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VA REDCap Training #1202

Closed staceypark closed 4 years ago

staceypark commented 4 years ago

VA REDCap guide:



  1. Follow along with the videos and PDF's on the guide. Start from "Overview of REDCAP" at timestamp "7:20". This is where we stopped last time.
    • Mimic what the video is doing in your own project.
  2. For the "Learning Check" sections, copy the questions into a comment in this issue thread, and answer them below. Also, add any questions in this thread.
  3. Once you are completely done with the guide:
    • Add me as a User to your project with full rights access
    • Ping me to review your answers to the Learning Checks and any questions you have
  4. Once I am done with the review, I will give you further guidance on your Epic specific task for applying your new skills.
ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Learning Check

1.What are TeamPSD's varying uses of REDCap? How do they align against timelines with the Modeling to Learn 12 session plan?

  1. RedCap is used for teams to decide which module they'd like to focus on in the SIM - aggregate (AG), care coordination (CC), psychotherapy (PSY), medication management (MM), or suicide prevention (SP).
  2. It is used in Session 4 (mtl.how/menu)for decision making and is implemented from session 5.
  3. We take 2 measures at baseline and 6 months (voluntary participation).

2. What audience is each use geared towards? The audience are MTL Learners.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Learning Check

1. Our team will not typically fill in survey records for our participants. Based on what we learned about our TeamPSD's survey uses, why might this be the case? The survey is used by learners to assesses team needs and priorities and to pick an MTL module to use starting Session 5.

2. While we typically wouldn't enter/edit records, in what situation might an HQ member enter data in a record instead of the learner? In the event that the learner encountered technical difficulties or the facilitator asked for assistance.

3. A learner has a question about their survey data, where do you go to check or edit their record? In the section Add/Edit Records on the left hand panel.

For Questions 1 -3, the important thing to note here is that for the grant measures, the surveys are ANONYMOUS. Meaning we cannot ever be able to identify someone's responses. We should only be giving backend help for other survey uses, where we do not have written in protocol that it will be anonymous. If learners have issues with the surveys related to the grant measures, they'll simply have to redo the survey.

Also, as admins, if there is a bug or when first creating survey, you may need to do "test" surveys that you need to remove later, in which case you will need to use these functions"

4. Can you create more than one instrument in the same project? If so, how? Yes, in the online designer tab, in the Data Collection Instruments section, below Add a new instrument select Create**

5. How do you add new users to a project?. In the Data Collection panel under section Add/Edit Records on the left hand panel.

No, this is for adding new records. Users are our TeamPSD members. To add new users, you would go to the left hand side, under "Applications", click on "User Rights". There you can add people by username with custom permissions."

6. Where do you go to view records? What types of data views can you access here? How do you export data?

Again, you are conflating "users" and "records" here. Our learners are "participants" in REDCap and you could add a "record" for them. You CANNOT add "users" in this section. Users are TeamPSD members with varying access rights to create/manage surveys and view data

You can see stats and charts as well as custom reports in "Data Exports, Reports, and Stats


7. Once you put your project in production, how do you make changes? You can make changes to the project in the Project Home section and then My Projects. You can edit the instruments in it in the online designer tab, in the Project Setup section.

This question is specifically about AFTER the project is in PRODUCTION. You need to first go to Online Designer, select Enter Draft Mode. From there, you can continue making changes before submitting the project by selecting Review Drafted Changes to see what has been modified and then select Submit Changes for Review.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

@staceypark I have created my RedCap project, granted you access, and answered the Learning Checks above. thanks

staceypark commented 4 years ago

@ritahitching It looks like you are still missing 4 sections of the Learning Checks? Please finish the rest of the training and ping me when you are done.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Learning Check

1. Where do you click to build new instruments? Where do you click to view existing instruments? You can build new instruments in the Design your data collection instruments and use the online designer. You can view instruments in the Data Collection panel and by selecting Online designer.

2. How do you move, add, and edit instrument fields in the online designer (what buttons do you click or clicking do you do)? You can add move fields in the online designer using the drag and drop function. You can Edit by selecting the pencil icon. You can add by selecting Add field or Add matrix of fields.

3. Where do you go to view the status of each record? What do each of the colors mean on this dashboard? You can view the status of each record by going to Add Edit Records locating the relevant record and checking the status. Red = incomplete Green = complete and yellow = unverified.

