lyndsey-ferguson / fastlane-plugin-test_center

🎯 The best fastlane plugin to understand and tame misbehaving iOS tests 🎉
MIT License
285 stars 66 forks source link

Code coverage is lost for first multi_scan run #330

Open john-mejia opened 3 years ago

john-mejia commented 3 years ago

New Issue Checklist

If you love this fastlane plugin, consider sponsoring it or asking your company to sponsor it. I would really appreciate any gesture: 😍

✅ fastlane environment ✅ ### Stack | Key | Value | | --------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | OS | 11.2.1 | | Ruby | 2.6.1 | | Bundler? | true | | Git | git version 2.24.3 (Apple Git-128) | | Installation Source | ~/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bin/fastlane | | Host | macOS 11.2.1 (20D74) | | Ruby Lib Dir | ~/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1/lib | | OpenSSL Version | OpenSSL 1.0.2q 20 Nov 2018 | | Is contained | false | | Is homebrew | false | | Is installed via | false | | Xcode Path | /Applications/ | | Xcode Version | 12.4 | ### System Locale | Variable | Value | | | -------- | ----------- | - | | LANG | en_US.UTF-8 | ✅ | | LC_ALL | | | | LANGUAGE | | | ### fastlane files:
`./fastlane/Fastfile` ```ruby # This file contains the configuration # You can find the documentation at # # For a list of all available actions, check out # # # # For a list of all available plugins, check out # # # # Uncomment the line if you want fastlane to automatically update itself # update_fastlane default_platform(:ios) platform :ios do desc 'Run tests (and re-run flakes)' lane :test do test_run_block = lambda do |testrun_info| failed_test_count = testrun_info[:failed].size if failed_test_count > 0 UI.important('The run of tests would finish with failures due to fragile tests here.') try_attempt = testrun_info[:try_count] if try_attempt < 2 UI.header('Since we are using :multi_scan, we can re-run just those failing tests!') end end end result = multi_scan( workspace: File.absolute_path('../testCoverage.xcworkspace'), try_count: 1, fail_build: true, include_simulator_logs: false, scheme: 'testCoverage', testrun_completed_block: test_run_block, code_coverage: true, ) unless result[:failed_testcount].zero? UI.message("There are #{result[:failed_testcount]} legitimate failing tests") end end end ```
`./fastlane/Appfile` ```ruby # app_identifier("[[APP_IDENTIFIER]]") # The bundle identifier of your app # apple_id("[[APPLE_ID]]") # Your Apple email address # For more information about the Appfile, see: # ```
### fastlane gems | Gem | Version | Update-Status | | -------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane | 2.176.0 | ✅ Up-To-Date | ### Loaded fastlane plugins: | Plugin | Version | Update-Status | | --------------------------- | ------- | ------------- | | fastlane-plugin-test_center | 3.15.3 | ✅ Up-To-Date |
Loaded gems | Gem | Version | | ----------------------------- | ------------ | | did_you_mean | 1.3.0 | | bundler | 2.2.7 | | rake | 13.0.3 | | CFPropertyList | 3.0.3 | | public_suffix | 4.0.6 | | addressable | 2.7.0 | | artifactory | 3.0.15 | | atomos | 0.1.3 | | aws-eventstream | 1.1.0 | | aws-partitions | 1.429.0 | | aws-sigv4 | 1.2.2 | | jmespath | 1.4.0 | | aws-sdk-core | 3.112.0 | | aws-sdk-kms | 1.42.0 | | aws-sdk-s3 | 1.88.1 | | babosa | 1.0.4 | | claide | 1.0.3 | | colored | 1.2 | | colored2 | 3.1.2 | | colorize | 0.8.1 | | highline | 1.7.10 | | commander-fastlane | 4.4.6 | | declarative | 0.0.20 | | declarative-option | 0.1.0 | | digest-crc | 0.6.3 | | unf_ext | | | unf | 0.1.4 | | domain_name | 0.5.20190701 | | dotenv | 2.7.6 | | emoji_regex | 3.2.2 | | excon | 0.79.0 | | faraday-net_http | 1.0.1 | | multipart-post | 2.0.0 | | ruby2_keywords | 0.0.4 | | faraday | 1.3.0 | | http-cookie | 1.0.3 | | faraday-cookie_jar | 0.0.7 | | faraday_middleware | 1.0.0 | | fastimage | 2.2.2 | | gh_inspector | 1.1.3 | | jwt | 2.2.2 | | memoist | 0.16.2 | | multi_json | 1.15.0 | | os | 1.1.1 | | signet | 0.14.1 | | googleauth | 0.15.1 | | httpclient | 2.8.3 | | mini_mime | 1.0.2 | | uber | 0.1.0 | | representable | 3.0.4 | | retriable | 3.1.2 | | google-api-client | 0.38.0 | | rexml | 3.2.4 | | webrick | 1.7.0 | | google-apis-core | 0.2.1 | | google-apis-iamcredentials_v1 | 0.1.0 | | google-apis-storage_v1 | 0.2.0 | | google-cloud-env | 1.4.0 | | google-cloud-errors | 1.0.1 | | google-cloud-core | 1.5.0 | | google-cloud-storage | 1.30.0 | | json | 2.5.1 | | mini_magick | 4.11.0 | | naturally | 2.2.1 | | plist | 3.6.0 | | rubyzip | 2.3.0 | | security | 0.1.3 | | simctl | 1.6.8 | | slack-notifier | 2.3.2 | | terminal-notifier | 2.0.0 | | unicode-display_width | 1.7.0 | | terminal-table | 1.8.0 | | tty-screen | 0.8.1 | | tty-cursor | 0.7.1 | | tty-spinner | 0.9.3 | | word_wrap | 1.0.0 | | nanaimo | 0.3.0 | | xcodeproj | 1.19.0 | | rouge | 2.0.7 | | xcpretty | 0.3.0 | | xcpretty-travis-formatter | 1.0.1 | | trainer | 0.9.1 | | xctest_list | 1.2.1 | | fastlane-plugin-test_center | 3.15.3 |
*generated on:* **2021-02-25**
Patrick-Kladek commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue. Is there a known workaround?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 3 years ago

Hi @Patrick-Kladek , I'm not aware of any workaround yet. However, you may want to use the testrun_completed_block to pass in a code block that finds and moves the code coverage file out and then add some code in your fastlane to combine them into one code coverage file.

Here is an example of how to use the block:

lyndsey-ferguson commented 2 years ago

I want to apologize that I have not responded to this issue. A family health issue is requiring me to narrow my focus on the essentials and I don't have the time I need to focus on the plugin more than a minute. If you can get some other contributors to this project to help with this, I would consider merging a resulting PR.