lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

quitting IRC in join phase doesn't remove you from the game #484

Closed MishaCatskill closed 2 years ago

MishaCatskill commented 2 years ago
<+otter> !j def
<@lykos> otter votes for the default game mode.
〜 otter [dax@libera/mascot/otter] has quit [Quit: brb]
〜 dax [dax@libera/mascot/otter] has joined #werewolf [account dax] [realname dax (they/them)]
< dax> !j def
< dax> huh
< dax> !swap
〜 mode/#werewolf [+v dax] by lykos
<@lykos> dax has swapped places with otter.
<+dax> i thought you got auto-quit if you /quit
<+dax> 01:07:38 -- lykos: Sorry, but otter is already joined under your account. Please use '!swap' to join instead.
skizzerz commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 52bfcc63bde6dae3530c94f46bfb7ed7e53f6bb2