lynndylanhurley / ng-token-auth

Token based authentication module for angular.js.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Resend Confirmation Email #79

Open samstickland opened 9 years ago

samstickland commented 9 years ago


Is it possible to resend a confirmation email? I don't see the hooks in the API.



samstickland commented 9 years ago

I've dug into this a little further. The devise ConfirmationsController exposes two public methods, create and show, but devise_token_auth only defines show, not create. So it seems like devise_token_auth doesn't have the capability to resend confirmation emails, which would need to be the first step.

lynndylanhurley commented 9 years ago

@samstickland - I don't believe reconfirmation has been implemented. I'll be doing extensive work on this gem over the next few days, and I'll see what I can do about this issue.

samstickland commented 9 years ago

Excellent, thanks! Let me know if you want me to do any testing.

sdornan commented 9 years ago

Any updates on this?

mkhatib commented 9 years ago

Would love to hear if there's any updates on this as well.

mkhatib commented 9 years ago

I managed to add this by overriding confirmations controller as below and making calls to POST /auth/confirmation

If this looks good, I am happy to make a pull request.

    mount_devise_token_auth_for 'User', at: '/auth', controllers: {
      confirmations:  'api/v1/confirmations'
class Api::V1::ConfirmationsController < DeviseTokenAuth::ConfirmationsController

  def create
    unless resource_params[:email]
      return render json: {
        success: false,
        errors: ['You must provide an email address.']
      }, status: 400

    unless params[:redirect_url]
      return render json: {
        success: false,
        errors: ['Missing redirect url.']
      }, status: 400

    if resource_class.case_insensitive_keys.include?(:email)
      email = resource_params[:email].downcase
      email = resource_params[:email]

    q = "uid = ? AND provider='email'"

    # fix for mysql default case insensitivity
    if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name.downcase.starts_with? 'mysql'
      q = "BINARY uid = ? AND provider='email'"

    @resource = resource_class.where(q, email).first

    errors = nil

    if @resource
        redirect_url: params[:confirm_success_url],
        client_config: params[:config_name]
      errors = ["Unable to find user with email '#{email}'."]

    if errors
      render json: {
        success: false,
        errors: errors
      }, status: 400
      render json: {
        status: 'success',
        data:   @resource.as_json

stephenbaidu commented 9 years ago

Any updates on this? Can't see anything on this in the docs.

jasonaibrahim commented 8 years ago


dchersey commented 8 years ago


ronshoshani commented 8 years ago


angelxmoreno commented 8 years ago

@lynndylanhurley can we start adding "need help" labels to tickets like these. You don't have to do all the work. I'll even learn coffee-script if i have too 😝

booleanbetrayal commented 8 years ago

looks like we already had a helps wanted label already =]

v3rron commented 8 years ago

This is not ng-token-auth issue, but devise_token_auth. Can you please submit a PR to this repo? Thanks in advance.

alemata commented 7 years ago

hi! Any update on this?