lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

Team stats showing incorrect counts in random #447

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

8p random game - 3 wolfteam, 2 vilteam, 3 neutral. A vilteam player died, and now lykos reported 4 wolfteam, 1 vilteam, 3 neutral, which is 8, but there were only 7 players left alive. I was turncoat who sided with wolves, in case that makes any difference.

06/18 00:27:14 <@lykos> fool, bobfasul, swagiloo, Mp5shooter, nyuszika7h, empty_string, slowpoke, and auror: Welcome to Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia). Using the random game mode with role reveal and team stats.
06/18 00:27:14 -- Mode ##werewolf [+m] by lykos
06/18 00:27:14 <@lykos> It is now nighttime. All players check for PMs from me for instructions.
06/18 00:27:16 <+swagiloo> slowpoke: i am too bored
06/18 00:27:20 <+auror> !stats
06/18 00:27:20 <@lykos> 8 players: fool, bobfasul, swagiloo, Mp5shooter, nyuszika7h, empty_string, slowpoke, and auror
06/18 00:27:20 <@lykos> It is currently night. There are 3 wolfteam players, 2 village members, and 3 neutral players.
06/18 00:27:24 <+auror> oh dear
06/18 00:27:26 <+nyuszika7h>  nice
06/18 00:27:28 <+bobfasul> auvor
06/18 00:27:33 <+fool> auv
06/18 00:27:33 <+slowpoke> "r"
06/18 00:27:34 <+nyuszika7h> am turncoat
06/18 00:27:36 <+nyuszika7h> pls no kill
06/18 00:27:36 <+bobfasul> 3 neutral lol
06/18 00:27:38 <+Mp5shooter> aurow
06/18 00:27:51 <+swagiloo> i am VILLAGE DRUNK
06/18 00:27:56 <+slowpoke> r""
06/18 00:28:00 <+slowpoke> ""r
06/18 00:28:00 <+empty_string> I AM HUNTER
06/18 00:28:06 <+Mp5shooter> I am drunk hunter
06/18 00:28:14 <@lykos> Night lasted 00:59. It is now daytime. The villagers awake, thankful for surviving the night, and search the village...
06/18 00:28:14 <@lykos> The dead body of bobfasul, a doctor, is found. Those remaining mourn the tragedy.
06/18 00:28:14 -- Mode ##werewolf [-v bobfasul] by lykos
06/18 00:28:14 <@lykos> The villagers must now vote for whom to lynch. Use "!lynch <nick>" to cast your vote. 4 votes are required to lynch.
06/18 00:28:14 <+Mp5shooter> can hunt up to 3 times but can miss
06/18 00:28:21 <+auror> omg
06/18 00:28:22 <+nyuszika7h> !stats
06/18 00:28:22 <@lykos> 7 players: fool, swagiloo, Mp5shooter, nyuszika7h, empty_string, slowpoke, and auror
06/18 00:28:22 <@lykos> It is currently day. There are 4 wolfteam players, 1 village member, and 3 neutral players.
06/18 00:28:23 <+slowpoke> rip bob
06/18 00:28:29 <+auror> theres is 1 village player left out of 7
06/18 00:28:29 <+empty_string> 1 village member
06/18 00:28:30 <+swagiloo> ok
06/18 00:28:32 <+nyuszika7h> uh
06/18 00:28:34 <+nyuszika7h> stats bugged?
06/18 00:28:38 <+slowpoke> 4 wolfteam :<
06/18 00:28:41 <+swagiloo> rip
06/18 00:28:47 <+auror> uh oh
06/18 00:28:47 <+fool> minion/cultist?
06/18 00:28:50 <+nyuszika7h> lykos is learning math from swagiloo
06/18 00:28:53 <+nyuszika7h> 4+1+3 = 7
06/18 00:28:59 <+swagiloo> nyuszika7h--
06/18 00:29:01 <+fool> err
06/18 00:29:15 <+auror> how odd
06/18 00:29:15 <+swagiloo> also if there are 4 wolfteam members shouldn't game be over?
06/18 00:29:20 <+swagiloo> if there are 7p?
06/18 00:29:24 <+nyuszika7h> yeah that sounds wrong
06/18 00:29:28 <+nyuszika7h> I think it's 3 wolfteam, 1 vil, 3 neutral
06/18 00:29:30 <+Mp5shooter> omg idea, drunk hunter, can hunt multiple times but has a chance of hunting wrong person
06/18 00:29:41 <+auror> lol
06/18 00:29:49 <+slowpoke> misdirection built-in :< yikes
06/18 00:29:58 <+slowpoke> !v empty the minion
06/18 00:29:58 <@lykos> slowpoke votes for empty_string.
06/18 00:30:01 <+empty_string> no
06/18 00:30:04 <+slowpoke> !r
06/18 00:30:04 <@lykos> slowpoke's vote was retracted.
06/18 00:30:06 <+slowpoke> !v empty the wolf
06/18 00:30:06 <@lykos> slowpoke votes for empty_string.
06/18 00:30:13 <+fool> !shoot slowpoke
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> fool shoots slowpoke with a silver bullet!
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> slowpoke is not a wolf but was accidentally fatally injured.
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> The village has sacrificed an augur.
06/18 00:30:13 -- Mode ##werewolf [-v slowpoke] by lykos
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> Game over! There are the same number of wolves as uninjured villagers. The wolves overpower the villagers and win.
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> Game lasted 02:58. 01:58 was day. 00:59 was night.
06/18 00:30:13 <@lykos> The fallen angels were fool and empty_string. The sorcerer was swagiloo. The augur was slowpoke. The doctor was bobfasul. The sharpshooter was bobfasul. The demoniac was Mp5shooter. The succubus was auror. The turncoat was nyuszika7h.
06/18 00:30:15 <@lykos> The winners are empty_string, fool, and swagiloo.