lzim / teampsd

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1.7 to 1.8 Agile Development #298

Closed jamesmrollins closed 4 years ago

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim @TomRust @saveth @staceypark @holbrooa @branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @lkdolan

Below are the development scheme and instructions to support more "agile" development. This means that we will take smaller development, test and deployment steps as we make our way to version 1.8. This scheme will enable us to take on smaller chunks of work, with respect to reviewing the changes as it relates to our given functional areas.

A typical sprint consists of five steps:

  1. Model modifications are completed and passed to Takouba (if required)
  2. Takouba designs or modifies design of SIM UI, and communicates design spec with DEV.
  3. DEV completes work and puts new version into TEST environment.
  4. Everyone who is a "To" addressee, reviews the sprint checklist (to be published) and signs off on their area.
  5. Sprint is moved from TEST to PROD.

Below is a listing of upcoming Sprints. DEV to TEST schedule to be published. BOLD indicates completed or documented for completion as of 4/23.

1.7.1 | Global Changes to model:

  1. File export format to .xlsx
  2. Chat waiting function for Chat icon.
  3. Update phone mode to include setting radio buttons from Experiment Timeline 1.7.2 | PSY only changes:
  4. Add Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) binary switch (on/off; 6 weeks instead of 12 weeks: this revise RVI to less than 1 week increments)
  5. Change variable arrays to  gaming variables   1.7.3 | SP module edits:
  6. Possible edits from leadership review.   1.7.4 | 1.MTL Demo and automation of non-provider user log-in process (Proposal item 4c)  1.7.5 | CC and MM Changes:
  7. Update Team Data on New Patient Start Rate, so main feedback loop is not severed
    a. Change slider label to “Use Team Data for Patient Start Rate or RVI” and add “bc” 2x2 table
  8. Design, develop and implement “Engagement Duration” as an experiment variable a. Change red font to red slider in model diagram
    b. Change Experiments section to include this slider under Engagement Pattern sub-header
    c. Range on the slider in weeks up to 5 years (260 weeks) - actual designed was 208 weeks 3.Change CC/MM Model Diagram to say “Appointments for New Patients” for green variable (stays the same “Add Appointments for New Patients” in Experiments Section) - actual designed was "Appointment Slots Reserved for New Patients" slider, same with icon in diagram.
  9. Add to the list of variables viewable in the Results dashboard: Actual RVI, Appointments for Existing Patients and Appointments Available for New Patients to chart set. 1.7.6 | MM only changes: 1.Add positive arrow from Appointments for Existing Patients to Completing Rate
  10. Add switch to automatically implement slot allocation. - this was dropped as a design feature.
  11. Change MM variable arrays to gaming variables.   1.7.7 | AGG only changes:
  12. Change variable arrays to gaming variables
  13. Design, develop and implement switch to automatically calculate and implement appropriate service allocations
  14. Design, develop and implement switch to automatically calculate and implement appropriate supply allocations. 1.7.8 | PLACEHOLDER: Possible edits that emerge from field deployment.   1.7.9 | 508 Compliance: Possible edits that emerge   1.8 | Change from medium size license to large license and release 1.7.9 changes to PROD as version - 1.8 (see incremental test/release schedule) This was completed in ~March
  15. Coordinate MTL 1.8 release to PROD with mtl.how (Stacey is point person)
  16. Coordinate MTL 1.8 release to PROD with new mtl@va.gov email list-serv (Erica is point)
    3.Check for MTL 1.8 edits in MTL SEE/SAY scripts (Jane & Debbie are point)
TomRust commented 5 years ago

@lzim : Just want to confirm that the "Implement Intensive Outpatient Program" feature in PSY will affect three sets of variables:

1) reduce duration in patients' first three months by 50% (ie, from a total of 12 weeks to 6) 2) increase frequency of visits in a patients first 6 weeks by 100% (ie, they are seen twice as often) 3) change the % of patients who follow which engagement pathway 3a) increase the % of "Starters" who initiate 3b) decrease the % of "Initiators" who quit early 3c) increase the % of "Initiators" who complete (where the effect of 3b and 3c combined will decrease the % of "Initiators" who return later)

Two detail questions for you: 1) How much should these %s change? Right now I've got them all set to a relative change of 30% (e.g., if the current % of starters who initiate is 50%, then after implementing IOP, 65% of starters will initiate care). 2) Are there other effects? E.g., Should implementing IOP also increase the % of "Completers" who graduate?

