lykoss / lykos

Werewolf, the popular detective/social party game (a theme of Mafia)
127 stars 63 forks source link

Dead VG regains +v if they !swap #523

Closed fndax closed 2 months ago

fndax commented 2 months ago
18:52:40 <@lykos> The angry villagers tie garou to a pole and burn them at the stake. It seems that a vengeful ghost's body doesn't burn that well, after all.
18:52:40 garou was de-voiced (-v) by @lykos
18:56:26 → minetester joined (~miney@user/minetester)
18:56:32 +minetester was voiced (+v) by @lykos
18:56:32 garou was de-voiced (-v) by @lykos
18:56:32 <@lykos> minetester has swapped places with garou.
18:56:52 <+bot> !stats
18:56:52 <@lykos> 4 players: codebam, bot, wiscii, and hsz_
18:56:52 <@lykos> It is currently day. There is 1 wolf, no traitors, no seers, no shamans, no vengeful ghosts, and 3 villagers.
18:56:57 <+bot> !fsync
18:56:58 minetester was de-voiced (-v) by @lykos