lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

RPG elements and leveled actions #449

Closed KOLANICH closed 3 years ago

KOLANICH commented 4 years ago

Quite a long ago there was a bot in IRC networks called mafbot.

Now, according to the info from , it seems it has moved into Telegram (have no tg account, but the roles description on the site matches the one what I remember except for minor details (i.e. in the version I remember the second level action for a harlot used to be called AIDS, not plague) ).

It is also seems it is closed source. But search on GH has found something seem to be derived from it: [] (Nope, it is incomplete, all the high-level and special actions are missing from this bot)

Its main feature is RPG elements. Each role is given some "money" for succesful actions. These "money" work as "experience": when it goes above certain thresholds roles get possibilities to more powerful actions.

There are 4 levels of actions for each role, count of available actions of high levels are limited. Level of the action is indicated by count of ! in front of the abbreviated notation of a command, or just by full name.

Don't remember exactly, but something like 3 actions of level 2, 2 actions of level 3 and 1 action of level 4. Level 4 gived win to the faction that has used it ... unless countered (countering is different, for example mafias' nuclear explosion action is countered by hacker's grand hack (also lvl 4) action)

Money can also be spent for some items granting protection, and may cause downgrade of the role.

skizzerz commented 3 years ago

We're not really interested in copying this from other games, and if we were to do our own sort of "Werewolf Legacy" system where the same (or mostly-same) group of players can play multiple rounds and the game itself reacts to that in various ways, it would be quite a ways in the future. I'm not saying something in the same vein as this won't happen, but it's not a dev priority right now.

Thanks for taking your time to research and type out your suggestion though!