lynks-- / lifebar

Transparent workspace bar for i3 window manager.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Strange behavior with special numbered: named workspaces #11

Closed ViktorNova closed 10 years ago

ViktorNova commented 10 years ago

This is hard to explain with text, so here is a screenshot. Lifebar doesn't seem to like having : colons in the workspace name. My workspaces are numbered like

1: Session
2: Patchbay

etc, but when I click on them in lifebar, it creates an extra workspace with the colon stripped out, so I end up having something like this:

1: Session
2: Patchbay
2 Patchbay

as displayed in i3bar, and lifebar doesn't show the colons at all

Here's a screenshot with i3bar on top and lifebar on the bottom (this behavior only happens when the workspace is clicked on in lifebar, not when switched to with key commands or clicked in i3bar) image

lynks-- commented 10 years ago

Interesting. It is clearly sending the wrong workspace name to i3, which dutifully creates a new one. The workspace-clicking is broken in many ways right now, so it's already high on my list :) however it slips my mind as a non mouse user. I'll have a look.

ViktorNova commented 10 years ago

Just did a fresh pull/build (I've been using a months old version) and this issue seems to be fixed!

cig0 commented 9 years ago

Hello, How can I rename the workspaces in lifebar?

lynks-- commented 9 years ago

Lifebar just takes the names you use in i3 and displays them. In your i3 config you will find some lines that look like:

bindsym Mod1+1 workspace 1

Which means: when I press Alt+1, switch to workspace "1"

"1" is actually the workspace name.

You can see this by interacting with i3 using i3-msg, open a terminal and try the following:

i3-msg workspace foo

cig0 commented 9 years ago

That was fast, TY :)