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Version 1.7.1 is in TEST: Please consult the design document and review checklist below to and indicate your "Go, No-Go" response. I will add all participants to a test group named "version_1_7_to_1_8_test" and assign individual worlds. The design document file is located here https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/sim_ui_workgroup

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

ALL - there is a SNAFU with TEST, please delay your review until you hear back from me, likely tomorrow.

Thanks, James

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

ALL - OK, TEST is up and running now. I forgot to update the team-world matrix. It has been corrected.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim Here are a few mock-ups of the landing page for mlt.how/demo, please note that the picture is a holding place. I would really like a team PSD action photo. Anyone in the photos we choose, would need to sign a release. So perhaps photos of the TEAM PSD folks working would be best (I believe they have signed releases to do the mtl.how/video series, right?



lzim commented 5 years ago


1.YES reduce duration in patients' first three months by 50% (ie, from a total of 12 weeks to 6)

  1. YES increase frequency of visits in a patients first 6 weeks by 100% (ie, they are seen twice as often)
  2. To determine the % in each flow, we are going to use the size of the gap between the current state and desired state for that team to determine the flows from starter, to initiator, to completer.
    • Desired state is the 100% of starters complete psychotherapy, but we know that is harder and harder to achieve the closer to get to 100% completion.
    • Because the philosophy of an intensive outpatient program (IOP) is that patients are more likely to complete if they come more frequently over a shorter duration, we expect it is reasonable that flow through these 3 states is more likely to be uniform over 6 weeks as compared to a longer 12 week duration.
    • Use 50% as the standard proportion of relative change in the size of the gap between current and desired state when experimenting with IOP as compared to standard weekly psychotherapy
    • For example, if 50% are normally flowing between two states, and then the team implements IOP, then 75% will flow down that engagement pathway. This is an example of a desired pathway; the undesired "quit" pathway would change proportionally to this desired pathway.
    • Teams would experiment with these two (of three) possible pathways, the return after their own 3 months part of the model uses the same database definition, but would be adjusted by the proportions described above (re: patients first 12 weeks or 6 weeks).
    • We expect that patients who are hear the IOP rationale and decide to participate, would be even more likely to "graduate" after completing psychotherapy, then in a traditional weekly psychotherapy format, because they have agreed to come more frequently for a shorter duration, then would step down out of the IOP program (team model boundary)
    • Teams will need to experiment with partial and full implementation of IOP, for example, they may have an IOP, but may also still have patients moving through traditional weekly psychotherapy
    • One option: Model structure would have fast and slow pathways, decide to implement partial or full IOP, then pull the two cohorts up to see how each art doing (some work for modeling workgroup, possibly large amount of work for sim UI workgroup)
    • Second option: for partial implementation 9 weeks average duration for partial implementation w/RVI of .75 visits/week.
    • Need to incorporate the partial/full implementation into all the flows, not just the graduation % (rationale is that all completers of an IOP would graduate, if it's full implementation of IOP because that is a principally a provider), but...
    • If it's full implementation of IOP different magnitude than if it's partial implementation of IOP
branscombj commented 5 years ago


lzim commented 5 years ago


1. Lindsey will think about whether or not to make the _MTL_tagline grammatically correct

2. Will need the portal to be easily updated by the team and a longer scroll page.

3. Collect information, always include a "please specify open cell

4. Update to use the current logos

5. Add details about NIH grants (R21 and R01)

6. Thinking through any survey:

lzim commented 5 years ago


Trying to test the MTL 1.7.1 .xlsx export with @saveth and quant workgroup, and I'm seeing this! Also, note that I added this data file to my session: 100a1_abc_teama_2018_11_01.xlsx

psychotherapy_mtl 1 7 1

lzim commented 5 years ago

...actually strike that @jamesmrollins looks like it's loading fine now 😸

@saveth will make sure this export fx of _MTL1.7.1 is working with the tt report code


lzim commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins for the self-registration portal a recommendation @saveth raised was gathering information about geolocation 🗺

lzim commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins @TomRust @dlounsbu @dlkibbe @staceypark

Hey Team, how is the MTL 1.7.1 chat function working for you in TEST? I posted some comments.

