lzim / teampsd

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wk2 sept_epic Bug: Sankey Diagram - Hover data values on leftside not showing thru Teams screen share (displayed locally, but not not shared) #2716

Closed dlkibbe closed 2 years ago

dlkibbe commented 2 years ago

1. Add description: During Facilitate Workgroup Session on 8/23/2022, @swapmush was sharing his screen using Edge and showing the Sankey diagram. The pop-up boxes that contain veteran patient numbers when hovering over the bars on the Sankey diagram were not appearing to the MTL facilitators on Teams. I logged into Google Chrome and can see the pop-up boxes when I hover over the vertical bars in the Sankey.

<< Paste screenshots here>> image

  1. When was the bug discovered? 8/23/2022, 12:30 pm, MTL Facilitate Workgroup Session
  2. Is this an individual or shared world? @swapmush individual world
  3. What is the name of the experiment?

2. Click on the right:
@swapmush and @jamesmrollins tagged

3. If you anticipate that your issue card or bug card will have dependencies** these can be added once the issue has been submitted.

ix. Add dependencies - this may be a feature that is not supported by Teams vs. a bug in the SIM UI

jamesmrollins commented 2 years ago

I visited with @swapmush and he shared his screen with me and demonstrated how the popup on the Sankey chart was not visible. To test again, I set up a similar instance using the East Coast Virtual desktop and brought myself into a meeting. I was able to see all popups associated with the Sankey chart. @swapmush and I should meet again and see if this phenomenon persists. It may be a communication speed issue related with the ability of Teams to refresh shared screens.

lzim commented 2 years ago

@jamesmrollins Would you recommend that we close this, then?

It sounds like you were able to see the hover data values on the lefthand side Sankey diagram when sharing thru Teams, even tho none of our nationally distributed facilitate_workflow members could see these values thru teams on 08/23??

Note: That the values on hover on the righthand side DID display thru Teams as is depicted in Debbie's screenshot above.

jamesmrollins commented 2 years ago

@lzim - Yes, your summary is correct. However, i wanted to do more testing just to see if it happened again with @swapmush. We just never closed the loop to test again.

lzim commented 2 years ago

@emilymetcalf114 @lzim

Today in co-facilitator prep We observed the values on the lefthand side thru Teams.