As a manual user and member of Team PSD, I need instructions on how to update the gh-pages branch so that it results in an update to the bookdown Team PSD manual. The current instructions are in Chapter 1 Team PSD Manual and Chapter 2 Use and Contribute to Team PSD Manual of the Team PSD Manual.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] A user-test of the instructions is conducted to determine if they support the manual update use-case.
[ ] Modifications to the instructions are written and illustrated in a clear and articulate manner.
[ ] The Team PSD manual is updated in gh-pages to reflect the changes above.
User Story
As a manual user and member of Team PSD, I need instructions on how to update the gh-pages branch so that it results in an update to the bookdown Team PSD manual. The current instructions are in Chapter 1 Team PSD Manual and Chapter 2 Use and Contribute to Team PSD Manual of the Team PSD Manual.
Acceptance Criteria