Do we have anyone that is in a facilitator role, who will be able to tell that I'm using upgraded chat functions? Should I map myself as a facilitator?

saveth commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins I was able to successfully export all models in .xslx on my Mac. @lzim was able to successfully export on the PC during the Quant meeting last week.

I ran the update team table that @staceypark is working on, and it works with the export file. I also ran my old teamtable report code and it works with the new file. Thanks so much for the fix @jamesmrollins ! 🥂

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

OK - here is the latest and greatest. Not shown, but will include:

  1. A survey, content to be provided by Team PSD, that executes when person concludes their exploration of the simulation.
  2. Collection of the user's geo-coordinates. Their should be a tile that asks the user for permission to do so.
  3. Videos of Team PSD's choice to orient the user to the simulation and the program. I recommend 2 as shown.
  4. Photos will be update-able. The screen will scroll through 3-4 photos of the team and learners in action.

As soon as I get information for drop downs, "About Modeling to Learn" text, NIH grant text and so forth, I can release this to DEV.


jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Good Afternoon, @branscombj @dlkibbe. I wanted to know if there are any training or documentation issues with the changes made in Sprint 1.7.1? This is the Chat notification of waiting chats, changes to phone screens that incorporate the session settings, and fixing the .xlsx export function. Savet has verified the export function. With you sign-off, I think I can move 1.7.1 to production.

Thanks, James

branscombj commented 5 years ago

I'm not able to log in to any of the worlds that are in the drop-down when I open the sim Test environment.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Hi Jane, Try this url: forio.com/app/va/va-psd-testhttps://forio.com/app/va/va-psd-test . Then try logging into version_1_7_to_1_8_test-jan-2019https://forio.com/epicenter/va/va-psd-test/groups/000001685cc1d021b7cd3676ca9e35eb183e , You should be let in as a team lead. Let me know if you continue to have trouble. You were a facilitator before, but you should still have been able to log in.

Please let me know your results.

Thank you, James

branscombj commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jamesmrollins - I still just get this with no movement: image

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

OK, this is weird. You are properly mapped to world 006 as a team lead, you are in the world-team-map file, not sure why it isn’t loading. Would you right click your mouse, on the Chrome screen you shared? Select “Inspect” and go to the screen on the right and select the “Console” tab and send that to me please?

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins Some feedback on the self-registration portal:

  1. in the "About MTL" blurb, I think this fix makes more sense: "Modeling to Learn includes models for care coordination, medication management, psychotherapy, an innovative aggregated services model, and a measurement based stepped care - suicide prevention model" -> "Modeling to Learn... psychotherapy, aggregate mix of services, and measurement based stepped care for suicide prevention"

JMR>>>Noted and changed in design.

  1. The logo on the left (the NCPTSD logo) looks cut off on the right. Will the images at the bottom hyperlink anywhere? i.e. would the TeamPSD image link to a TeamPSD email? I think we need a place that gives contact information for visitors.

JMR >>>Please verify if you want to have folks contact you . . . my understanding is that we want people to come here and interact to get them off our plates. However, any part of the web page can link to anything you want. Also, if possible, I need an art ready National Center for PTSD logo, as the defective one I am using is from the web.

  1. Can the photos be smaller and only on the left instead of having the registration box superimposed on the right side? It looks too visually clustered and blocks people's faces

JMR>>> I will show only a registration button, then a popup when it comes time to get registration information. This will get things out of the way of the picture.

  1. I don't think the grey box on the bottom is really necessary. Our materials are generally branded with a white background and simple color scheme of: VA Light Blue, VA Light Red, and Black color scheme.

JMR>>> I personally like the gray better; it separates and frames the visual space. However, I will make another sample incorporating your suggestion above for comparison.

  1. Do we really need to have the center's address? Can we put logos/citations all in the bottom instead of on the top right?