Looks like you are missing half of the legend. grey = incomplete (no data saved) yellow with check mark = partial survey response green with check = completed survey response

4. What is another way you can update instruments fields? You can upload data instruments and you can select Edit Instruments in the Data Collection panel.

Updating the instruments from the online designer is the first way that's already covered in your earlier responses. You can also use the 'Data Dictionary'. It is a spreadsheet file (notepad or excel) that shows your instruments in a table format. Rows = order of instruments. The language and format are also more specific (i.e. the columns tabs).

5. Where do you go to view the mode of the project (development, production, etc.)? You can see the mode of the project Production or Development in the My Projects section by clicking on the Tool icon

*Hovering over the icon, not clicking. You can also see it at the top of the "Project Setup" tab**

6. (Go to second video)

7. How do you enable/disable, rename, or delete surveys? You can change the status of a project by selecting Project Setup and choosing Modify Project Title Purpose etc. and Delete project under Other Functionality

This question is NOT about changing the status of a "Project" or modifying it's settings. It is asking about "Surveys" and enabling/disabling/deleting them. Under "Project Setup" there are is the disable/enable button for "Use surveys in this project?" and also in the "Online Designer" tab, under "Instrument actions" you can delete surveys"

8. What are the five buttons on each field instrument and what are their functions? Pencil Edit, Two Pages copy, Paper with Arrow move,Branch branching logic and X delete.

9. STOP at timestamp 5:00 minutes on the second video.

10. Within a survey instrument, click on "Survey Settings." What customization options do you see here and where can we apply our TeamPSD style here? There are options to Adjust Email Notification, add a password code and to create Survey Que.

I'm not sure what you clicked on to see the above? If you click on "Survey Settings" for an instrument, you can customize to TeamPSD colors where there are logo, font, and theme options

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Learning Check

1. SKIP the "Design Options, Notifications, Automated Invitations" section.

2. How will we use the survey queuing function with our Modeling to Learn teams and why is it important? What can happen if we get this logic incorrect? We will use the survey queuing to send the baseline and 6 months survey links in sequence (1) baseline pre and (2) at 6 months post following MTL training. If the logic is incorrect and we send survey 2 before survey 1, we will not be able to compare the pre and post results accurately.

We do not need to use the queuing function for our baseline and 6 months. Those can have separate links. Rather, we often have cases where all the learners to go the same link. For example, with the mtl.how/menu, we have a single survey link for all the teams. There needs to a set of instruments and questions with queuing logic that takes each learner to the correct end-survey by answering specific questions.

3. On the "Public Survey Link" page, where can you find the link to the survey? Since we use co-branded links, what is the next step to ensure that the co-branded link goes to the correct page? You can find the public link to the survey in the Manage Survey Participants button in the Data Collection panel in the Public Survey URL. In the Survey Access Code or QR Code the MTL short link needs to be added Got to the web address and replace with mtl.how/menu

No, this DOES NOT change the survey URL for the learner. You would need to give the Public Survey URL to Lindsey to co-brand from Rebrandly so that mtl.how/menu always points to correct survey. This Survey Access Code dialogue is a setup for sending learners to the survey link paired with the code they need to access the survey

4. Why might we want to use the login or access code function? We want to use the login or access code function as we want to keep the survey private and for each group and team.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Learning Check:

What are the groups of team members that will need access to VA REDCap? How will they interact with the platform and what user roles will be most appropriate? We will need to provide access to Facilitators, TeamPSD Members (e.g.HQ). The RedCap User Roles for Facilitators might be a limited User without Project Design privileges. TeamPSD Members may need Full User** access.

