lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

GA can end night by passing then guarding #514

Closed meldra closed 1 year ago

meldra commented 1 year ago

Accidentally passed instead of guarding myself, corrected and caused night to end and robbed village of an augur action.


2022-08-15 22:22:32     <@lykos>        misha, farzat, garou, el, pony, dax, and auror: Welcome to Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia). Using the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-15 22:22:32     --      Mode #werewolf [+m] by lykos
2022-08-15 22:22:33     <@lykos>        It is now nighttime. All players check for PMs from me for instructions. If you did not receive one, simply sit back, relax, and wait patiently for morning.
2022-08-15 22:22:33     <+pony> !stats start?
2022-08-15 22:22:34     <@lykos>        7 players: misha, farzat, garou, el, pony, dax, and auror
2022-08-15 22:22:34     <@lykos>        It is currently night. There is 1 wolf, 1 augur, 0-1 guardian angels, 0-1 vigilantes, 1 wild child, and 3 villagers.
2022-08-15 22:22:37     <+pony> ok
2022-08-15 22:22:42     <+pony> misha seen cute wolf
2022-08-15 22:22:47     <+misha>        farzat goes awoo
2022-08-15 22:22:51     <+garou(Minetester)>    pov
2022-08-15 22:22:53     <+el>   wiggle wiggle wiggle
2022-08-15 22:22:54     <+dax>  el seen cute villager
2022-08-15 22:22:56     <+garou(Minetester)>    pob
2022-08-15 22:23:08     <+dax>  el: lmao
2022-08-15 22:23:12     <@lykos>        Night lasted 00:39. It is now daytime. The villagers awake, thankful for surviving the night, and search the village... 
2022-08-15 22:23:12     <@lykos>        The dead body of garou, a wild child, is found. Those remaining mourn the tragedy.
2022-08-15 22:23:12     --      Mode #werewolf [-v garou] by lykos
2022-08-15 22:23:12     <@lykos>        The villagers must now vote for whom to lynch. Use "!lynch <nick>" to cast your vote. 4 votes are required to lynch.

lykos pm

2022-08-15 22:22:32     --      lykos: You are a guardian angel. It is your job to protect the villagers. If you guard a victim, they will live. You may not guard the same person two nights in a row. Use "guard <nick>" to guard a player.
2022-08-15 22:22:32     --      lykos: You may also guard yourself.
2022-08-15 22:22:33     --      lykos: Players: auror, dax, pony, farzat, el, misha, and garou
2022-08-15 22:23:07     <el>    pass
2022-08-15 22:23:08     --      lykos: You have chosen not to guard anyone tonight.
2022-08-15 22:23:11     <el>    guard el
2022-08-15 22:23:11     --      lykos: You have decided to guard yourself tonight.

Farzat pm

2022-08-15 22:26:30     <farzat>        I'm augur
2022-08-15 22:26:42     <el>    who did you see?
2022-08-15 22:26:59     <farzat>        Didn't see anyone
2022-08-15 22:27:08     <farzat>        Missed the notification that the game started
2022-08-15 22:27:10     <el>    you had to have seen someone, night ended at 39s
2022-08-15 22:28:31     <farzat>        Well it IS weird
2022-08-15 22:28:45     <farzat>        Cuz It didn't say that I didn't act on my role
fndax commented 1 year ago

Reproduced in debug mode on current master. Transcript:

2022-08-16 18:26:39     <@dax>  !j
2022-08-16 18:26:39     <@soweli>       dax has started a game of Werewolf. Type "!join" to join. Type "!start" to vote to start the game. Type "!wait" to increase the start wait time.
2022-08-16 18:26:39     --      Mode ##dax-lykos [+v dax] by soweli
2022-08-16 18:26:42     <@dax>  !fjoin 1 2 3 4 5 6
2022-08-16 18:26:42     <@soweli>       dax used fjoin and raised the number of players to 7.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@dax>  !force * v masq
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       dax votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       1 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       2 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       3 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       4 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       5 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:46     <@soweli>       6 votes for the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:47     <@soweli>       Operation successful.
2022-08-16 18:26:50     <@dax>  !frole dax:guardian angel
2022-08-16 18:26:50     <@soweli>       Operation successful.
2022-08-16 18:26:52     <@dax>  !fstart
2022-08-16 18:26:53     <@soweli>       dax has forced the game to start.
2022-08-16 18:26:53     <@soweli>       dax, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6: Welcome to Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia). Using the masquerade game mode.
2022-08-16 18:26:53     --      Mode ##dax-lykos [+m] by soweli
2022-08-16 18:26:58     <@soweli>       It is now nighttime. All players check for PMs from me for instructions. If you did not receive one, simply sit back, relax, and wait patiently for morning.

2022-08-16 18:26:53     -- soweli       You are a guardian angel. It is your job to protect the villagers. If you guard a victim, they will live. You may not guard the same person two nights in a row. Use "guard <nick>" to guard a player.
2022-08-16 18:26:54     -- soweli       You may also guard yourself.
2022-08-16 18:26:59     -- dax  pass
2022-08-16 18:27:00     -- soweli       You have chosen not to guard anyone tonight.
2022-08-16 18:27:02     -- dax  guard dax
2022-08-16 18:27:02     -- soweli       You have decided to guard yourself tonight.

Back to channel:
2022-08-16 18:27:22     <@dax>  !force 4 kill 3
2022-08-16 18:27:22     <@soweli>       Operation successful.
2022-08-16 18:27:43     <@dax>  !force 3 choose dax
2022-08-16 18:27:43     <@soweli>       Night lasted 00:50. It is now daytime. The villagers awake, thankful for surviving the night, and search the village... 
2022-08-16 18:27:43     <@soweli>       The dead body of 3, a wild child, is found. Those remaining mourn the tragedy.
2022-08-16 18:27:43     <@soweli>       The villagers must now vote for whom to lynch. Use "!lynch <nick>" to cast your vote. 4 votes are required to lynch.
2022-08-16 18:27:43     <@soweli>       Operation successful.