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2024_09: TEST Causal Loop Diagrams (aka Feedback Loops, CLDs) #3069

Open ljmoody opened 8 months ago

ljmoody commented 8 months ago


When testing with users:

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare -

from Praxis Teams 2/5/24:

  1. Causal Loop Diagrams (View on popup window without scroll) -> 31st Jan: To fix resize issue team has applied new JavaScript but it is not working when integrate with designer code so they are looking into it. Meantime, you can provide feedback from your testing on Dev environment. If this is not gone work then team will move on to find alternate library.
    If business allow us to have casual diagram on another window then we can open it in a different tab & this will work without any issue. See Laura’s recording. I get the same issues.
    5- Feb: Could you please check now for CC. It should work on Edge, Chrome & Safari as well. Just delete history & do hard refresh (Ctr+F5) before test. Note: Team Care having some header issue, that we will look into it

I tested the CC CLD using:

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare,

on 2/7/24, from Tejas: @ljmoody & @lijenn: Point 20 & 21 (Casual Loop without Scroll) - This is fixed for remaining models & it is available to test in TEST-Slow. You can continue testing on this environment too.

I tested further using test environment, VA laptop, Edge browser. The causal loop diagram windows are functioning much better for enlarging; however, I wonder about the ability to make the CLD window larger than the browser window. Some users might find it tricky to resize and expose the DDD underneath again. FYI: @lijenn: image

I do have some requested changes to make - see screenshots below, please:

Care Coordination Story:

Team Care Story:

Medication Management Story:

Psychotherapy Story:

Team Flow:

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare - please see the wireframe_Feedback Loops tutor.pdf for the Feedback Loop tutor prompt wireframes - 6 pages.

Please check as completed to help with tracking progress:

tejaspesquare commented 7 months ago

@ljmoody, @lijenn: Changes (edit in header & edits in CLD) are incorporated & available in TEST-Slow.
Pending: Team Care Story - RVI legends on bottom left of window. Will be available in next publish.

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, I verified the changes you made - thank you!

In the screenshots + requested changes post above, it's possible Jenn added her feedback after you saw the post. Please revisit the following and update with this global correction:

should be "Return-to-Clinic Visit Interval", not "Return-to-Clinic-Visit-Interval"

Care Coordination:

Team Care:

Medication Management:


tejaspesquare commented 7 months ago

@ljmoody - Changes (CLD) done & available in TEST-Slow.

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, Jenn and I verified the edits you've made - thank you! Could you please:

ljmoody commented 7 months ago

@tejaspesquare - I've updated the "wireframe_Feedback Loops tutor.pdf" linked in a comment above. You should also now have permissions to view the file.

tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

@ljmoody - Tutor development will take 12-15days as per our initial estimation. Development is started from today.

Following Tutor wireframe considered. If any change do let us know. wireframeDDD tutor#3029 wireframeEpisodes of Care tutor#3029 wireframeFeedback Loops tutor#3069 wireframeMTL.Reports#3028

FYI @jamesmrollins & @lijenn

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

3/1/24 update from Tejas:

  • Default Opening size for some CLDs is too small, not started yet.
ljmoody commented 6 months ago

@tejaspesquare - good question (see below). I confirmed with Jenn that the tutor prompts we've made for the system stories do not need links associated with them.


lijenn commented 6 months ago

@tejaspesquare Laura and Jenn aim to test CLDs by the end of next week wk3 mar_epic.

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

@tejaspesquare, is it possible for the fonts to be resized permanently, find a good average size, or dynamically size them? The window resizing is working well; the readability will be an issue for users. We hope to discuss options with you at our Sunday meeting.

tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

@ljmoody , @lijenn :- wireframeFeedback Loops tutor#3069 This is developed & available to test on TEST-Slow. Please note, we are doing parallel testing from our side.

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

@tejaspesquare - I validated the Feedback Loop (CLD) tutor prompts today. They are all as they should be according to the wireframes. Your placement for the prompt near the checkboxes is in a better position than what I had on the wireframe. For consistency, please update Team Flow Story and Team Care Story Tutor prompt arrow location to be the same the others (showing MM Story as the example to follow below):

Change from:




tejaspesquare commented 6 months ago

@ljmoody - Arrow position for Team Care & Team Flow modified as per your feedback. It is available on TEST-Slow. image


ljmoody commented 6 months ago

Looks great, @tejaspesquare! Thank you. FYI: Jenn and I plan on testing CLDs together this week.

ljmoody commented 6 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, Jenn and I tested causal loops today. They are all legible upon opening--EXCEPT Team Care Story. The screenshot below is at 100% zoom. Is it possible to make the window larger - horizontally - to try to accommodate larger text? Is there something that can be done to improve the initial opening size and ability to read? And, if something can or could be done, what level of effort or time would be involved for this to happen?


ljmoody commented 5 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, I wanted to check in with you on a few things:

lijenn commented 5 months ago

Discussed 4/7 Sim UI Standup:

ljmoody commented 5 months ago

@tejaspesquare - #3148 includes requests for additional CLD changes; I'm adding them + clarifying info/visuals here. Please check off as they're developed.

tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

@ljmoody - Following points are completed & can be verified at Test-Slow instance:

  1. ALL feedback loops need to open as shown below - with no features selected in the dropdown:
  2. Change the order of dropdown checkboxes to be:
  3. Add to the legend: "Click any arrow to see the impact of change."
tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

@ljmoody: Research is required to tackle the font scaling issue. The team is currently seeking a solution and is expected to propose some suggestions.

