lynndylanhurley / devise_token_auth

Token based authentication for Rails JSON APIs. Designed to work with jToker and ng-token-auth.
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Ionic 2 and Devise Token Auth Facebook Login #962

Open seanmiddaugh opened 6 years ago

seanmiddaugh commented 6 years ago

How would one go about getting this to work with an Ionic 2 application? It seems everything is working through the browser but fails when I try to proceed with Facebook login through Ionic. Here's my Ionic 2 code to Login:

doFacebookLogin() {
    let objThis = this;
    this.fb.login(['public_profile', 'email'])
      .then(function (response) {
          responseNow => objThis.loginSuccess(responseNow),
          error => console.log(error)
      }, function (error) {
tryFacebookLogin(objParams) {
    return this.http.get(
    ).map((res) => this.apiService.extractData(res)).catch(this.apiService.handleError);

And my logs from Heroku:

[d9350f73-4cbc-400c-8296-0248b2454a64] Started GET "/api/auth/facebook?accessToken=EAAFDh9WxI34BAEpTy54mVhiZCUtGDcCdQgHg8yYxIfHCk0iciDUZCsrkZAdu9SJ8vCLMZChgt7QoGZBkzvWzNkFFLhwJEcCrxtRo9dJ8ioOsErwM8h2Kv8dileZAjACZAheVg7nIxd7gKX1kZALdY2Ve7rwFxLeg0eKCYfZBBHGkjaZALkwLY1tEktsKYfrBNAR6wii2LZBoQtUEKe0Acc8ZD&expiresIn=5107217&session_key=true&sig=...&userID=xxx" for at 2017-09-27 17:08:41 +0000
2017-09-27T17:08:41.505526+00:00 app[web.1]: [3c08d61c-4c30-4361-902a-cee8e15b63bc] Started GET "/omniauth/facebook?accessToken=EAAFDh9WxI34BAEpTy54mVhiZCUtGDcCdQgHg8yYxIfHCk0iciDUZCsrkZAdu9SJ8vCLMZChgt7QoGZBkzvWzNkFFLhwJEcCrxtRo9dJ8ioOsErwM8h2Kv8dileZAjACZAheVg7nIxd7gKX1kZALdY2Ve7rwFxLeg0eKCYfZBBHGkjaZALkwLY1tEktsKYfrBNAR6wii2LZBoQtUEKe0Acc8ZD&expiresIn=5107217&namespace_name=api&resource_class=User&session_key=true&sig=...&userID=xxx" for at 2017-09-27 17:08:41 +0000
2017-09-27T17:08:41.507171+00:00 app[web.1]: I, [2017-09-27T17:08:41.506900 #4]  INFO -- omniauth: (facebook) Request phase initiated.

Through the app, it seems to die at INFO -- omniauth: (facebook) Request phase initiated. every single time. It never proceeds to the callback.

Any ideas? Thanks!

zachfeldman commented 6 years ago

Hey @seanmiddaugh - have you tried setting this up locally before deploying to Heroku? If you do, you might be able to override the devise_token_auth controller methods and get a much better idea of why things are failing for you.

seanmiddaugh commented 6 years ago

@zachfeldman thanks for the response. Maybe this will lead to something. I'm now seeing the following which is the cause of it not hitting the callback:

Failed to load Response for preflight is invalid (redirect)

I've tested this on my Heroku server too and I'm getting the exact same response. Any ideas? I think I'm closer.

seanmiddaugh commented 6 years ago

@zachfeldman am I approaching this social login correctly?

zachfeldman commented 6 years ago

@seanmiddaugh sorry but I don't write Ionic apps so I'm not sure I can help you much further :(. Have you tried looking for sample Ionic 2 implementations for social login?