lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
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Master of Teleportation can act multiple times in one night #508

Open fndax opened 2 years ago

fndax commented 2 years ago

Master of Teleportation can act multiple times in one night. Checked in #lykos, jacob1 says it's a bug, so filing.

lykos PM log:

06:31:10 < lykos> You are a master of teleportation. Each night, you teleport players around. Use "choose <nick1> <nick2>" to swap the positions of the chosen players. You win as long as you are alive at the end of the game.
06:31:10 < lykos> Players: iovoid, pony, dax, auror, el, tris, and misha
06:32:02 < dax> choose misha pony
06:32:03 < lykos> You have swapped the positions of misha and pony!
06:32:10 < dax> !stats
06:32:11 < lykos> 7 players: iovoid, misha, dax, auror, el, tris, and pony
06:32:11 < lykos> It is currently night. There is 1 wolf, 1 insomniac, 1 mad scientist, 1 vengeful ghost, 1 crazed shaman, 1 master of teleportation, and 1 villager.
06:32:17 < dax> choose misha auror
06:32:18 < lykos> You have swapped the positions of misha and auror!
06:32:19 < dax> !stats
06:32:20 < lykos> 7 players: iovoid, auror, dax, misha, el, tris, and pony
06:32:20 < lykos> It is currently night. There is 1 wolf, 1 insomniac, 1 mad scientist, 1 vengeful ghost, 1 crazed shaman, 1 master of teleportation, and 1 villager.

(Additionally, !stats immediately updates during night, not sure if that's intentional or not but figured I'd mention it just in case it's not.)