JMR>> We can do that, for sure. I think it is important to put the credit to the grantors on the top, tho.

  1. Resources-wise so far I'm thinking:
    • quick how-to video on sim
    • links to mtl.how

JMR>> Ok, thank you. Thanks for your inputs Stacey, I really appreciate it.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins Here's what I get: image I feel bad that I'm not yet back in the swing with the reviewing workflow! I want to weigh in but so far haven't been able to review Sprint or any other changes, or i-text. Hope to get on board soon!

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

No worries Jane, I think your world ID in the group has been corrupted somehow. So I am going to delete you and re-register you. You should get a new notification tonight to try again.

Cheers! James

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

OK – try it now and let me know what happens.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Thanks @staceypark for the feedback. If the rest of you could give me your feedback by the COB tomorrow, I can get the design document done a little early and get DEV working on it.

In the meantime, the new PSY model with the IOT switch and time stepping is in test. The Suicide Prevention model with time stepping is also in test. I plan to start going through it tomorrow. Let me know if you have any findings.

Thanks James

branscombj commented 5 years ago

on my iphone i was able to log in, but only got this: img_1150 Clicking Play just it just gets hung up processing. On laptop, I get the same as I've been getting. If it makes any difference, I got to the login page for this MTL version via the link in your email when I did it on my phone. On my computer (because I can't get email on it right now -- unrelated annoyance, don't ask) I navigate there from Epicenter.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@jbranscomb - are you having the same issues with login this morning? I cannot replicate any of the difficulties you are having. Try logging into "va-test-group-may-2018" and see if you are having the same issues. Sorry for all the difficulties on this round . . . James

@jamesmrollins - Yes but -- Decided to try it in an incognito window and it worked! ... Jane

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins - from today's launch meeting

  1. Change PSY IOP Switch to GREEN (in both model diagram and in experiments section)
  2. Fix typo, should read: "Implement Intensive Outpatient Program"
  3. In the model diagram, make the box closer to text, it's too big, and remove "on" "off" in the slider diagram; no label for this slider, just like others.
  4. In experiments section, font is larger than the rest of experiments section, stretch the width of this switch, rather than make it square/long
  5. Positions of the switch, should be labeled, "None" "Partial" and "Full"
lzim commented 5 years ago

- TEST environment - Add the datafile "100a1_abc_teama_2018_11_01.xlsx"

@lzim Someone has added this to the test environment already. Thank you someone!


Yes, I added it :smile: but, @branscombj didn’t see it when we talked Thursday.

lzim commented 5 years ago

PSY Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP):

@lzim - this is now updated in the "model-popup-information.xlsx" file. - James

lzim commented 5 years ago


For content: Can you try to embed this video in the design of the self-registration portal website?

The header for the section would be: "The Veterans Advisory Partnership for Operators and Research (VAPOR) introduces Modeling to Learn" https://mtl.how/intro

Note that the logo for VAPOR is available here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/logos/vapor_logo_sm.png

lzim commented 5 years ago


For content: Can you try to embed this slide deck in the design of the self registration portal website?

The Overarching header for the section would be: "Recent Modeling to Learn Conference Presentations by Team PSD"

The specific title of the slide deck would be Academy Health D&I Meeting, Washington, D.C.: zimmerman_mtl_d_i_2018_12_04_final.pdf

JMR>>> Please verify if you want things actually stored on the webpage, or linked to their storage location. May be better to provide graphical links, that way you can easily update the source. If we put directly on the page, you will need the developer to do that.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

OK - here is another iteration of the portal design. image

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone - below is the latest and the greatest. The idea is that a person can continue to scroll down to mine additional content. Because it is quite large, I will give the overview here, and then follow with larger captures of each section.


Full View image

Top - MTL Intro image

Run Your Test section image

Video section image

Slides, Papers, Funding and Footer section image

Registration Pop-up image

Enjoy! James

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins I see this in the Facilitator Chat function in the MTL 1.7.1 PROD...


jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

OK - I will report it. What group/world were you in? Were you a facilitator?

