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2024_wk1_may: BUG: CI/CD actions between lzim/mtl, jamesmrollins/sim_ui and Epicenter not working #3156

Closed jamesmrollins closed 1 month ago

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

What Should Happen

When the user pushes a new model files (.vmfx, mdl, .xmile) to lzim/mtl and CI/CD action fires that creates an SD-Doc file, updates in lzim/mtl directory and moves the model files through the jamesmrollins/sim_ui and jamesmrollins/mtl_demo repositories to Epicenter.

What happens 

The action fires, with deprecation errors, and creates the SD-Doic file; however, the files do not migrate all the way to Epicenter and have to be downloaded and pushed manually.


The action to Forio API that loads the files into Epicenter may be malfunctioning.