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Team PSD is using GitHub, R and RMarkdown as part of our free and open science workflow.
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10/2 Task MVP of LucidChart and GitHub #1398

Closed ritahitching closed 4 years ago

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

MVP of LucidChart and GitHub @ritahitching @lzim please confirm I got your task correctly:

Also consolidate the persona details.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Day 1 Summary: Update on MVP - GitHub and LucidChart Integration

Problem & Hypothesis for Solution cross ref #1192


Possible Solution

Research Solution in GitHub Market Place

Process for Proposed LucidChart & GitHub Integration and MVP

Within TeamPSD

Overall Solution for TeamPSD

Entire Team Solution

@lzim @ritahitching @anazariz @staceypark @lijenn @anthonycpichardo @jamesmrollins

Step 1 - Log in to GitHub

Step 2 Got to Market Place & Search for LucidChart


Step 3 Select Configure Access to your forked TeamPSD repo

Guidance for TeamPSD Users

Generating Published Links in LucidChart


lzim commented 4 years ago


The main things missing here from our Team PSD 2.0 Design Thinking instructions are clear user-centered hypotheses guiding each step of MVP learning/development to avoid rework (our pareto or 80/20 principle).

A mental model shift will help: This is not a “task,” this is your part of an iterative design process across the team, and you’re working on this in parallel with everyone else’s distributed prototyping work.

Check out the Teams > Design > Persona and Prototyping Wiki instructions and develop/refine your user hypotheses:

Here are some of assumptions that I see you made already at this point of your prototype that should have been checked out with users before proceeding to avoid rework:

  1. We definitely do not want these non-PSD style maps on GitHub!

    • The major team pain point is getting the Lucid <> GitHub continuous integration standardized and accessible for all Team PSD users to contribute themselves).
    • We need to scale Lucid contributions, but folks can’t tell how to do so. It’s frustrating and leads to re-work!
      • User POV Lucid Chart Scale Problems we’ve discussed:
        • Multiple templates,
        • Inconsistent naming conventions and organization (this will be more and more problematic with links),
        • Connector symbol mistakes on the account,
        • Use of the non-brand dark red remains, etc. that all needs to be cleaned up, to make sure anyone can create, edit/update a Lucid Charts flow map asynchronously at scale.)
  2. There is also a significant problem: Keeping our persona resources private:

    • Remove these links immediately!
  3. Use your GitHub branches to prototype with other users.

    • Prototypes are handled with pull-requests to other users repos.
    • Which users are testing asynchronously and in parallel, whether they can use your instructions to establish bidirectional GitHub <> Lucid Charts?
    • Jane and Debbie need to be oriented next week on this, have you prototyped enough with the existing user persona library to be ready to expand to these users?
  4. Since we want to make sure that all users can update their Lucid Charts in a style consistent way your prototyping must account for user learning:

    • Review your concurrent video think aloud protocol observation to refine user instructions for doing so are clear
    • Ideally since we’re at the end of week 2, you aim to be clear about the 80/20 approach that the team will learn over the new couple weeks, so that everyone can make an effective, continuous integrated GitHub/Lucid Chart contributions themselves.

Keeping Team PSD 2.0 folks in the loop about this prototype: @lijenn @anthonycpichardo @anazariz @jamesmrollins @staceypark

I’m excited, I think for many folks we are going to be very clear about our 80/20 today, as we’d hoped! 🏁

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

@ritahitching updates here

Objective of MVP of LucidChart and GitHub Test ability to build on existing LucidChart knowledge by adding integration to GitHub forked TeamPSD repo. Think of the average use - don't use pro account. Test if I can teach my self - link GitHub forked repo and LucidChart. Prototype of prototype LucidChart & GitHub continuous integration to improve the Team PSD 2.0 workflow. Final prototypes can be added by pull-requests to other users repos.

Problem & Hypothesis for Solution Team PSD pain points include: Being able to orient themselves to the workflow of TeamPSD and the need for documentation to support this. Need for companion visual guides / maps to orient TeamPSD users to the workflow. Current approach is labor and cost intensive - process involves manual updates to LucidChart documents every time changes are made to the TeamPSD documentation.

Hypothesis: Team & I need to scale up the use of flow maps to improve user documentation CTA Prototype Video on Youtube CTA Prototype for Persona on MS Teams

CTA Prototype for Persona - Need Detailed Documentation: Week 2 & Day 1: Trying to implement the LucidChart & GitHub integration myself. Unsure how the process is going to work - seems simple - but not sure Need to have links that update in real time - maps that open - not hyper links Suggestions from Marketplace of a connector to solve the pain point.

