lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
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Information leak swapping via exchange totem #510

Closed jacob1 closed 2 years ago

jacob1 commented 2 years ago

I was wolf with an exchange totem, and pony was shaman. pony gave me a totem and triggered the swap, and I was told pony was wolf:

Tue 05-24 [00:05:06] pony is now a wolf! Tue 05-24 [00:05:07] You are now a shaman.

Additionally, pony's "wolflist" claimed I was wolf:

4:05:08 PM You are now a wolf. 4:05:08 PM Players: el, farzat, tris, jacob1 (wolf), Cass, and misha (cursed) Some kind of transactional swap needs to be done, so that we both swap and correct information is presented to us.