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Story J Team PSD 3.0 - 9 Data Feeds #2445

Open lijenn opened 2 years ago

lijenn commented 2 years ago

Team PSD 3.0 Data Feeds

We have 4 Data Feeds Set up in Power BI for the R01 & IIR. Some of the other reports exist, but the data feed is not established.

Team PSD 3.0 - Synthesizing Workgroup Efforts under each of these functions.

lijenn commented 2 years ago

See David's iterative work on PBI here: lzim/research#276

lzim commented 2 years ago

Discussed at quant_research 01/26/2022 - This needs it's own DEV/TEST/PROD "teampsd_3.0 workspace" premium.

lijenn commented 2 years ago

Discussed 1/26 Quant Research:

@lzim @mnallajerla @lijenn all have access to david's data pipeline on pbi. @lijenn to look into next steps for setting up a premium workspace.

mnallajerla commented 2 years ago

Hi @dkngenda - Hope you are well :) If we had some questions about these data pipelines, would you be free during a Quant WG Wednesday (2 PST / 5 EST) meeting to chat? Specifically either 2/22 or 3/2?

FYI: @lijenn and @lzim

dkngenda commented 2 years ago

Hi all,

Happy to chat on 3/2 after 5pm PST .


mnallajerla commented 2 years ago

Thank you @dkngenda!

Just updated the calendar to reflect this. We will see you on Wednesday, 3/2 at 5 EST / 2 PST. Thank you! :)

FYI: @lijenn @lzim

lijenn commented 2 years ago

Discussed with @claradismuke @lzim @mnallajerla @lijenn on 2/24 Quant Operations.

Discuss with @dkngenda regarding the Power BI Team PSD pipeline on Wed 3/2 -

  1. We would expect to see an Overlap category here: image

  2. We are assuming NA are issues that are not assigned a value steam.

  3. Are we able to select more than one user? image

mnallajerla commented 2 years ago

Thank you @lijenn - Here is the link to the Quant Operations chat @dkngenda for reference.

dkngenda commented 2 years ago

@lijenn @mnallajerla @lzim

Below are responses to some of the questions I have seen on this issue card


lijenn commented 2 years ago

Cost AIM 3 issues identified and discussed by @lzim and @lijenn at HQ 5/5/2022, see recording here:

Research Feature Tracker

Cost Aim 3 Data Issues:

DECISION: Validly shared tasks, should be recorded that way.

Need to determine how @dkngenda calculations are handling this.

Use Cases:

  1. Individual level - overage (Story I Jenn, James, Lindsey)

  2. Shared task (overall effort) - under counting (Swap & Lindsey Story E)

  3. Use case of Story C Control Chart

    • Tasks that didn't need to be done!
    • Adding to rolling average time, even though no work.
  4. User case of Story E Shared Service - if Budget Impact Analysis is constrained to VA Decision-Makers who also can access shared services, perhaps we could validly exclude these costs...but doubtful (EES, OIT, CDW, MOU w/QIICs). Inform healthcare decision-makers all around the world who may or may not have access to these shared services.

Close the cards that weren't needed, but mapped in user stories.

Need to strip all the "9 Clicks" info information...meaningfully an #adjudicate_memo

When should the cards be created now that our user story mapping is so developed?

Tracking dependencies at the blocker/blocking level of the Board is harder than - Parallel, sync, stepped, serial user story maps.

Check w/ @dkngenda about which report he is using to scrape the story points for the Cost Analysis.

Pipeline based reports Cumulative Flow Control Chart

Example Card #2582 Everything is correct, except the Pipelines.

LZ thought David's logic had to subtract irrelevant pipelines in the estimates.

History: Glut of not coordinating enough in advance on things and it was leading to overwork, primarily in the form of people not knowing what's coming.

Current Issue:

We DO want to keep individual cards DEV, TEST, PROD, TRAIN.

lzim commented 1 year ago

Picked up in 2023 on https://github.com/lzim/research/issues/554

lzim commented 1 year ago

Related issues@lzim identified on the Board by searching for #story_j

1. Priority Epic 2023_may_epic https://github.com/lzim/research/issues/639 3. Epic Backlog https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/issues/2970 **Icebox https://github.com/lzim/research/issues/554 Icebox https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/issues/2445

#mgmt_trio - Need to align these issues, which are distributed across 3 areas of prioritization (Icebox, 1. Priority, 3. Epic BAcklog) without the dependencies identified: @epearman @emilymetcalf114

lzim commented 1 year ago


From the top of the card - A question:


lijenn commented 1 year ago

@lzim The documentation for Dynamics is in consult_workflow > Files > Dynamics 365 > Modeling to Learn D365 Tester's Guide.docx.

I believe the data is under MTL Admin > Reports in the left hand nav. I believe we can export the data as excel files. image