  1. Font needs to be scaled in sync better and without overlap ideally (shown here at 150% which was the best view) image

Current view on Test-Slow: image

Thank You!

ljmoody commented 4 months ago

✅ Validated all the following points are incorporated into all module CLDs.

@ljmoody - Following points are completed & can be verified at Test-Slow instance: 3. ALL feedback loops need to open as shown below - with no features selected in the dropdown: 4. Change the order of dropdown checkboxes to be: 7. Add to the legend: "Click any arrow to see the impact of change."

ljmoody commented 4 months ago

Moved card #3148 to done and recommend closing; migrating comments related to CLD sizing here for continued tracking.

4/28 Sim UI Standup

Target Screen Resolutions for Dynamic Sizing

Desktop Screen Resolutions:

  1. 1920x1080 (22.7%)
  2. 1366x768 (14.47%)
  3. 1536x864 (10.41%)
  4. 1440x900 (6.61%)
  5. 1600x900 (3.8%)¹

Mobile Screen Resolutions:

  1. 360x800 (11.65%)
  2. 390x844 (7.26%)
  3. 414x896 (5.66%)
  4. 393x873 (5.16%)
  5. 328x926 (3.84%)¹

Tablet Screen Resolutions:

  1. 768x1024 (26.96%)
  2. 810x1080 (9.68%)
  3. 800x1180 (5.04%)
  4. 962x601 (2.99%)

fyi: @tejaspesquare, @lijenn, @jamesmrollins

tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

@jamesmrollins, @ljmoody, @lijenn - The font scaling problem has been resolved and is now available on Test-slow. Please verify and provide your feedback.

Default view image

Float (left) & Expand it image

When do resize, font size is reduced image

ljmoody commented 4 months ago

@tejaspesquare, the scaling is much improved and I appreciate how the diagrams open automatically with the last user-selected window size and loop dynamics choices. Feedback I have to offer:

fyi: @lijenn, @jamesmrollins

jamesmrollins commented 4 months ago

@ljmoody - Did the popup size automatically over the community button, or did you drag it over the community button? The community button is always on top as a business rule. But I want to understand the use case better. Lets discuss at 5/3 meeting.

tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

@ljmoody - Loop priorities issue is fixed & now it should appear consistent at any zoom level.


tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

Hello @jamesmrollins , @ljmoody , @lijenn - The wireframe development for Decision Meter has been finished and is now accessible on Test-Slow for validation.



ljmoody commented 4 months ago

Thanks, @tejaspesquare, for the update on Decision Meter tutor prompts. I'll track that+validation in #3029.

ljmoody commented 4 months ago

@tejaspesquare, I know there are higher level tasks for you to work on currently. Still, I wanted to let you know that today Jenn and I looked at PROD version of causal loops and they're misbehaving. For example:

  1. Jenn's view when opening up causal loops (VA laptop, 90% zoom, Chrome browser) is cutoff at the top: image

  2. Laura's view when opening and resizing causal loops (VA laptop, 100% zoom, Edge browser): Team Care: image image image image

MM: image image image image

fyi: @lijenn, @jamesmrollins, @lzim

tejaspesquare commented 4 months ago

Hello @ljmoody - Please find my response below:

  1. We will try to attend Point#1 as soon as possible. In the meantime, if it has not been done already, could you please ask Jennifer to clear the cache and perform a hard refresh to see if that resolves the issue?
  2. Text re-size on popup: Behavior is like when the popup is initially opened, it requires a click within its area for the font size to adjust. (Note: We put our efforts to fix this issue however not succeeded. Nevertheless, we would like to address this matter later point of time considering other high priority items) Subsequently, the font will automatically adjust according to any changes in screen size. Font resizing is not related to floating the screen.

Thank You!

lijenn commented 4 months ago

Thanks @tejaspesquare, clearing the cache and doing a hard refresh resolved my issue for the Team Care pop-up.

The behavior for the font size is a bit awkward, but I agree that it's a low priority (we can come back to this later) and focus on the API and CI/CD bugs for now.

tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

Hello @ljmoody, @lijenn, Casual Loop Diagrams - Text re-size on popup: This behavior is modified & now text scaling will happen only when user change popup size. It is moved to Test-slow for verification.

FYI - @jamesmrollins

ljmoody commented 3 months ago

Hello @tejaspesquare, I appreciate the resize cursor now available on each of the CLDs - makes resizing much easier for users when pop-up is large and when the community/top of page buttons are hovering over the resize triangle. 🚀 image

Tested CLDs for each module today in Test-slow, on VA laptop, Edge browser, zoom at 100%. ✅ Verified the font sizing behavior is now working as desired.

Care Coordination:

when first opened:


when resized larger:


when resized smaller:


Team Care:

when first opened:


when resized larger:


when resized smaller:


Medication Management:

when first opened:


when resized larger:


when resized smaller:



when first opened:


when resized larger:


when resized smaller:


Team Flow:

when first opened:


when resized larger:


when resized smaller:


fyi @jamesmrollins @lijenn

ljmoody commented 1 week ago