Another group will be Quant, who will be pulling and analyzing the data

Learners do not need RedCap User access, they will used the RedCap survey link to decide on their preferred module (AG, SP, CC, PSY, MM) as a team and then at 6 months following the end of MTL training. Learners need access to the survey link to RedCap.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

OVERALL Learning Check

Define each of the words below and what vocabulary they map to in our Modeling to Learn or TeamPSD language (i.e. Users in REDCap = HQ or Team Members in TeamPSD):

1. Users Faciliators, TeamPSD Members

2. Projects MTL Red and MTL Blue and groups within these

No, projects are NOT our arms. Projects will be our meta survey categories i.e MTL Facilitator Fidelity ratings, MTL Menu, Baseline measures, 6 month measures

3. Instruments MTL Fidelity Ratings

Instruments = specific surveys. For example, within the MTL Menu project, we will have a set of surveys asking folks which team they are on, to queue them to the correct specific MTL Menu survey for their team

4. Participants Learners (using survey link)

5. Queue Survey at Baseline and 6 months

See my response above about how we will use this function

6. Records Responses to survey links

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

@staceypark Please see responses to the additional 4 sections on the RedCap Training. thanks

staceypark commented 4 years ago

@ritahitching Thanks for working on this! Please read my responses above (they are in bold under certain questions) and make sure you are clear on where to find different functions and what vocabulary we are using with REDCap.

Let me know if you have any further questions and if not, you can go ahead and close the issue after reading the above.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

@staceypark Thanks for the feedback - appreciated.

Recap of Learning Check Based on Feedback

Projects = RedCap will have 4 instruments (1) MTL Facilitator Fidelity ratings (2) MTL Menu (3) Baseline measures and (4) at 6 month post User = learners User Groups = we will have 3 user groups (1) Facilitators (2) TeamPSD members (3) Quant group Add Records = we would never add records as we don't have identifiers for each record, we only add users under user rights. Queuing function = not needed, same survey link for several instruments at baseline and 6 months Edit/responses = we cannot edit survey responses - they need to be redone in the event of an error occurring as we do not have an identifier for each response associated with a user.

Please Clarify

  1. How do we prevent having multiple records by the same user if they encounter technical issues, when we can't identify the responses by user?
  2. How do we avoid multiple incomplete or incorrect records across the 4 instruments, when we can't identify the responses by user?
  3. When will we turn our RedCap project to production?


staceypark commented 4 years ago

@ritahitching Thanks for the recap 😄 it's like an active listen but in text form!

  1. Projects and Instruments are two different things.

You've put them as the same item in your answer, but as I stated in my response above:

  1. Users are NOT learners. Participants are learners. As I stated above (and you initially put in your answers as well), the Users are:
    • HQ members
    • Facilitators
    • Quant team are the users

User groups are groups of more than one user. They are not separate items.

  1. It is not that we have don't have record identifiers. Every record has an associated identifier number.

    • For the "grant measures" specifically, we SHOULD NOT be asking folks to identify their records, because we've stated across our protocols and compliance documents that these measures are anonymous.
    • For everything else, we can add/edit records or help as needed since this does NOT need to be anonymous.
    • If multiple records exist for the same person or there are incomplete records, then we will have to decide later in data analysis how we want to handle that.
  2. The queuing function IS needed.

    • We are using the queuing function specifically BECAUSE we have a single link for many of our projects. We DO need to queue different instruments that leads different groups of people to a different end instrument based on their responses. Since for example, we do NOT want all the teams' MTL menu responses to be mixed.
  3. We can move to Production when projects are finalized and reviewed.

@staceypark Thanks for the feedback - appreciated.

Recap of Learning Check Based on Feedback

Projects = RedCap will have 4 instruments (1) MTL Facilitator Fidelity ratings (2) MTL Menu (3) Baseline measures and (4) at 6 month post User = learners User Groups = we will have 3 user groups (1) Facilitators (2) TeamPSD members (3) Quant group Add Records = we would never add records as we don't have identifiers for each record, we only add users under user rights. Queuing function = not needed, same survey link for several instruments at baseline and 6 months Edit/responses = we cannot edit survey responses - they need to be redone in the event of an error occurring as we do not have an identifier for each response associated with a user.

Please Clarify

  1. How do we prevent having multiple records by the same user if they encounter technical issues, when we can't identify the responses by user?
  2. How do we avoid multiple incomplete or incorrect records across the 4 instruments, when we can't identify the responses by user?
  3. When will we turn our RedCap project to production?


ritahitching commented 4 years ago

@staceypark @lijenn and I have covered all the remaining questions on RedCap training, I'm closing this issue. thanks

staceypark commented 4 years ago

please do close the issue if there are no remaining questions.

@staceypark @lijenn and I have covered all the remaining questions on RedCap training, I'm closing this issue. thanks