lzfelix / pyStrings

Implementation of some string, such as Levenshtein Distance, in Python
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print() is a function in Python 3 #1

Closed cclauss closed 6 years ago

cclauss commented 6 years ago

flake8 testing of https://github.com/lzfelix/pyStrings on Python 3.6.3

$ flake8 . --count --select=E901,E999,F821,F822,F823 --show-source --statistics

./levenshtein.py:302:64: E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    print "Aligning %s and %s using Needleman-Wunsch algorithm:" % (s1, s2)
1     E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
lzfelix commented 6 years ago

Hello! Well, this is a very old project that I developed in 2015. By taking a look at this string, it seems that the code was written for Python 2.x.

If you want to port it to Python 3.x or to fix linting issues, PR are more than welcome, as currently I am focusing on another project. 😄