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2024_wk4_may: BUG: Teams created in the Admin DB - settings is not showing in the Teams dropdown #3161

Closed jamesmrollins closed 3 weeks ago

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

What Happened

  1. When user navigates to the Settings Menu and creates a new team in the Facility Team Setup, the team is not reflected in the Team dropdown in the Admin DB.
  2. The query is not operating correctly.

What Should Happen

The teams listed in the Facility Team Setup, should be listed in the "Select Team" dropdown.

Next Steps

@tejaspesquare will investigate the API call and answer:

Resolve Estimate: 5/25 (Revision 1)

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

@dberkman : We are still not able to resolve why these calls do not return the same values for team listings for legacy groups. When the tester creates a new group from the Team Setup dialogue, it lists in the Select Team dropdown with no problems. For example, the groups below worked when setup in the Team Setup dialogue:

On the Dev Project local_04_feb_14

On the Test-slow Project qa_test_29march_0240

API Call from Settings dialogue in Admin Dashboard


Method: GET API: http://localhost:8000/V2ForioAPI/member/local/?userId=000001703a728146b8528a5995911198ff5b Body: userId: 000001703a728146b8528a5995911198ff5b Response: [ { "type": "local", "created": "2024-03-12T14:49:35Z", "lastModified": "2024-03-12T14:49:35Z", "startDate": "2024-03-12T00:00:00Z", "id": "0000018e3322b1ad0ad0ad253b3500659675", "name": "mar_12_team_names_test_team", "account": "va", "project": "va-psd-test", "organization": "mar_12_team_names_test_team", "event": "Team", "price": 0, "runCount": 0, "userCount": 9, "members": [ { "added": "2024-03-12T14:49:35Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "standard", "groupId": "0000018e3322b1ad0ad0ad253b3500659675", "userId": "000001703a728146b8528a5995911198ff5b", "userName": "jrollins@praxisanalytix.com", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Rollins", "active": true, "id": 3901982, "userRow": 568229 } ], "groupId": "0000018e3322b1ad0ad0ad253b3500659675" }, { "type": "local", "created": "2024-03-14T20:17:31Z", "lastModified": "2024-03-14T20:17:31Z", "startDate": "2024-03-14T00:00:00Z", "id": "0000018e3e92e0358218328e70bf0065bba6", "name": "3080_testing_team", "account": "va", "project": "va-psd-test", "organization": "3080_testing_team", "event": "Team", "price": 0, "runCount": 40, "userCount": 10, "members": [ { "added": "2024-03-14T20:17:32Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "facilitator", "groupId": "0000018e3e92e0358218328e70bf0065bba6", "userId": "000001703a728146b8528a5995911198ff5b", "userName": "jrollins@praxisanalytix.com", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Rollins", "active": true, "id": 3911567, "userRow": 568229 } ], "groupId": "0000018e3e92e0358218328e70bf0065bba6" },

API Call from Select Team dropdown in Admin Dashboard


1. First part of call

API :https://forio.com/v2/member/local/0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5 Method: Get Authorization : Bearer + Token Response: { "type": "local", "created": "2024-03-13T12:53:36Z", "lastModified": "2024-03-13T12:53:36Z", "startDate": "2024-03-13T00:00:00Z", "id": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "name": "test_13march_0623_team", "account": "va", "project": "va-psd-dev", "organization": "test_13March_0623_team", "event": "Team", "price": 0, "runCount": 0, "userCount": 5, "members": [ { "added": "2024-04-29T09:16:32Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "facilitator", "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "userId": "0000018b3d4d3c0766e8f40e19340060632d", "userName": "devrinkeshp@outlook.com", "firstName": "dev r", "active": true, "id": 4029051, "userRow": 2155218 }, { "added": "2024-03-13T12:53:37Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "facilitator", "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "userId": "0000016395d53f73d8e441bb18df05f76c52", "userName": "devuser7", "lastName": "Dev User7", "active": true, "id": 3906023, "userRow": 29427 }, { "added": "2024-03-13T12:53:37Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "standard", "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "userId": "0000017543409bce86d83cd1dc236288531f", "userName": "debra.kibbe@va.gov", "firstName": "", "lastName": "Debra Kibbe", "active": true, "id": 3906017, "userRow": 767693 }, { "added": "2024-03-13T12:53:37Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "facilitator", "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "userId": "000001703a728146b8528a5995911198ff5b", "userName": "jrollins@praxisanalytix.com", "firstName": "James", "lastName": "Rollins", "active": true, "id": 3906020, "userRow": 568229 }, { "added": "2024-04-26T09:03:53Z", "memberType": "group", "role": "facilitator", "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5", "userId": "000001685f87d358b7cd3676ca9e35eb25ed", "userName": "hirenp", "lastName": "Hiren Patel", "active": true, "id": 4024193, "userRow": 326522 } ], "groupId": "0000018e37c775c58218328e70bf006544d5" } 2. Second part of the call

