Hi @lyuwenyu , thanks for the amazing work. I want to jointly train a rtdetr model on multiple datasets. Generally, I found the solution as dataset = torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset([dataset1, dataset2]) with dataset1 = CocoDetection() and dataset2 = CocoDetection(). But in the repo, the code is highly encapsulated. I have no idea to achieve the function. Can you give me some help? Thanks.
Hi @lyuwenyu , thanks for the amazing work. I want to jointly train a rtdetr model on multiple datasets. Generally, I found the solution as
dataset = torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset([dataset1, dataset2])
withdataset1 = CocoDetection()
anddataset2 = CocoDetection()
. But in the repo, the code is highly encapsulated. I have no idea to achieve the function. Can you give me some help? Thanks.