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“I” information review and Master Crosswalk Workflow #301

Closed lzim closed 5 years ago

lzim commented 5 years ago

@jamesrollins and @tomrust

If @branscombj is going to review the current “i” Information that mainly Tom has drafted, should she do so here?


Thanks for helping to clarify our workflow for “i” info update and review.

FYI @staceypark

staceypark commented 5 years ago

"i" information here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/resources/master_crosswalk/info

  1. There are .md files for dynamic editing and viewing
  2. The "pop-up" file is for sending to dev to update the "i" text
branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @TomRust Can we drop "due" from the names of any effect size variables where it currently exists; e.g. (AGG) Sensitivity of Staff Burnout Due to Long-Term Overtime.

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @dlkibbe Can we shorten the definitions of variables in the Team Data Tables by reducing explanations of the "cohort over a year", which is described in the introductory text of the i info box?

branscombj commented 5 years ago

@lzim @dlkibbe @jamesmrollins @TomRust Caution: Since there is a separate .md file for each module, we need to be careful that revisions that would apply in multiple modules are made in each place in the Excel file, if decided via GitHub pull request for one module. (This is the reason I'm asking about global types of edits here (above) rather than in a pull request.)

"i" information here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/resources/master_crosswalk/info

  1. There are .md files for dynamic editing and viewing
  2. The "pop-up" file is for sending to dev to update the "i" text
lzim commented 5 years ago

Drawn from CC Issue #306 for review:

Review @branscombj and @dlkibbe please review the following "i" text for the switch:

“Control what data are used in the simulation - Select 0 for "RVI" to prioritize existing patients, where the team first sees all existing patients at the RVI estimated from the data, and only starts as many new patients as there are remaining open slots (based on RVI, supply, and missed appointment data). Select 1 for "New Patient Starts" to prioritize new patients, where the team first sees all new patients at the rate estimated from the data, and only sees existing patients at the RVI possible given the remaining open slots (based on start rate, supply, and missed appointment data).”

lzim commented 5 years ago

Drawn from CC Issue #306 for review:

Review @branscombj and @dlkibbe please review the following "i" text for the switch:

“Manually adjust the median number of weeks that patients receive care coordination visits with the team. (wks)”

@dlkibbe proposed this:

Change "i" text for "Additional Appointment Supply for New CC Patients" to, "Increasing the clinical hours allocated specifically to new patients will directly reduce the appointment hours available for existing patients."

But, I think we can get even shorter: "Increasing hours specifically for new patients reduces the hours available for existing patients."

lzim commented 5 years ago

Drawn from MM Issue #309 for review:

@branscombj and @dlkibbe please review the following "i" text for the switch: “Control what data are used in the simulation - Select 0 for "RVI" to prioritize existing patients, where the team first sees all existing patients at the RVI estimated from the data, and only starts as many new patients as there are remaining open slots (based on RVI, supply, and missed appointment data). Select 1 for "New Patient Starts" to prioritize new patients, where the team first sees all new patients at the rate estimated from the data, and only sees existing patients at the RVI possible given the remaining open slots (based on start rate, supply, and missed appointment data).”

Provide following "i" text for the slider:

“Manually adjust the median number of weeks that patients receive medication management visits with the team. (wks)”

lzim commented 5 years ago

Hello Everyone,

We need a consolidated issue for the latest MTL 1.8 edits out of the MTL 1.7 to MTL 1.8 development sprint are described across these open issues.

Yesterday, I attempted to copy out of the open issues below the relevant "i" text:

The most recent edits should be reflected soon in a new Master Crosswalk uploaded soon here by @jamesmrollins: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/tree/master/resources/master_crosswalk/current

**There are edits that will need updating in the

I've included team members from all these interdependent workflows. We are still looking for the best version contrl approach to the "master crosswalk" and "i" upload...

jamesmrollins commented 5 years ago

@lzim @TomRust @staceypark @saveth @branscombj @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @holbrooa I have updated and converted the Master Crosswalk table into mark down language. It is currently in a pull request waiting for your inputs and approval. I also updated the Pop-Up-Information table and converted it to mark down language. It too is in a pull request.

I'm not sure I got this right, but I tried based on the tutorials provided. If you need to correct or add, just go into the raw data and make your edits directly into the mark down file. When we are good to go and it the pull request gets pulled into master, then I can generate the necessary xlsx files for the SIM UI.

Thanks, James

TomRust commented 5 years ago

@branscombj -- Sorry for the delay: Yes, let's drop "due" from any sensitivity slider. It reads fine to me without it.

staceypark commented 5 years ago

@saveth @holbrooa @lzim @jamesmrollins @dlkibbe @branscombj @TomRust The master crosswalk and "i" information workflow has been moved to: https://osf.io/ygp36/

Please use the "check in/out" function to let others know when you are working with the file. You do not need to rename the file after editing, because OSF will automatically version control for us. You can also chat and "@" individuals to discuss issues directly in OSF.

You can find OSF instructions below or ping me with any questions: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/cheatsheets/osf_cheatsheet.pdf

lzim commented 5 years ago

Per @staceypark's last post in March, and our discussion on Today's MTL Launch call. We are using Open Science Framework for file version control on the Master Crosswalk here: https://osf.io/ygp36/

With the OSF Cheatsheet here: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/cheatsheets/osf_cheatsheet.pdf

I'll close this issue 🏁

@saveth @holbrooa @lzim @jamesmrollins @dlkibbe @branscombj @TomRust The master crosswalk and "i" information workflow has been moved to: https://osf.io/ygp36/

Please use the "check in/out" function to let others know when you are working with the file. You do not need to rename the file after editing, because OSF will automatically version control for us. You can also chat and "@" individuals to discuss issues directly in OSF.

You can find OSF instructions below or ping me with any questions: https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/blob/master/resources/cheatsheets/osf_cheatsheet.pdf