lyndsey-ferguson / fastlane-plugin-test_center

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Code coverage final results after failing tests #87

Closed fabioknoedt closed 5 years ago

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

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Question Subject

Code coverage final results after failing tests

Question Description

I have the feeling there are similar questions but yet not the same. This issue was supposed to fix this but it still doesn't work for me: #33 So, I was wondering if the plugin is supposed to support the use case:

Is the plugin supposed to unify all test coverages and return 85% + ~5%?


lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I attempted to resolve that issue as I mentioned here. Do you see multiple code coverage reports? What tool are you using to generate the final report?

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

Hey @lyndsey-ferguson, thanks for answering!

Do you see multiple code coverage reports? I am not sure as it is not printed in the logs. Is there an easy way for printing or inspecting the files created (i am running in the CI).

That's my Fastlane lane:

  desc "runs all the tests"
  lane :test do

    number_retries = 3

    test_run_block = lambda do |testrun_info|
      puts testrun_info
      failed_test_count = testrun_info[:failed].size
      if failed_test_count > 0
        UI.important('The run of tests would finish with failures due to fragile tests here.')
        try_attempt = testrun_info[:try_count]
        if try_attempt < number_retries
          UI.header('Since we are using :multi_scan, we can re-run just those failing tests!')

    result = multi_scan(
      workspace: "Aiden.xcworkspace",
      try_count: number_retries,
      fail_build: false,
      devices: ["iPhone 8"],
      skip_slack: true,
      code_coverage: true,
      only_testing: ["AidenTests", "AidenUITests"],
      derived_data_path: "../DerivedData",
      output_types: "junit",
      disable_concurrent_testing: true,
      testrun_completed_block: test_run_block

    trainer(path: "../DerivedData", output_directory: ".")
    slather(simple_output: true) # first display in the logs
    slather # then creates the file for Code Climate

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I think that the way you have written your lane, the results will be in test_output directory. You should see multiple xccoverage files.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

I just checked it locally and it is generating one single file called Coverage.profdata

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

If I recall correctly, slather is responsible for converting xccoverage files to that profdata format. Can you comment out those two lines and see if it generates multiple xccoverage files?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I could be wrong

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

@fabioknoedtbcgdv have you had a chance to comment out the slather lines to see if we get xccoverage files?

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

@lyndsey-ferguson still no xccoverage file, only Coverage.profdata

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Ok, so probably your project is generating the code coverage reports in a way that I did not anticipate. You could modify your test_run_block lambda to rename the Coverage.profdata to Coverage-#{try_attempt} so that each test run does not overwrite the Coverage report. Then, when slather runs, it will handle all the files.

If you could attach a sample project that exhibits the same problem, I can take a look at fixing this issue in multi_scan itself.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't attach my project but I could send you separated files if you tell me which ones you would look at. Also, I will try what you said. Are you sure Slather will combine the files instead of summing up coverages?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I don't need your project, but if you could put together a sample project that has similar settings, and a Fastfile that runs multi_scan that generates the code coverage files in the same way that your project is. That would help me solve the issue quickly (rather than trying to intuit my way through it from some files).

From what I've seen, slather does combine the results, but I don't use the tool so I am only guessing from my experience in fixing the issue that I referenced earlier.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

So, I cloned my project and removed everything and just left the configuration with some flaky tests. I hope it helps you debugging. Let me know if I can help further. And thanks a lot!

For setup: bundle install pod install fastlane ios test

You will see that even failing multiple times, only one file gets created Coverage.profdata and gets replaced in every multi_scan run.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Thank you, I'll use this to investigate the issue. I have two other issues that I am working on in front of this.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

Cool, thanks! I am here if you need anything else.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

@lyndsey-ferguson hey, have you tried to run my attached project?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

No, not yet, I still have one other issue in front of this that I'm working on.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Hi @lyndsey-ferguson,

If I understand correctly, code coverage is considered only for first run. Subsequent runs do not collect code coverage report. Is that correct?

My project generates action.xccovreport file and directory "action.xccovarchive" for code coverage, these are generated under 1_Test directory. Is it possible to generate coverage under 2_Test directory for 2nd run and so on? I could copy all coverage files under one directory and do

xcrun xccov view Build/Logs/Test/*.xccovreport --json

Further process the json to get the overall code coverage and other info. Kindly let me know your thoughts.

Thanks, Jinesh

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Also, this can be done to get one file.

xcrun xccov view reports/**/*.xccovreport > test.xccovreport
lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

@jineshqa are you seeing that there is a 2_Test directory? Or are you suggesting not turning off code coverage and creating a 2_Test directory?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

If you do see that there is such a directory, you could put some code in a testrun_completed_block option for multi_scan and perform the calls you outlined.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago


And people ask me why I like this plugin...speed of response...Thank you so much..

I am suggesting not turning off or providing a choice of not turning off code coverage and create 2_Test directory.

Currently, there is no 2_Test directory created and at the end all the results are merged and I see only 1 directory.