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@staceypark can you tell me what world you were logged into, when you saw the issue above? Thank you. James

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim @TomRust @saveth @staceypark @holbrooa @branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @lkdolan

Hey everyone. The chat function appears to be malfunctioning for unknown reasons. I did extensive testing today and have some pretty good ideas what might be wrong. I hope to have it fixed by tomorrow morning. ~ James

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@TomRust I have tested the PSY model time-stepping function in both the model and in the simulation. They are returning the same results - so I think it is nearly ready for promotion to PROD. However, the graphics still need a little work. Hope to have these fixed by tomorrow.

Suicide Prevention is not time stepping all the way through in the client version of the model. It appears to step ok in the Sim UI, but the client jams up. Further, they are not returning entirely consistent results. I would like to discuss this with you at your earliest opportunity. ~ James

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins if you still need the login details, I was logged in through Jane's account in the teama team world.

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins General GitHub workflow comments Please do not edit over other people's comments. Only edit your own comment. This is important for keeping track of workflow. Lindsey has been editing comments only to take out folks' email information, etc. Along those lines, instead of using the email client to respond, please respond directly from GitHub to prevent folks personal information from repeatedly appearing here.

Registration Page comments Overall

  1. Logos - Need to be brand consistent and an exact match to how we've branded the rest of our materials. If you need higher resolution files or .ai files, just let us know. You can find all the logos you need at https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/resources/logos

Photos section Instead of photos, we would like these four gifs (in this order):

  1. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_4.gif
  2. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_5.gif
  3. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_10.gif
  4. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_6.gif

Modeling to Learn section

  1. "state-of-the-science" instead of "state-of-the-art"
  2. "system problem" instead of "mental healthcare delivery system"
  3. "modules" instead of "models"
  4. All instances of "Modeling to Learn" need to be italicized
  5. Under the about blurb, add the four MTL version logos (MTL Live, MTL Video, MTL Facilitate, and MTL Demo) all in one row. Under this row of icons, add the text "There are 4 versions of MTL. You are at MTL Demo."

Run Your Test section

  1. Align the icons with the icons in the Papers and Slides sections. Align the text with the text in the Papers and Slides sections.

Slides section

  1. Change citation to the one below.
  2. Hyperlink the title of the slidedeck "Participatory system dynamics for high quality VA addiciton and mental health care) to this link (make hyperlink color VA Light Blue): https://academyhealth.confex.com/academyhealth/2018di/meetingapp.cgi/Session/16731
  3. Change icon to be first slide of the slidedeck.

Zimmerman, L., Lounsbury, D., Rosen, C., Kimerling, R. Holbrook, A. Hong, S., Branscomb, J., Kibbe, D., Park, S., Kramer, R., Barlow, D.C., Mushiana, S., Azevedo, K., Yang, J., Trafton, J., Lindley, S., & Rust, T. (2018, December). Participatory system dynamics for high quality VA addiction and mental health care. Oral presentation in L. Zimmerman (Chair), Participatory modeling approaches to implementation science, 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Washington, D C.

Papers section

  1. Change citation to the one below.
  2. Hyperlink the doi number (doi:10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1) to this link (make hyperlink color VA Light Blue): http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1
  3. Change icon to be first page of the paper.

Zimmerman, L., Lounsbury, D., Rosen, C., Kimerling, R., Trafton, J. & Lindley, S. (2016). Participatory system dynamics modeling: Increasing stakeholder engagement and precision to improvement implementation planning in systems. Administrative Mental Health Policy and Mental Health Services Research 43(6), 834-849. doi:10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1

Funding section NIDA

  1. Remove the word "Principal Investigator"
  2. Add "the" before "National Institute on Drug Abuse"


  1. Remove "for" after the word "provided" --- "was provided by" instead of "was provided for by"
  2. Remove comma after "PTSD" and add "of the" --- should read "by the National Center for PTSD of the Veterans Health Administration"

Contact Us section

  1. Make VA logo smaller - More like the style of a footer to a page than it's own item.

Registration Pop Up

  1. Instead of the question asking people to participate in a survey, we would like for it to say "Do you want to receive email updates from mtl@va.gov about new MTL releases?"
jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Ok, I will write it up and get it to Dev

Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef

From: Stacey Park notifications@github.com Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2019 5:45 PM To: lzim/teampsd Cc: James Rollins; Mention Subject: Re: [lzim/teampsd] 1.7 to 1.8 Agile Development (#298)

General GitHub workflow comments Please do not edit over other people's comments. Only edit your own comment. This is important for keeping track of workflow. Lindsey has been editing comments only to take out folks' email information, etc. Along those lines, instead of using the email client to respond, please respond directly from GitHub to prevent folks personal information from repeatedly appearing here.

