lyndonzheng / Synthetic2Realistic

[ECCV 2018]: T2Net: Synthetic-to-Realistic Translation for Depth Estimation Tasks
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Separate training #9

Closed JohannaSpr closed 6 years ago

JohannaSpr commented 6 years ago

In your paper, you mention that you experimented also with separated training. In is an argument --separate, but I could not find it anywhere in the code! Could you explain how the separated training works?

lyndonzheng commented 6 years ago

@JohannaSpr This is our missing. Since the separate training always get worse result, that's we delete this separate training function in the final multi-gpu version. If you want to try separate training, an easy way is to set the "---lambda_rec_lab","--lambda_gan_feature" and "--lambda_smooth" to 0. Then, using this pre-trained translation network to train the task network.

JohannaSpr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the fast answer!