  2. disconnected state magiclinktool2

  3. wrong private key state magiclinktool3