Comment(s): Great work creating the html structure for the page. Excellent idea to use common classes and repeat various structures around the page to help keep styling and layout consistent and help keep your code DRY.
Criteria 2: Visual Layout for Both Desktop and Mobile Sizes
Score Level: 4
Comment(s): Desktop and mobile views both look great.
Comment(s): Great job implementing media queries and other bits of responsive styling throughout the page. One little area for improvement - perhaps the page could break to the mobile view a little bit earlier as it shrinks down. Certain sections (like the img elements in the boxes and the course sections) tend to get a little squished as the page width nears the mobile break point.
Comment(s): In general, great job picking the colors and typography for the page - things look great! A couple little areas to look at for potential improvement - The link items in the nav section at the top should provide some feedback that they are links. It seems like you've changed the cursor behavior, so maybe just leave that property out. Also, consider adding some visual feedback to the courses section. It can be easy to get lost in these big blocks of info, so some small amount of hover styling could help a user focus in on each section.
Overall Score: 14/16
Nice work on this project! Great use of media queries and other bits of responsive styling to keep the page looking good no matter the size. Something very important to keep in mind is to keep your project folder as neat as possible. As your projects grow in size, and even at the current size, many files in the top directory can lead to confusion.
Have fun and keep up the good work!
Rubric Score
Criteria 1: HTML Structure
Criteria 2: Visual Layout for Both Desktop and Mobile Sizes
Criteria 3: Responsive Design (Media Queries, Responsive Units, etc.)
Criteria 4: Visual Design and Accessibility (Color Palette, Typography, Transitions, etc.)
Overall Score: 14/16
Nice work on this project! Great use of media queries and other bits of responsive styling to keep the page looking good no matter the size. Something very important to keep in mind is to keep your project folder as neat as possible. As your projects grow in size, and even at the current size, many files in the top directory can lead to confusion. Have fun and keep up the good work!