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2024_wk1_apr: FEATURE: Change the learning modes of CC and MM from the Dynamic Dashboard #3132

Closed jamesmrollins closed 1 month ago

jamesmrollins commented 3 months ago

User Story

As an end user, I need a way to change the learning modes of CC and MM from the Dynamic Dashboard without having to completely to the beginning of the "GO" computer workflow.

When the user clicks on the red Learning Mode Label feature in the CC or MM sub-sections on the Dynamic Dashboard, then the system will present the Learning Mode pop up.

If the user clicks on a different setting, such as, 'Existing patient Return to Clinic Visit Interval,' then the system re-initializes based on the new learning mode when the user clicks 'Continue'.

Else, the user is returned to the Dynamic Dashboard with no action.

Wire Frame

1. User clicks 'Learning Mode' label


2. Learning Mode pop is presented.


3. User selects different Learning Mode and clicks 'Continue'


4 The model re-initializes to time=0 in the selected Learning Mode


tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

@jamesmrollins - Is it possible to reshare image for point no 3. For me it is inaccessible 'User selects different Learning Mode and clicks 'Continue''


ljmoody commented 3 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare & @jamesmrollins - I modified the image in Step 3; Tejas should now be able to view.

tejaspesquare commented 3 months ago

@jamesmrollins , @ljmoody - Development done in our local environment however this change forced to make some design related changes which is in-progress.

FYI- image

ljmoody commented 2 months ago

@tejaspesquare, please let Jenn and I know when we can test this, and in which instance. Thank you.

ljmoody commented 2 months ago

Discussed at 4/3/24 Sim UI standup.

ljmoody commented 2 months ago

Hi @tejaspesquare - I tested this feature in Test-Slow (after doing a hard reset) with mixed results. It sometimes works and refreshes the DDD and other times it just hangs on the learning mode transitions. I recorded what I experienced so you can observe. Twice in the video I refreshed the browser screen to reset. Please revisit and let me know when to test again.

lzim commented 2 months ago

FYI @lijenn @ljmoody & @tejaspesquare

Yesterday and today using Chrome and my VA Laptop I experience "hung" result in the Sim UI TEST Dynamic Dashboard after selecting the EPRVI Learning mode for both CC & MM to initialize the Dashboard using the Soft Moss Data file.

Here is the Inspector Console and the view I receive. The only way out of it is to log off and try again. image

tejaspesquare commented 2 months ago

@ljmoody, @lzim @lijenn - When we tested at our end (Test Slow) it gives expected result. Results attached as given below.

Initial Run image

Learning Mode Change to NPSR image


Switch back to EPRVI image

Note: Version3 error (1st entry in your console error log) you won't encounter now. We tried to reproduce same error log however it ran successfully in our case. Would like to replicate issue, could you please share model file you have used in your test. Thanks!

lzim commented 2 months ago

Thanks for testing @tejaspesquare ! FYI: @lijenn @ljmoody @jamesmrollins I tested again now using "soft_moss" data. It sometimes worked from initialization hitting the green go button. 😅
But, it also sometimes got stuck, typically wehn using the red learning mode menu to switch between learning modes & I had to reload the page.


It is no longer stuck when initializing with EPRVI, but I am getting inaccurate and unrealistic ranges of PSY module. See Screenshot below. Note the currently blocked and soon to be blocked messages in Page Errors and Breaking Changes section of the Inspector Console.


Initializing NPSR Learning Mode it did not hang like on Tues & Wed, and I got the same unrealistic PSY values. I also see lack of range consistency with the MM Module and Team Care MM Service results when testing in NPSR or EPRVI.


lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed 4/7 Sim UI Standup:

jamesmrollins commented 2 months ago

4/14 Stand Up

ljmoody commented 2 months ago

Tested 4/19 and 4/22 using one Blue team data set and one Red team data set. Both returned reasonable and consistent numbers for all modules and services within those with service options. Used green Go! button and red EPRVI/NPSR buttons to reinitialize data sets within the model. No hanging and no unreasonable numbers.

✅ Verified that changing learning modes works correctly and as intended. Moving to Done column in ZenHub.

fyi: @jamesmrollins

lijenn commented 2 months ago

Discussed Stand Up 04/24/24:

lijenn commented 2 months ago

Jenn verified and got the same dashboard and data results using the 4/19 and 4/22 data from Laura's test worlds. @ljmoody feel free to close once the documentation is done!

ljmoody commented 1 month ago

Closing card; documentation added to section 7.0 of existing MTL manual "Dynamic Decision Dashboard" (specifically the overview of the DDD with numbered pins).