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Need for MTL 3.7 Release 2024_06_epic #story_b: FEATURE: add utility to Team Setup that allows users to add or delete automatically added people #3123

Open ljmoody opened 3 months ago

ljmoody commented 3 months ago

User Story

Within the Settings blue bar, accessible from the Facilitator Dashboard, create a utility that allows users to add or delete automatically added people from a team. This popup is for creating and maintaining a list of SMEs that will be auto-added or removed when a new team is set up. It will also update existing team member listings.

Acceptance Criteria



tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

@jamesmrollins, @ljmoody - Could you please let us know when this is expected to be delivered?

Also, we will be preparing document mentioning few queries related to SME development. We will share it soon.

tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

@jamesmrollins - Can you please refer attached document of SME development. We will discuss in our next meeting. SME Development.pptx

jamesmrollins commented 3 months ago

3/25 Stand Up

tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

@jamesmrollins - POC started for SME development.

lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed Sim UI Stand Up 04/03/2024:

ljmoody commented 2 months ago

Discussed at 4/3/24 Sim UI Standup: Development is in progress. Working on POC. Completed add function, working on edit and delete function. First target is that it works with a single group before applying the change to all other groups. Estimated completion: next week.

@jamesmrollins: Do you have a specific design in mind for the SME icon?

lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed 4/7 Sim UI Stand Up:

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

Discussed 4/7 Sim UI Stand Up:

  • @jamesmrollins let us know if you have new icons that were developed/needed for this feature. Thanks!

Roger! Will provide icon today.

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

FYI @lijenn @ljmoody

@tejaspesquare here is a copy of the icon. I will also email it to you.


lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed 4/10 Sim UI Stand Up:

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

3/14 Stand Up

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

4/21 Sim UI Standup

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

@tejaspesquare @lijenn @ljmoody


  1. The current API makes several calls to each group to add a facilitator, which can be slow. This will only get worse at scale. However, since we have less than 50 groups, it shouldn't pose a problem for initial development. Thus, the DEV team will continue to develop the feature with the existing API, using the criteria above.
  2. I spoke with David B at Forio. While there isn't a workaround for the opening of each group in the current API, as it is necessary for security reasons, there is a way that we can batch process the addition of a person to all groups in the backend.
  3. David B. indicated that the API to accomplish this batch process would need to be developed and a beta available in early July.
  4. I have created a card #3152 trigger a batch process implementation in the Sim UI.
tejaspesquare commented 2 months ago

@jamesmrollins , @ljmoody , @lijenn - SME development is completed & can be tested on Test-slow.

Add SME Member - All groups will be updated and displayed in the Team Setup section on Settings. image

Delete SME Member -

  1. User confirmation message image
  2. Empty SME Group & so Team Setup image


Our current framework lacks a mechanism or API in place that can retain historical data and assist in pinpointing the specific group updated by the Subject Matter Expert (SME). Consequently, during a deletion process, the system will remove all existing teams (having Facilitator role) that include an SME Member.

lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed Stand Up 04/24/24:

lijenn commented 2 months ago

@tejaspesquare I do not see the SME button in Test Slow yet. Should go into Dev instance to test this?

Also, I know we clarified the removal of the Facilitator role. I remember Laura and I removing the Facilitator login group from epicenter, but I just noticed that the login is back. Are we able to remove it without impacting development work?

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

4/28 Sim UI Stand Up.

tejaspesquare commented 2 months ago

FYI @jamesmrollins, @lijenn - We have removed facilitator_login from Test-Slow & code mapped with administrator_login. We are currently looking for solution to effectively store and retrieve historical data using a vault.

@lijenn - Testing can be conducted on Test-Slow, as the SME link is currently active. Please disregard any validation messages and ensure that SME member(s) with a few teams associated with them are added or removed.

ljmoody commented 1 month ago

Hi @tejaspesquare, I haven't fully tested the functionality of the Add SME pop-up , but in working on documenting this feature, noticed:

fyi: @lijenn

tejaspesquare commented 1 month ago

Hello @ljmoody, sure, we will substitute facilitator with 'Administrator'. Spell correction will be addressed, and in some instances, proper validation will need to be handled. The development team will be working for resolving these matters. Appreciate your notification regarding the spelling issue.

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

FYI @lzim @dlkibbe @dlounsbu

SME Impact: None

5/28 Sim UI Demo

tejaspesquare commented 3 weeks ago

@jamesmrollins, @ljmoody - Updates on SME

We have completed one stage of development on SME. Currently, it is capable of adding a single group or multiple groups associated with a single member. When performing a delete action, it will remove all associations between the member and the selected group(s). If you leave any group(s) undeleted during the first action, you will not have the opportunity to delete another set of groups as the user will be removed from the SME list. We are actively working on addressing this use case.

Additionally, during deletion, only the groups that were added during the add operation should be displayed. Need to find solution for the same.

Add Member- image


Delete Member- image

Note: We are still working on this. Have identified a few observations in this publish that we will be addressing shortly.

Thank You!

FYI - @lijenn

ljmoody commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @tejaspesquare, please provide an update on this issue card when possible. Thank you!

tejaspesquare commented 2 weeks ago

@ljmoody - Please find latest development.


Delete Scenario - Based on the screen above, it listed all the groups in which user got Facilitator role & it is difficult to distinguish between groups configured via SME or Team setup. We cannot specifically identify the groups that have been configured via SME. Additionally, attempts to utilize the Vault API for solution did not yield the expected results.

ljmoody commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for this update, @tejaspesquare. Please continue to work on this feature and provide regular updates on the progress.

FYI: I tried adding myself as a SME and had no response after clicking the "Add Member" button. I'm including a screenshot of the inspector console in case it is helpful: image

jamesmrollins commented 1 week ago

FYI: @ljmoody @lijenn @lzim @tejaspesquare @dlkibbe @dlounsbu

Sim UI Update 6/18

Impact to SMEs