lyuts / vim-rtags

Vim bindings for rtags, llvm/clang based c++ code indexer.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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automatically re-index file on save #111

Open theimpostor opened 6 years ago

theimpostor commented 6 years ago

I find I have to re-index the file after every change, otherwise the jumps don't work. Would be great if the plugin had an option to do this for you.

Thanks for the awesome plugin.

mckellyln commented 6 years ago

I agree. I'll work on an autocmd to do this.

mckellyln commented 6 years ago

Does this work ?

autocmd FileWritePost,FileAppendPost * call rtags#ReindexFile()
mckellyln commented 6 years ago

Shouldn't the code in rdm 'see' the file was changed and reindex on its own ?

theimpostor commented 6 years ago

That command appears to work. I wonder if instead of setting it for all filetypes maybe it should be restricted to c and cpp.

Also, rtags should be watching files for changes - but there are bugs. See Hence I think it'd be nice if the plugin had an option to enable the automatic re-index on save.

mckellyln commented 6 years ago

ok, perhaps -

autocmd FileWritePost,FileAppendPost *.{c,h,cpp,hpp,ipp} call rtags#ReindexFile()
theimpostor commented 6 years ago

That looks like it would work! Do we need BufWritePost also?

I thought there was an easy way to use the vim filetype to filter other autocommands. This is what I came up with, seems to work:

autocmd Filetype c,cpp autocmd BufWritePost,FileWritePost,FileAppendPost <buffer> call rtags#ReindexFile()
mckellyln commented 6 years ago

I can add to the plugin to do this, and I have several other changes I've made to my clone which I find helpful. I haven't seen any updates or PRs accepted to it in a while though.

theimpostor commented 6 years ago

Cool, if you add it I can switch to your clone locally.

mckellyln commented 6 years ago

@theimpostor my repo has this switch now -

let g:rtagsAutoReindexOnWrite=1

To enable. My repo is at: but I have not yet updated the docs for my changes.

lyuts commented 6 years ago

AFAIK, rdm uses inotify to monitor changes to project files. That's why I'd expect it to reindex files once those are modified. @theimpostor , how big is your project? Is it bigger than the value in

cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches


mckellyln commented 6 years ago

I have mine set to 1048576 (I think I increased it manually) @lyuts thx for vim-rtags.

theimpostor commented 6 years ago

@lyuts I am on osx high sierra, and it's not clear to me what the file watch limit is. I do have a bunch of projects indexed, I will try reducing this number and see if the autoindexing works again. Thanks for the suggestion.