lynndylanhurley / devise_token_auth

Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
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How to add custom routes to devise auth token passwords controller. #1245

Open naseeratevolverstech opened 5 years ago

naseeratevolverstech commented 5 years ago

i want to add some routes to passwords controller like given below

post 'api/auth/password/verify_code', to: 'api/users/passwords#verify_code' post 'api/auth/password/change_password', to: 'api/users/passwords#change_password'

i am unable to do that. i have tried following syntex given in a post for routes

MaicolBen commented 5 years ago

did you set controllers in mount_devise_token_auth_for ? what's error? aren't they showing when you do rake routes ?

buncis commented 5 years ago

what is your environment ? if in vanilla rails(non api mode) the syntax will give this error

Unknown Action

Could not find devise mapping for path "api/auth/password/verify-code". This may happen for two reasons: 1) You forgot to wrap your route inside the scope block. For example: devise_scope :user do get "/some/route" => "some_devise_controller" end 2) You are testing a Devise controller bypassing the router. If so, you can explicitly tell Devise which mapping to use: @request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]

it told me to put the routes inside devise scope so I need to do this

  devise_for :users, :skip => [:registrations, :passwords, :sessions]

  namespace 'api', defaults: {format: 'json'} do 
    mount_devise_token_auth_for 'User', at: 'user-auth', controllers: {
      registrations: 'api/auth/registrations',
      sessions: 'api/auth/sessions',
      passwords: 'api/users/passwords'
    # it seems devise_scope can be changed with as :user
    devise_scope :user do
      post 'api/auth/password/verify-code', to: 'api/users/passwords#verify_code'
      post 'api/auth/password/change-password', to: 'api/users/passwords#change_password'

if I remove the devise_for :users it give error as in top

this workaround is have another error though

the sign_in method is giving

wrong number of arguments (given 9, expected 2)

from this block

        def serialize_from_session(key, salt)
          record = to_adapter.get(key)
          record if record && record.authenticatable_salt == salt

or sign_in method

@MaicolBen is sign_in method is from vanilla devise? because the method is nowhere to be found in this repo