lymperis-e / qgis_remote_db_plugin

A QGIS plugin to open SSH connections to remote database servers
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Failed connection through a proxy #6

Closed SLeitgeb closed 3 weeks ago

SLeitgeb commented 3 weeks ago

We're trying to use the plugin to set up a connection to an internal database using a SSH tunnel.

The same connection works fine using a VPN (either directly or using the plugin), or using a SSH tunnel via a terminal:

$ ssh -L 5433: jump-db

The hosts are set up in ~/.ssh/config:

Host jump
    HostName XY # public IP
    User foo
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/jump-key

Host jump-db
    HostName YZ # private IP
    ProxyJump jump
    User foo
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/jump-key

However, when configured using this plugin, the connection is shown as established (a green dot in the Connections list), but the DB connection itself fails with:

connection to server at "", port 5455 failed: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally before or while processing the request.

Plugin connections config follows:

  "connections": [
      "name": "Test Jump",
      "host": "YZ",
      "ssh_port": 22,
      "remote_bind_address": "",
      "remote_port": 5432,
      "local_port": 5455,
      "username": "foo",
      "password": null,
      "id_file": "/home/me/.ssh/jump-key",
      "pkey_password": null,
      "ssh_proxy": "XY",
      "ssh_proxy_enabled": true

Did you encounter anything similar or have any pointers which way to go? We'd be glad to help and participate in the solution.

SLeitgeb commented 3 weeks ago

I just confirmed that the same DB connection also works using the sshtunnel library directly:

import paramiko
import sshtunnel

from time import sleep


with sshtunnel.open_tunnel(
    remote_bind_address=(PRIVATE_SERVER_IP, 5432),
    local_bind_address=('', 5455)
) as tunnel:
    while True:
SLeitgeb commented 3 weeks ago

So sorry, it seems I got one of the parameters wrong, setting remote_bind_address to the YZ IP worked.