lynndylanhurley / devise_token_auth

Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
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validate_token changes/encrypts cookie #1537

Open mdodell opened 2 years ago

mdodell commented 2 years ago


When we call the validate_token endpoint using Cookies, it overrides the cookie which contains important information like the access token, etc. I can't tell if it is either encrypting the token (when it was not encrypted upon signing up/logging in, or not.

I have created a minimum-replication Rails app, which can be found here. I have also showcased this issue in Postman, with example endpoints to run, as well as examples of what their responses are.

The main issue is when calling this endpoint with a cookie gained from signing or logging in, the cookie is then set to a new cookie, and encrypted/scrambled.

Template Information

gem 'devise_token_auth', '>= 1.2.0', git: "" - this was needed to get it working with Rails 7

I have examples saved on this public Postman workspace.

I am using Cookies, so I have done the following. Secure will be set to true in a PROD environment, but it is needed as false in order to showcase this on Postman.

  config.change_headers_on_each_request = true
  config.token_cost = Rails.env.test? ? 4 : 10
  config.cookie_enabled = true
  config.cookie_name = "testing-dta"
  config.cookie_attributes = {
    http_only: true,
    secure: false,
    same_site: "None"


I am using this in API only mode, to be used with a React SPA later on. However, this is a backend issue.

theblang commented 2 years ago

Hey @mdodell ! Check out this doc about SameSite=None. It looks like your current config will result in the cookie being blocked.

mdodell commented 2 years ago

Hey @theblang - I tested this with a Heroku app as well, with the following config:

  config.cookie_enabled = true
  config.cookie_name = "testing-dta"
  config.cookie_attributes = {
    http_only: true,
    secure: true,
    same_site: "None"

You can test it locally for yourself here:

Here is it running in Postman:

I'll leave that Heroku app running for now so you can also play with it yourself.

As you can see, the response header for the validate-token route is as follows:

[{"key":"Set-Cookie","value":"testing-dta=myrAWLEsUDXd24MTWQpGe4OznN62sWsqiWu0cF9qcghaBPhxVVgC4Q4Luvrbg0TbE996lY6cxoSlkqm%2F5n6gprjqjekEAdl5a1wz%2FkjZyy1wFaNpjuVXErf1YICHa7d4Y%2BYZftdz2rHnoJEvMfeZZYbEjcAn%2BAYNa9MuCfUuYPiIipl%2B1If6c3YxHn9vUVFv0YLuaTob9m0PMb49diKY7saDS03IG2RT3VgelzYMKxEx7zIZB5yXbPsPuiWJP4EydpOnlP%2BFksgt4e36XmEAAwWkHg%3D%3D--OqIZoXHw3CkWjdEb--bUxopeO9VFnUF8Plu0S2Og%3D%3D; path=/; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax"}]

SameSite is set to "Lax" and there is no Secure - even though they are configured in they are configured to be SameSite "None" and "Secure" as true in the config here.

TL;DR: The validate_token route is ignoring/not using the configuration for the cookies.