lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

Game didn't end when everyone left #487

Open fndax opened 2 years ago

fndax commented 2 years ago

minetester created a game and then left it, then pony tried creating another game but it joined the existing one (didn't show the game creation message, didn't reset timer):

06:00:21 < minetester> !j def 2am indeed
06:00:22 <@lykos> minetester has started a game of Werewolf. Type "!join" to join. Type "!start" to vote to start the game. Type "!wait" to increase the start wait time.
06:00:22 -- Mode #werewolf [+v minetester] by lykos
06:00:22 <@lykos> minetester votes for the default game mode.
06:04:03 <+minetester> !q dl some stuff
06:04:04 <@lykos> minetester went spelunking and never made it back. No more players remaining.
06:04:04 -- Mode #werewolf [-v minetester] by lykos
06:08:25 < pony> !join
06:08:25 <@lykos> pony's wagon broke down near the village, so they had no choice but to join. They raised the number of players to 1.
06:08:25 -- Mode #werewolf [+v pony] by lykos
06:08:47 < dax> hrm
06:08:54 < dax> !time
06:08:54 -- lykos: There is 21:27 remaining until the game is canceled if it's not started.
fndax commented 2 years ago

A more obvious/fun example of this breakage:

18:57:55 <@lykos> Zorua was mauled by wild animals and has died. No more players remaining.
19:00:31 < dax> !time
19:00:32 -- lykos: There is 08:12 remaining until the game is canceled if it's not started.
jacob1 commented 1 year ago

Seems to be happening again

Fri 10-21 [21:52:47] auror (~auror@user/auror) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) Fri 10-21 [21:52:47] <lykos> auror was mauled by wild animals and has died. New player count: 1 Fri 10-21 [21:57:31] codebam1 (~codebam@user/codebam) [codebam] has joined #werewolf Fri 10-21 [21:59:54] codebam (~codebam@user/codebam) has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) Fri 10-21 [21:59:54] <lykos> codebam was mauled by wild animals and has died. No more players remaining. Fri 10-21 [22:08:03] <pony> !j Fri 10-21 [22:08:03] <lykos> pony wandered into the village while looking for a signal. Luckily, the village has free Wi-Fi. They raised the number of players to 1. Fri 10-21 [22:08:04] lykos gives voice to pony Fri 10-21 [22:09:18] * lykos removes voice from pony Fri 10-21 [22:09:19] <lykos> PING! pony Fri 10-21 [22:09:19] <lykos> The current game took too long to start and has been canceled. If you are still active, you can join again to start a new game.

fndax commented 1 year ago

Another one:

17:15:05 <-- polak-maly has quit (Quit: Client closed)
17:15:05 <@lykos> polak-maly was mauled by wild animals and has died. No more players remaining.
17:38:12 <@lykos> The current game took too long to start and has been canceled. If you are still active, you can join again to start a new game.

Perhaps notable that in both of the recent cases, the game ended because of a QUIT?

fndax commented 1 year ago

Happened again, also due to a QUIT:

16:38:26 <@lykos> miney has started a game of Werewolf. Type "!join" to join. Type "!start" to vote to start the game. Type "!wait" to increase the start wait time.
16:53:10 <-- miney (~miney@user/minetester) has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
16:53:10 <@lykos> miney was mauled by wild animals and has died. No more players remaining.
16:55:47 < pony> !j
16:55:47 <@lykos> pony was led into the village while foraging. They raised the number of players to 1.
16:55:47 -- Mode #werewolf [+v pony] by lykos
16:57:06 < dax> !t
16:57:07 <@lykos> There is 11:19 remaining until the game is canceled if it's not started```