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wk1 2024_mar_epic ANDON Bug: Sim UI PROD password reset issue for new and newly added users #3062

Closed ljmoody closed 6 months ago

ljmoody commented 8 months ago

1. Laura cannot change her password in PROD login instance:


  1. Bug discovered January 24, 2024 while user testing with Jenn Li in support_workflow. FYI: Jenn tested functionality and she is able to submit a password request.
  2. Bug is not unique to L Moody; impacts new and newly added users. Affects ongoing site consult prep setup within PROD instance. Because, post-setup, users get/set their password by using the password reset dialog if 1) their user account was setup as part of site prep or 2) they don't remember their password.
jamesmrollins commented 8 months ago

@ljmoody please attempt to reset your password again and see if you get the same error. Thank you. James

ljmoody commented 8 months ago

Hi @jamesmrollins - I just tried again and received the same error: image

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

2/7/2024: FYI, I am also unable to reset password with my praxis login,

lzim commented 7 months ago

@ljmoody - This may impact our #consult_workflow sites all of whom need to be set up with the Password Reset functionality.

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

@lzim, answers to your questions are below. FYI: We had a call with dev and David from Forio last night that may lead to help resolving this issue.

A screenshot of the Inspector Console:


What browser were you using?

Microsoft Edge

Do you see it in both Chrome & Edge?

Yes, on both browsers.

Is this on a non-VA machine/laptop?

It is on my VA laptop. It also occurs on my non-VA machine (Apple) laptop while using Chrome and Safari browsers.

fyi: @tejaspesquare

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare a! Before the weekend begins, please give us an update on this issue (progress, level of effort, estimate to complete, etc.). We are receiving the email exchanges between you and David and would like this card to be updated with the current status as of the end of your Friday with the latest information, please. Thank you!

tejaspesquare commented 7 months ago

@ljmoody - We are still continuing troubleshoot the issue. Looking for error message which David has mentioned in his response.

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

3/1/24 update from Tejas:

Due to sync up issue between Github & Epicenter changes are not reflected. Hence, can't perform internal testing & unable to move code for your testing too.

tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

FYI All - As discussed in standup meeting today, for time being we will do manual copy code to intended environment.

tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

@ljmoody - Code copied manually to TEST-Slow. Kindly verify at your end, it should work now.

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

@tejaspesquare - yes, I tested (in TEST) both VA and Praxis email account password reset and both worked successfully.

lzim commented 6 months ago

@ljmoody & @tejaspesquare

@dlounsbu @dlkibbe Were reviewing this ANDON today in #systems_sme_workflow and wanted to know whether this has been or will be fixed in PROD.

tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

@lzim - This is working on lower instances now & hoping should work for all in Prod very soon. Will update once this is done. Password Reset notification are received on both instance breakfix & prod, as per confirmation from Laura Moody. @ljmoody if you would like to add something here.

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

Confirming development is in process, @lzim. Here's what is known this week: FYI: Laura is mainly testing since her account is new/newly created, and this seems to be an issue; not the same for existing accounts.

fyi: @lijenn @tejaspesquare @jamesmrollins

jamesmrollins commented 6 months ago

3/10/24 Sim UI Stand Up:

  1. @tejaspesquare indicates that @ljmoody need to test breakfix again and determine if the problem persists. Password resets were sent to @ljmoody 's VA and Praxis accounts.
  2. If problem persists, @ljmoody will require screen capture of the logs in the browser under the developer mode should her password resets not work.
  3. Contact @jamesmrollins if you have questions.
ljmoody commented 6 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare. See testing scenarios and results below, please.

Test Break Fix instance:

  1. I reset my VA password and then when I attempt to log in with the new password, I am unable to. Here is a screen capture of the inspector console: image

  2. I reset my Praxis password and have the same result: image

PROD instance:

  1. I reset my VA password and logged in successfully.
  2. I reset my Praxis password and was unable to login. Here's a screen capture of the inspector console: image

fyi @jamesmrollins, @lzim

lzim commented 6 months ago

Discussed at 8am_workflow wk2 2024_mar_epic

jamesmrollins commented 6 months ago



@ljmoody and I validated that the PROD instance does reset passwords. The problem was that Laura's praxis email end user account was not registered for any PROD groups. Therefore, the password reset didn't work for that account.


lzim commented 6 months ago

This sounds like it's closed and not a bug. Thanks!