Thanks, Jinesh

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Hm. From what I remember when I worked with the code in the results_bundles (not sure of the name directly), xcodebuild creates those folders for you. I'd have to rename those directories.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

You can see that here:

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I'd be willing to guide you on fixing this if you want to take it on? I still have one other issue that I want to fix first.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

I've not used Ruby at all but I can try. Also, while reading code I noticed this line, which indicates that you are deleting code coverage option on the subsequent run.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Right, that's where I "turn it off".

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Also, If I comment this line under function collate_test_result_bundles _testcenter would not delete the result bundle directories at end of result collation. Then I and others could converge coverage files to get full coverage. Is that right?

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

That's right, but the "collation" should bring everything together and those other directories are redundant.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Below shell command can collate the coverage files. I am not sure if we have anything in fastlane/Ruby to do that. Is it OK to call a shell command from collate function?

xcrun xccov view reports/**/*.xccovreport > test.xccovreport

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

See line 5 from bottom starting with exec

def collate_test_result_bundles(output_directory, reportnamer)
        test_result_bundlepaths = Dir.glob("#{output_directory}/#{@scan_options[:scheme]}*.test_result").map do |relative_test_result_bundle_filepath|
        if test_result_bundlepaths.size > 1
          config = FastlaneCore::Configuration.create(
              bundles: test_result_bundlepaths.sort { |f1, f2| File.mtime(f1) <=> File.mtime(f2) },
              collated_bundle: File.join(output_directory, @scan_options[:scheme]) + '.test_result'

          exec( "xcrun xccov view #{output_directory}/**/*.xccovreport > #{@scan_options[:scheme]}.xccovreport" )
        retried_test_result_bundlepaths = Dir.glob("#{output_directory}/#{@scan_options[:scheme]}_*.test_result")
lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Actually, that would be better done in the CollateTestResultBundlesAction method here:

You can call the shell command similar to this:

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

What happens if there are no xccovreport files and you send it to xcrun xccov view?

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Could you kindly explain why should the change be made at Is CollateTestResultBundlesAction automatically called at the end of test run?

If there are no xccovreport file we get an error, so I need to check if @scan_options[:code_coverage] is set to true or not.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Fastlane::Actions::CollateTestResultBundlesAction is responsible for the collation, which your shell command is doing. I'd rather have the logic for collation in one place. You can see the action called on the line above your shell command example.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

As this shell command is only valid if the files exist, you can add a check. I will add an example in a moment

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Thanks, understood. Let me fork the repo and take a stab.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

At the beginning of the collate_test_result_bundles.rb:

require 'shellwords'

Later where I suggested:

xccovreports = []
test_result_bundlepaths.each do |test_result_bundlepath|
unless xccovreports.empty?
  bundle_name = File.basename(params[:collated_bundle], '.*')
  bundle_dir = File.dirname(params[:collated_bundle])
  sh("xcrun xccov view #{xccovreports.shelljoin} > #{bundle_dir}/#{bundle_name}.xccovreport ", print_command: false, print_command_output: false)
lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

@jineshqa you may find this document helpful too

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

@lyndsey-ferguson I was wrong about xcrun xccov view reports/**/*.xccovreport > test.xccovreport command or there is a bug. Either way the result file, test.xccovreport, is not readable. I tried to not delete the redundant directories and generate coverage data, but coverage report generated is also incorrect. Same set of tests produce different coverage when run from xcode.

Let me know if you have any other ideas.

Thanks, Jinesh

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

What if you converted the xccovreport to json for each test_bundle and then collate the json? Would a final json report give you what you want? Or, does the "view" command only display a GUI with the report (which not help in this case)?

Otherwise, we would have to parse the report ourselves.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

What if you use the gem to convert the report file to json or html and then collate the results?

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Let me try using xcov, if it is able to handle multiple xccovreport files, then we may be able to use it.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

Even if it cannot, you can still process each xccovreport file to create a separate json, and the individual json files can be collated.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago xcov hardcodes the coverage file location. I have created an issue with them. Let's see

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

If you run the xcov tool after each run to convert the file to json, you should be able to collect each one after the entire multi_scan is complete and collate them.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

You mean xcov or xccov?

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

Also collating json file in this case would be a challenge. For example lets say that we ran 2 test cases which covers same class file. In the first run 1 test case passed and 1 failed. So now code coverage for both the runs may have some line coverage overlap. So we'll need to identify and recalculate line coverage accordingly, we can't simply add.

jineshqa commented 5 years ago

@lyndsey-ferguson There is something else that I observed about the original bug logged i.e. issue#87. When tests run 2nd time original test bundle directory is renamed. For example lets say test bundle is named as test_bundle.test_result during 2nd run this directory is renamed to test_bundle_1.test_result. 2nd run bundle is named as test_bundle.test_result, which is then considered as base bundle in collation code. Since there is no handling for coverage file it is never copied from _1 to this base folder and hence lost. Which is the behavior mentioned in this issue. I am not an expert but this is what I think is happening please correct me if I am missing something.

lyndsey-ferguson commented 5 years ago

I think that you could be correct. I have not built in technology to "collate" the coverage reports, so the only report that exists is the one that was generated in the 1st bundle. That's where the suggestion I made may work.

fabioknoedt commented 5 years ago

hi @jineshqa! did you make it to work?