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2024_06 Need for MTL 3.7 release 2024_may_epic #story_b: TEST Team Setup within Sim UI #3154

Open ljmoody opened 1 month ago

ljmoody commented 1 month ago

testing functionality & design of: Administrator Dashboard > Settings > Team Setup > Add > Add


All feedback to DEV is addressed and/or incorporated for:

ljmoody commented 1 month ago

@tejaspesquare, within the Team Setup > Add > Add > Setup - Add Members pop-up:

tejaspesquare commented 2 weeks ago

@ljmoody - We have made changes as per above notes. It is available on Test-slow.



ljmoody commented 2 weeks ago

6/11/24 testing in DEV environment:

✅ validated confirmation message added when deleting team member(s) from EXISTING groups. ✅ When creating a NEW team and when editing an EXISTING team, the "Select Permissions" dropdown does include correct nomenclature: image

FYI @tejaspesquare

Some things I noticed when testing:

~- [ ] 3. When testing today, I created two new teams. Neither are showing up in the Team Setup list - nor after logging out/back in again:~ image

tejaspesquare commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @ljmoody

  • [ ] 3. When testing today, I created two new teams. Neither are showing up in the Team Setup list - nor after logging out/back in again: image

Kindly provide the names of the teams for further investigation, if you have stored or remember it. We are able create a new team successfully.

SIM UI image Epicenter- image

tejaspesquare commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @ljmoody, Changes accommodated as per below points.

  • [ ] 1. When deleting a member in a newly created team (as setup is happening), the team member is deleted immediately. Suggest adding a confirmation message ("Are you sure you want to delete selected Team Member(s)?" to this as well.
  • [ ] 2. Within Administrator Dashboard > Settings > Facility Team Setup > Add, please make these two changes:

    • [ ] Capitalize A in Administrator
    • [ ] Have the Permissions column reflect permissions chosen for Members as "Member" (vs Player)



ljmoody commented 1 week ago

Testing in TEST-slow

FYI: @jamesmrollins

tejaspesquare commented 1 week ago

Hello @ljmoody, Points 5 & 6 this are being handled & can be tested on Test-slow.

  • [ ] 5. While creating a team and adding members, if a team member name is selected, then Setup - Add Members "Edit" button is pressed, the First Name and Last Name fields are not populated (even though they were input as shown on the team list). These fields should be populated as they were upon setup. In this example, the First Name field should show "Cherry" and the Last Name field should show "Croissant":


  • [ ] 6. Within Settings > selecting a team and clicking "Edit" button > selecting an automatically added SME, then clicking "Edit" button, the First Name and Last Name fields are not populated:

Added - SME image

Edit image

tejaspesquare commented 1 week ago
  • [ ] 7. Logged in with VA account, I created june12_laura_testing teams (_team, _ind, & _shared). I added my Praxis email only to _team as a Lead, as shown below: image I then logged out and logged in using Praxis account - and see these teams: image I don't think I should be seeing the _ind team here given the setup of the teams shown above - correct?

Based on our monitoring, there have been no modifications made to this feature since its development. The current behavior is as follows: After the initial setup of teams (_team, _shared, & _ind): i. Adding a member to _team will automatically add them to _shared and _ind. For this reason, _ind also listed in drop-down.
ii. Adding a member to _shared will not affect _ind or _team. iii. Adding a member to _ind will not impact _team or _shared.

If there are any anticipated changes to this behavior, please inform us accordingly we will work on it.

Just to note & may not relevance here - in Jan'24 we worked on Team setup world issues for ind, shared, team worlds through card #3061.

lzim commented 1 week ago


@ljmoody @tejaspesquare Working to set up #572



ljmoody commented 1 week ago


Regarding your point 2 above, I'll conduct testing today to see if I get the same result and comment in this card with what I find.

Regarding your point 1 above, my hunch is that your random assortment of my teams in the dropdown when I login has to do with permissions.

Tejas offered this explanation for why you see teams in this login dropdown:

It is normal to observe the presence of certain teams on the world selection dropdown when you log in. This occurrence is expected because you do not possess the Facilitator role (on Epicenter) for those particular groups.

See his post + Epicenter screenshot on card #3181 from a few days ago.

Additional FYIs about how the system is handling permission functionality:

So, I would recommend checking

FYI: @jamesmrollins

ljmoody commented 1 week ago

@lzim and @tejaspesquare, Regarding Lindsey's point 2 above: I used the Facility Team Setup but it only set up a _shared world no _team or _ind

I tested this functionality in PROD today by creating a team, adding members, and upon clicking "Done", the team with three world extensions were created - and contain all 6 auto-added individuals: image

In the meantime,

fyi @jamesmrollins

tejaspesquare commented 1 week ago

Hello @ljmoody

  • [ ] @tejaspesquare, I do see that all 3 worlds were created for this team (via Epicenter). However, not all teams created contain the same auto-added members. Hypothesis is that something in the code is not correct. See screenshots below for more detail:

This function operates flawlessly in our account & all teams got created with same auto-added members as expected. We have verified by setup of 2 teams 'devqatest_13june' & 'devqatest_14june' on 13th June & 14th June respectively,

Auto added members- (redacted to remove PII) image


ljmoody commented 1 week ago

@tejaspesquare, appreciate you showing what you see on your end. This is indeed a curious thing to happen! Trying to unravel this below:

Given what Tejas said/showed above, I tested today by:

  1. Logging into PROD using Lindsey's credentials.
  2. Created a new team via Settings > Facility Team Setup.
  3. Team was successfully created and all 3 worlds of this team appear in the team list: image
  4. I checked members within each team, and all 6 auto-added members are there: image

So by my testing and experience today, this is working correctly. However, it still doesn't solve the mystery about why Lindsey created a team and cannot see all worlds.

@lzim, I manually added you (via Epicenter) to the blue CBOC team you created yesterday, in both _team and _ind worlds. This takes care of that team's visibility issues for you, as shown below: image

fyi @jamesmrollins

lzim commented 4 days ago

sim_ui_workflow - Please add story point estimates.
