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Let's deploy! #23

Closed pbechu closed 9 years ago

pbechu commented 10 years ago


I'm a beginner in Ruby (started to learn 2 months ago) and attended the two last meetups. I want to propose a tiny talk about deployment. I was just thinking of a simple thing which everybody can build in 5 minutes (from "rails new" to heroku and maybe with github and travis-ci). I think I can do the talk but i will need your help ;) If you think it's a good idea, i will prepare a draft and submit it here.

Tell me if it could be a good and relevant subject or if you think the subject could be improved.



PS: I recently discovered github pages (yes, i told you i was a beginner !). Maybe it's something that i can explain with this subject ?

dmathieu commented 10 years ago

I love the idea. Perhaps, since talks can't last for hours, an interesting way of doing this could be not to demonstrate the deployments, but to mention the diverse ways of deploying an app, with pros and cons for each. We have a talk planned about docker (#14). Perhaps both these talks can interact with each other.

michaelbaudino commented 10 years ago

It is a good idea. Try to keep it within 20~30 minutes max, but of course, feel free to submit a draft !

pbechu commented 10 years ago

I don't know docker and i'm not sure to fully understand what are the challenges behind this tool. An interesting way for an interaction could be (if it's relevant !) : as a beginner i build small apps ---> but my needs and my apps will grow ---> i will use more and more tools for the deployment ---> it will be too complex to maintain all the tools together ---> oh ! wait ! there are great things like docker for that !

I think it's a natural way for developers on many topics, like deployment. What do you think about that ?

michaelbaudino commented 10 years ago

It may be a continuity, indeed.

pbechu commented 10 years ago


I started to prepare this talk but i have a problem i can't solve about travis-ci. I was trying to create a new rails app and I wrote the file ".travis.yml" as described on their website. Even if I tried many configurations, it doesn't work (for example : It seems that the gem for the database isn't loaded (same issue with pg). I couldn't find a solution... Maybe do you know this problem ?

Thanks for your help ! Pierre-Baptiste.

EtienneDepaulis commented 10 years ago

@dmathieu is a Travis Expert :)

In my opinion Travis is not really relevant for a first deploy (never used it)

pbechu commented 10 years ago

Ok. I hope he could help me :) !

Do you have suggestions for sthg easier ? I found travis-ci because it was mentioned on the heroku website... So feel free to send me tools names which could be better for this talk ;)

EtienneDepaulis commented 10 years ago

Pourquoi cherches-tu à utiliser Travis ? Ce service sert principalement à lancer de grosses batteries de tests que tu ne peux plus faire tourner en local avant chaque commit (> 15/10 min) ainsi que sur les projets open source pour s'assurer que les PR ne cassent pas l'implémentation existante :)

pbechu commented 10 years ago

Ah ! Dans ce cas, ce n'est effectivement pas utile de le mettre en place pour des premiers déploiements. Tel que je me l'imaginais, c'était un outil assez répandu et facile à mettre en place qui permettait à partir d'un 'git push' de lancer les tests et de déployer si tout était bon. C'est pour ça que je voulais le présenter sur ce sujet. C'était également dans le but d'aller un peu plus loin que 'git init' et 'heroku create'.

Si tu pouvais m'orienter vers d'autres outils utiles dans le cadre de premiers déploiements, ce serait avec grand plaisir :)