ANDON #2743 Found that calculations for median appointment supply in the AGG care model did not properly translate form TeamPSD 2.0 to TeamPSD3.0. TeamPSD 3.0 data UI was calculating all appointments as 15 min (appts/week *0.25 = hrs/week) instead of the following array from TeamPSD 2.0:
Remaining Functional Requirements Across all Cards related to the original bug crossref #2743:
[ ] Update Session 6 SEE documentation @emilymetcalf114 and @epearman
@lzim , @emilymetcalf114 and @epearman reviewed the session 6 SEE guide and SAY-checklist, and didn't think an update would be appropriate given the current layout. The SEE guide doesn't go into this level of detail on any one module. Crossref # 405 #2753
[x] Update Session 6 SAY documentation @emilymetcalf114 and @epearman. Crossref # 405 #2753
PeopleOps Workstream crossref #2764
[x] Communicate update to the teams (help w/this please @emilymetcalf114) about the resolution of the ANDON and DECISION to re-convene next week.
[ ] @lzim review the saved updated results and update Q/H/F/D refine understanding asynchronously
[ ] @lzim Edit the text and working conceptualization accordingly on co-facilitator prep at facilitate_workflow
DataOps Workstream crossref #2774
[x] Merge updated DAX code into the research repository
ANDON #2743 Found that calculations for median appointment supply in the AGG care model did not properly translate form TeamPSD 2.0 to TeamPSD3.0. TeamPSD 3.0 data UI was calculating all appointments as 15 min (appts/week *0.25 = hrs/week) instead of the following array from TeamPSD 2.0: