lyricat / Hotot

A Twitter Client
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Don't pollute journals with every action Hotot does #575

Open Noxbru opened 10 years ago

Noxbru commented 10 years ago

When analyzing my journals after a crash or whatever, if I had Hotot runing I find a lot of lines pertaining to Hotot, similar to this:

Oct 11 12:12:43 Antergosi gnome-session[3096]: [Req] {"type":"GET","url":"***&oauth_nonce=**
Oct 11 12:12:43 Antergosi gnome-session[3096]: [Req] {"type":"GET","url":"***&oauth_nonce=**
Oct 11 12:12:43 Antergosi gnome-session[3096]: [Req] {"type":"GET","url":"***&oauth_nonce=**
Oct 11 12:12:43 Antergosi gnome-session[3096]: [Req] {"type":"GET","url":"***&oauth_nonce=**

And I'm almost sure that a lot more or lines are related to Hotot.

Is there a way to silent them so it is easier to analyze my journals?