Registration Page comments Overall

  1. Logos - Need to be brand consistent and an exact match to how we've branded the rest of our materials. If you need higher resolution files or .ai files, just let us know. You can find all the logos you need at https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/resources/logos

Photos section Instead of photos, we would like these four gifs (in this order): [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_4.gif]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_4.gif [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_5.gif]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_5.gif [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_10.gif]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_10.gif [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_6.gif]https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_6.gif

  1. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_4.gif
  2. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_5.gif
  3. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_10.gif
  4. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lzim/teampsd/master/resources/gifs/sim_ui_6.gif

Modeling to Learn section

  1. "state-of-the-science" instead of "state-of-the-art"
  2. "system problem" instead of "mental healthcare delivery system"
  3. "modules" instead of "models"
  4. All instances of "Modeling to Learn" need to be italicized
  5. Under the about blurb, add the four MTL version logos (MTL Live, MTL Video, MTL Facilitate, and MTL Demo) all in one row. Under this row of icons, add the text "There are 4 versions of MTL. You are at MTL Demo."

Run Your Test section

  1. Align the icons with the icons in the Papers and Slides sections. Align the text with the text in the Papers and Slides sections.

Slides section

  1. Change citation to the one below.
  2. Hyperlink the title of the slidedeck "Participatory system dynamics for high quality VA addiciton and mental health care) to this link (make hyperlink color VA Light Blue): https://academyhealth.confex.com/academyhealth/2018di/meetingapp.cgi/Session/16731
  3. Change icon to be first slide of the slidedeck.

Zimmerman, L., Lounsbury, D., Rosen, C., Kimerling, R. Holbrook, A. Hong, S., Branscomb, J., Kibbe, D., Park, S., Kramer, R., Barlow, D.C., Mushiana, S., Azevedo, K., Yang, J., Trafton, J., Lindley, S., & Rust, T. (2018, December). Participatory system dynamics for high quality VA addiction and mental health care. Oral presentation in L. Zimmerman (Chair), Participatory modeling approaches to implementation science, 11th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Washington, D C.

Papers section

  1. Change citation to the one below.
  2. Hyperlink the doi number (doi:10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1) to this link (make hyperlink color VA Light Blue): http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1
  3. Change icon to be first page of the paper.

Zimmerman, L., Lounsbury, D., Rosen, C., Kimerling, R., Trafton, J. & Lindley, S. (2016). Participatory system dynamics modeling: Increasing stakeholder engagement and precision to improvement implementation planning in systems. Administrative Mental Health Policy and Mental Health Services Research 43(6), 834-849. doi:10.1007/s10488-016-0754-1

Funding section NIDA

  1. Remove the word "Principal Investigator"
  2. Add "the" before "National Institute on Drug Abuse"


  1. Remove "for" after the word "provided" --- "was provided by" instead of "was provided for by"
  2. Remove comma after "PTSD" and add "of the" --- should read "by the National Center for PTSD of the Veterans Health Administration"

Contact Us section

  1. Make VA logo smaller - More like the style of a footer to a page than it's own item.

Registration Pop Up

  1. Instead of the question asking people to participate in a survey, we would like for it to say "Do you want to receive email updates from mtl@va.govmailto:mtl@va.gov about new MTL releases?"

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/lzim/teampsd/issues/298#issuecomment-458778694, or mute the threadhttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AcvHMY6kYGx0qwIPff96WYsmK6b0w4h2ks5vIPkcgaJpZM4Z_rG9.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

Version 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 is in TEST: Please consult the design summary and review checklist below to and indicate your "Go, No-Go" response. I will add all participants to a test group named "version_1_7_to_1_8_test" and assign individual worlds. I have truncated the checklist to only cover things that are applicable for this sprint. This sprint is due for completion by 1/31.