Week 2 & Day 2: Found a connector and implemented it - no working solution that meets my needs Unsure if connecting on LucidChart also connects on GitHub Not all able to see all the repos Not able to create issues in own repo Links to LucidChart remain - no map presenting itself.

Week 2 & Day 3: Problems persist - no solution that seems to be effective. Discussed with others and watched videos and read documentation Created a new repo and was able to generate issues - able to paste a link but maps not opening Played around with repo and making it private enabled the links to be displayed. Error occurred when repo was made public Not sure how current prototype is going to work for members that are using public repos

Week 2 & Day 4: Contacted LucidChart for support and send several emails and screen shots of errors. They provided some guidance but were unsure of the true functionality of the connector they have on marketplace. Changes made to a map are not reflected within the published link - problem remains unsolved in part.

Recording prototype video By recording realized that the links take a long time to open and that changes are not reflected rapidly enough. Need to consider these hurdles in light of the personas on the team (e.g. busy_pi)

Documentation Need to write a detailed guide on what I did and how I did it for other personas.

Questions: Could all the personas use my instructions? Particularly those in qual team or less familiar with maps in general? Do I have templates that are correct or useful? In my experience working with others on LucidChart - they find the platform frustrating and hard to learn.

Instructions to Personas & Order or Operations Make a guide for other user personas - that includes:

  1. How they think
  2. Why they may use LucidCharts
  3. When they might use the maps
  4. Where - grants / presentations/etc.
ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Detailed Documentation Second Stories

Do you see any places where moving forward independently could have been more aligned with the team or integrated better when you were done?

Yes, I should have check in earlier in the map process. I wanted to present the work finalized, and would have saved time and effort and solution by that was better. It’s ok to show a work in process, fearful in the past due to interpretation of feedback as critique rather than useful guidance. Was reluctant to check early as did not want to interrupt.

Could a dependency or root assumption have been caught any sooner for the benefit of the team?

That the integration would just work for everyone based on the fact that it was a ‘connector’. es, asking someone to paste a link of a map and seeing it is slow to open and inconsistent.

Have you discovered a new empathic understanding of the situation from another users' POV (point of view)?

Yes, rules and structure are a sign of respect and kindness for `another person. Feedback is something to be grateful of. Be open and grateful for it. Receive it with gratitude. Provide detailed feedback as a sign of my value of generosity. Discern what I need from another person - make it easy for them to help me, and what time line I need.

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Updated on MVP

  1. LucidChart Account holder and the GitHub Account Repo have to be the same
  2. Lucid Chart functions on GitHubby way of pull requests or issues, not markdown files.

Organization of LucidChart Feedback from users recommending organizing LucidChart into folders

Stacey: I like the idea of the workgroup folders as well, especially since our lzim/teampsd GitHub repository is organized the same way! It'll help with keeping things parallel and consistent. Thanks for checking out that idea

Flowchart Guides Requested by Users Jessilyn & Swap Guide within the Resources folder on LucidChart with basic instructions on how to make a flowmap would be helpful.

GitHub & LucidChart Code Integration Anthony confirmed that Bookdown does not have the option to use embedded html code for flowmaps from Lucidchart - video here https://youtu.be/qzQfu_kveYE

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Comparison of instructions Feedback from users that compare guides for webpage for integration of LucidChart & GitHub https://lucidchart.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360021365711-The-Lucidchart-Connector-for-GitHub OR https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/integrations/github

James: Reviewed the two links - they are very consistent with the guidance you had provided for loading the APP into my GitHub repository. I don't think they add anything materially to what you have already provided. I believe your instructions were clear. APP itself took about 24 hours to nest into GitHub and begin working (it worked fine the next day).

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Generating a Preset Library of Colors Shapes for Flowmaps

Feedback from users: Jess: Explanation of meaning of flowmap shapes to be incorporate into a template would be useful. Basic principles guide: https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/flowchart-symbols-meaning-explained

Video on how to create first diagram helpful https://lucidchart.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005888706-Video-Create-your-first-document

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Feedback from New MVP Templates

ritahitching commented 4 years ago

Repo Documentation

Main Folder LucidChart


[LucidChart Templates] (https://github.com/ritahitching/teampsd_hitching_sandbox/blob/master/resources/design/lucidchart/templates_lucidchart.md)

LucidChart Hypothesis

LucidChart Issues

lzim commented 4 years ago

What week of oct_epic is this?

@staceypark @lijenn

Are we running into capacity constraints?

lijenn commented 4 years ago

This was done last week, closing as the app is already integrated within GitHub and documentation in the manual.