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观察者模式 #126

Open lzh2nix opened 3 years ago

lzh2nix commented 3 years ago


模式都是来源于生活,在我们日常生活中观察者模式也是随处可见,最常见的一个例子就是上图中的模式,你订阅了一份杂志,当每次有新的杂志出来之后报社都会将最新的杂志寄给你,这样你不会漏掉每一期新的杂志,这就是最简单的观察者模式。 image

接下来就是抽象的表达这个接口了。整个设计的原则就是抽象和具体分离, 所以在书上我们经常会看到 interface xxx, Concert xxx的字样,这里interface就是抽象, concert就是对interface的具体实现。 image


// Subject 接口定义,observer的注册/删除,以及使用者通过notify通知observer
type Subject interface {
    // 注册
    RegisterObserver(o Observer)
    // 删除
    RemoveObserver(o Observer)
    // 通知

// Subject的具体实现
type ConcreteSubject struct {
    observers []Observer
    data      *Data

// 将object添加到observer列表中
func (s *ConcreteSubject) RegisterObserver(o Observer) {
    s.observers = append(s.observers, o)

// 将对象从observers中删除
func (s *ConcreteSubject) RemoveObserver(o Observer) {
    idx := -1
    for i := range s.observers {
        if s.observers[i] == o {
            idx = i
    if idx != -1 {
        s.observers = append(s.observers[:idx], s.observers[idx+1:]...)

// 通过所有的observer
func (s *ConcreteSubject) NotifyObserver() {
    for _, o := range s.observers {

// 通知数据
type Data struct {

// Observer的接口定义
type Observer interface {
    // 有新数据变化时observer通过该接口通知具体到observer
    Update(data *Data)

// observer的具体实现1
type ConcreteObserver1 struct {

func (c *ConcreteObserver1) Update(d *Data) {
    fmt.Println("observer 1 got data at", time.Now())
func NewConcreteObserver1(subject Subject) *ConcreteObserver1 {
    c := &ConcreteObserver1{}
    return c

// observer的具体实现2
type ConcreteObserver2 struct {

func (c *ConcreteObserver2) Update(d *Data) {
    fmt.Println("observer 2 got data at", time.Now())
func NewConcreteObserver2(sub Subject) *ConcreteObserver2 {
    c := &ConcreteObserver2{}
    return c


func main() {
    sub := ConcreteSubject{}

    obj1 := NewConcreteObserver1(&sub)
    obj2 := NewConcreteObserver2(&sub)

    fmt.Println(obj1, obj2)


➜  observer go run main.go
observer 1 got data at 2021-07-31 08:45:32.99711044 +0800 CST m=+0.000034798
observer 2 got data at 2021-07-31 08:45:32.997190807 +0800 CST m=+0.000115153
&{} &{}

这样我们再新加一个concrete Obsever就比较简单了,observer1, observer2 以及sub类都不用动, 只需要增加一个, 完全符合开闭原则

// observer的具体实现3
type ConcreteObserver3 struct {

func (c *ConcreteObserver3) Update(d *Data) {
    fmt.Println("observer 3 got data at", time.Now())
func NewConcreteObserver3(sub Subject) *ConcreteObserver3 {
    c := &ConcreteObserver3{}
    return c

observer in real world

在消息队列中经常使用这种模式,subscriber的时候将subscriber放到一个内部的结构体中,当有新的消息到达时和sub的topic的进行check,如果匹配就通知对应的subscriber。 image

我们以emmiter(一个简单的mqtt server实现)为例。一下时subscribe的是实现:


// Subscribe subscribes to a channel.
func (s *Service) Subscribe(sub message.Subscriber, ev *event.Subscription) bool {
    if conn, ok := sub.(service.Conn); ok && !conn.CanSubscribe(ev.Ssid, ev.Channel) {
        return false

    // Add the subscription to the trie
    s.trie.Subscribe(ev.Ssid, sub)

    // Broadcast direct subscriptions
    s.notifier.NotifySubscribe(sub, ev)
    return true

注意这里的参数sub message.Subscriber 是一个interface


// Subscriber is a value associated with a subscription.
type Subscriber interface {
    ID() string
    Type() SubscriberType
    Send(*Message) error


// Publish publishes a message to everyone and returns the number of outgoing bytes written.
func (s *Service) Publish(m *message.Message, filter func(message.Subscriber) bool) (n int64) {
    size := m.Size()
    for _, subscriber := range s.trie.Lookup(m.Ssid(), filter) {
        if subscriber.Type() == message.SubscriberDirect {
            n += size

这里就是一个observer模式的具体应用,我们可以添加不用类型的Subscriber, 目前在emitter中由以下的几种subscirber。

  1. 直接subscirbe的client

// Conn represents an incoming connection.
type Conn struct {
    tracked  uint32            // Whether the connection was already tracked or not.
    socket   net.Conn          // The transport used to read and write messages.
    luid     security.ID       // The locally unique id of the connection.
    guid     string            // The globally unique id of the connection.
    service  *Service          // The service for this connection.
    subs     *message.Counters // The subscriptions for this connection.
    measurer stats.Measurer    // The measurer to use for monitoring.
    limit    *rate.Limiter     // The read rate limiter.
    keys     *keygen.Service   // The key generation provider.
    connect  *event.Connection // The associated connection event.
    username string            // The username provided by the client during MQTT connect.
    links    map[string]string // The map of all pre-authorized links.

// ID returns the unique identifier of the subsriber.
func (c *Conn) ID() string {
    return c.guid

// Type returns the type of the subscriber
func (c *Conn) Type() message.SubscriberType {
    return message.SubscriberDirect

// Send forwards the message to the underlying client.
func (c *Conn) Send(m *message.Message) (err error) {
    defer c.MeasureElapsed("send.pub", time.Now())
    packet := mqtt.Publish{
        Header:  mqtt.Header{QOS: 0},
        Topic:   m.Channel, // The channel for this message.
        Payload: m.Payload, // The payload for this message.

    _, err = packet.EncodeTo(c.socket)
  1. 已经离线的peer(集群中的其他emitter)

// DeadPeer represents a peer which is no longer online
type deadPeer struct {
    name mesh.PeerName

// ID returns the unique identifier of the subsriber.
func (p *deadPeer) ID() string {
    return p.name.String()

// Type returns the type of the subscriber.
func (p *deadPeer) Type() message.SubscriberType {
    return message.SubscriberOffline

// Send forwards the message to the remote server.
func (p *deadPeer) Send(m *message.Message) error {
    return nil
  1. 正常的peer(集群中的其他emitter)

// Peer represents a remote peer. type Peer struct { sync.Mutex sender mesh.Gossip // The gossip interface to use for sending. name mesh.PeerName // The peer name for communicating. frame message.Frame // The current message frame. subs *message.Counters // The SSIDs of active subscriptions for this peer. activity int64 // The time of last activity of the peer. cancel context.CancelFunc // The cancellation function. }

// ID returns the unique identifier of the subsriber. func (p *Peer) ID() string { return p.name.String() }

// Type returns the type of the subscriber. func (p *Peer) Type() message.SubscriberType { return message.SubscriberRemote }

// Send forwards the message to the remote server. func (p Peer) Send(m message.Message) error { p.Lock() defer p.Unlock()

// Make sure we don't send to a dead peer
if p.IsActive() {
    p.frame = append(p.frame, *m)

return nil
