lyuwenyu / RT-DETR

[CVPR 2024] Official RT-DETR (RTDETR paddle pytorch), Real-Time DEtection TRansformer, DETRs Beat YOLOs on Real-time Object Detection. 🔥 🔥 🔥
Apache License 2.0
1.64k stars 178 forks source link

FPS-related issues #297

Closed txw-github closed 1 month ago

txw-github commented 1 month ago

Hello, may I ask why I am using pytorch version on RTX3060, the training dataset with 6000 images takes 4-5min, and the test set with 2000 images takes 45s. whereas yolov8 only takes 1.3min and 17s, please guide me, I need it urgently.