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2024_06: White glove Test the Sim UI interface #3165

Open jamesmrollins opened 1 month ago

jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago


Acceptance Criteria


jamesmrollins commented 1 month ago

Hide MTL Reports icons



tejaspesquare commented 1 month ago

@jamesmrollins - This is resolved & available to test on Dev environment.

jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago

@tejaspesquare - the above was not migrated to Test environment:


jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago


MM Model Calling Variables that do not exist in the model.


MM_PROD.ctx Context File needs to be updated


jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago


Psychotherapy Causal Loop Diagram opens incorrectly


Expand viewable area of Team Care Story


Increase font size and improve text centering (see highlights) in Team Flow Story


@lijenn @ljmoody do these dropdowns need to be relabeled "Causal Stories" or "Stories?"


lzim commented 4 weeks ago

wk5 2024_05 #systems_sme_workflow @lzim @dlkibbe

@jamesmrollins - Unclear about the only 2 of 8 requirements tested. Some seem to say 05/31. Our understanding was that we would have the MTL 3.7 Blue Live Consults ready to set up this week for scheduling. Please advise on timeline to completion.

FYI: @dlounsbu

jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago


lzim commented 4 weeks ago

@jamesmrollins - Unfortunately, I'm understanding this response re: _MTL Blue 3.7 Live Consult_ prep planned for this week. Are you saying we will not be done with testing until end of week?

Please keep all of #systems_sme_worklow in the loop.

FYI: @dlkibbe @dlounsbu

jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago

FYI: @lijenn @ljmoody @dlkibbe @dlounsbu @lzim

Regarding Testing

jamesmrollins commented 4 weeks ago


Please modify the following popup as shown.


tejaspesquare commented 4 weeks ago

Hello @jamesmrollins - Episodes of Care -Extend popup size: This is resolved & available to test on Test-Slow.


ljmoody commented 3 weeks ago

@jamesmrollins, just saw your comment today re:

@lijenn @ljmoody do these dropdowns need to be relabeled "Causal Stories" or "Stories?"


To my knowledge, no, these do not need to be renamed. However, I've seen/heard the following different references for same, and wondered if there are correct/incorrect ways in which we refer to them. We may need clarification from @lzim if there is one (or more) specific ways for she'd like to refer to them via Sim UI drop-downs, documentation, blue bar headings, etc.

Here's a list of possibilities - I've bolded the ones that are currently used in Sim UI menus, blue bar headings, and Consult Manual documentation:

fyi @lijenn

lzim commented 2 weeks ago

@ljmoody - I believe we have used "feedback stories" and "systems stories" and "causal feedback." Let's leave this standardization card as lower priority until we are sure MTL 3.7 Blue consults are prepared in PROD without issues.