Design Summary: PSY and SP were converted to gaming variables and can now time step. In the PSY module, a new user defined variable was added - " ." It appears in the SIM UI as an icon and in the Experiments Tile as a new experiment, following color and style conventions.

Simulation Run (James and Tom)

Outputs (if variables or charts are added) (James, Stacey and Savet)

Training and Documentation (Debbie, Jane, and Stacey)

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim Please confirm the following:

Your Discipline? Psychology Psychiatry Social Work Sociology Addiction Counseling Peer Counseling Other

Your Institution? University or College Medical Research Medical Health Care System Hospital Mental Health Care Facility Federal Government Agency State Government Agency County or City Agency Other

Your Role? Provider Executive Manager Program Manager Research Scientist Other

How Did You Find Us? Web Search Referral from MTL Facilitator Printed Flyer or Other Announcement Academic Paper Reference or Citation Academic Presentation Saw Information about MTL in Media

Also - I need a R01DA046651 link . . .

~ Thanks, James

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim @branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu

1.7.4 CC Modifications

@TomRust indicated changes to the CC module below:

Features added:

So, I changed itext for

To that end, I have modified the Sim UI and Experiments as shown:


Here is another switch with alternative wording (this switch seems clearer to me).


With blessings, I will move this into development. ~James

lzim commented 5 years ago


I don't see the implementation intensive outpatient program (IOP) option in the save dialogue for PSY in test:

psy_iop_save2 png


jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim Thanks for clarifying I will put in tonight's push to DEV.

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim @branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @TomRust @staceypark @saveth

I Have moved Sprint 1.7.4 CC Modifications to its own thread. I will introduce all future Sprints as their own thread to make navigation a little easier.

lzim commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jamesmrollins -

VERY HELPFUL to break the increments of the sprint into separate issues. 🏃‍ I think this will help with the point @branscombj mentioned on yesterday's MTL Launch call. :trophy:

I did a full sequence of PSY sims for the new IOP experiment last night.

@TomRust I have a question I have regarding my findings for appt/wk (and appointment of Sankey) variables in bc, partial and full implementation of the intensive outpatient program (IOP). Would you pull up what I ran and saved in Test 1.7.3 in the January world? I am trying to understand why the providers' appointments for patients in psychotherapy doubles in full implementation. ❓ I used the Q/H/F/D boxes, so you can track my bc, partial and full IOP implementation text and runs.

I'm slammed today, and will have to turn to Sprint 1.7.4 CC Modifications Issue #306 and the self-registration questions over the weekend.

@branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @TomRust @staceypark @saveth re: Spring 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 (PSY and SP). For both Testing and Training and Documentation we will need to address how learners would use the new incremental advance of simulation feature.

Has anyone started thinking/drafting anything about incremental advancement this after testing this new feature in 1.7.2 and 1.7.3 TEST?

Thanks All! Happy Friday 😄


lzim commented 5 years ago

Hi @jamesmrollins

I'm working on a new intro video for our VA grant and I've done some field testing, it does seem that folks like the correctly punctuated "Test. Don't Guess." tagline.

Can you easily upload the one you made here? Will you ping me either way? If it's easy I'll grab it from you, but if not I'll make a new one myself. Thanks! 🏈


lzim commented 5 years ago

@jamesmrollins and @staceypark

I've uploaded a MTL Demo and a new "Test. Don't Guess." .png to Resources > Logos here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/logos/mtl_demo_sq_sm.png https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/logos/mtl_testdontguess_sm.png

I keep the file names exactly the same so that the files will populate through all the code that links to those files.

Working through some GH issues (#306 and #206) today, but also have some short deadlines and short-scheduled meetings.

I should have a new Intro video for the demo/registration site MTL 1.7.4 today (#298). I needed a more updated one for our VA IIR grant review. But, still may need to update this again as we need to get through MTL 1.7.5 CC & MM Changes. MM continues to be an example that we highlight in several resources.