Method: Get API:http://localhost:8000/V3ForioAPI/world/test_13march_0658_team/episode-cc Response: [ { "personae": [ { "role": "Team Lead", "minimum": 0 }, { "role": "Player", "minimum": 0 } ], "assignments": [ { "user": { "detail": { "lastUpdated": "2024-04-23T17:22:38Z", "lastLogin": "2024-04-23T17:22:38Z", "modality": "none", "created": "2020-10-19T23:52:14Z", "givenName": "", "familyName": "Debra Kibbe", "countdown": { "last": "2024-04-23T17:22:38Z", "count": 0 }, "active": true, "handle": "debra.kibbe@va.gov", "email": "debra.kibbe@va.gov", "mfaDetail": { "mfaMethodology": "NONE" }, "objectType": "native" }, "lastUpdated": "2024-03-13T06:14:16Z", "userKey": "0000017543409bce86d83cd1dc236288534c", "created": "2020-10-19T23:52:14Z", "displayName": " ", "userId": 767693 }, "role": "Team Lead" } ], "orbitKey": "0000018e37ea0d718218328e70bf0065f4d9", "lastUpdated": "2024-03-13T13:28:08Z", "worldKey": "0000018e37d8bf0ce6feda995af700657792", "created": "2024-03-13T13:28:08Z", "orbitType": "episode", "name": "World001", "allowChannel": false } ]

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

@tejaspesquare the below is from David B.

Observations from code

  1. The first call is v2 for all groups for a user, across Epicenter.
  2. The second call is v2 for the users in a single group.
  3. They do very different things, which is unsurprising as they are two different URLs. The last call is v3 for all worlds within an episode.


If you want the data from the first call to also appear where the second call is being used, I would say use the first call in both places.

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago


The Problem

The Solution

1 Method: PUT API:https://forio.com/api/v3/va/va-psd-dev/world/persona/group/0000018e899ac1e782a81ed827d40065b9df Authorization: Bearer + Token Body: [ { "role": "Team Lead", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 1 } ] Response:

[5:46 AM] Tejas Patel (Unverified) 2



Authorization:Bearer + Token



"name": "episode-cc"




"lastUpdated": "2024-05-25T11:36:36.957Z",

"created": "2024-05-25T11:36:36.957Z",

"draft": false,

"episodeKey": "0000018faf85dc2faa33f5ab9e420066a6a1",

"name": "episode-cc"


[5:47 AM] Tejas Patel (Unverified) 3



Authorization:Bearer + Token



"assignments": [


        "userKey": "0000016395d53f73d8e441bb18df05f76c52",

        "role": "Team Lead"



"objective": "MAXIMUM",

"requireAllAssignments": true





    "personae": [


            "role": "Team Lead",

            "maximum": 1,

            "insertionOrder": 0,

            "minimum": 1



    "assignments": [


            "user": {

                "detail": {

                    "lastUpdated": "2024-04-29T05:37:54Z",

                    "lastLogin": "2024-04-29T05:37:54Z",

                    "modality": "none",

                    "created": "2018-05-25T06:18:55Z",

                    "familyName": "Dev User7",

                    "countdown": {

                        "last": "2024-04-29T05:37:54Z",

                        "count": 0


                    "active": true,

                    "handle": "devuser7",

                    "mfaDetail": {

                        "mfaMethodology": "NONE"


                    "objectType": "native"


                "lastUpdated": "2023-04-27T13:02:21Z",

                "userKey": "0000016395d53f73d8e441bb18df05f76c52",

                "created": "2018-10-15T01:13:52Z",

                "displayName": "Dev User7",

                "userId": 29427


            "role": "Team Lead"



    "orbitKey": "0000018faf85dc2faa33f5ab9e420066a6a1",

    "lastUpdated": "2024-05-25T11:40:22.307Z",

    "worldKey": "0000018faf72f83cae4380171fc0006579e4",

    "created": "2024-05-25T11:40:22.307Z",

    "orbitType": "episode",

    "name": "World001",

    "allowChannel": false



jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

5/27 Stand Up

lzim commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks for the estimate of availability on 05/28 @jamesmrollins 💯 _Ready for #systems_smeworkflow or someone else?

ljmoody commented 3 weeks ago

fyi @jamesmrollins & @lzim: Tested 6/3/24 in PROD instance and verified ✅ teams created in Settings>Facility Team Setup are showing in the Aministrator Dashboard Select Team dropdown menu - screenshots below. Closing this card as complete.

