lzim / teampsd

Team PSD is using GitHub, R and RMarkdown as part of our free and open science workflow.
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2024_06 #teampsd_all - June Roadmap (closes FY2024 over Jul, Aug, Sep) #3174

Open lzim opened 3 weeks ago

lzim commented 3 weeks ago

Review Feb 2024 Roadmap (Mar, Apr, May)

Congratulations for Feb Roadmap

1. #sim_ui_workflow - James, Jenn, & Laura MTL 3.7 Release to PROD - Enabling completion of the trials and responsiveness to OMH required pivot from

external_implementation_facilitation with #frontline_teams to #consults with #facility_leaders.

  1. #manuscript_workflow - Rose started writing, and Team PSD overall started writing again.
  2. #quant_workflow - Kate Macia for completion the first analyses with the #external_implementation_facilitation Fidelity Data.
  3. #systems_sme_workflow - Debbie & David - Began the trials again!
  4. #ilead_workflow - Releasing the _MTL Video Why/how use cases._

June 2024 Roadmap Event

June 2024 Roadmap Goals

  1. #manuscript_workflow Submit manuscripts & reconvene Co-Is (aligned with #health_equity_grant) #2024_07 - 2 submissions #764 #768 #202408** - prepare Sept submissions_ #2024_09 #765 #766

  2. #systems_sme_workflow Finish the #r01_2018 (wk2 2024_08) and #iir_2020 (wk1 2024_10) Trials

  3. Submit our #health_equity_grant evaluating what's local and what's global as things change over time.

Team PSD Manual & https://mtl.how/team

  1. In June - Make sure you have a 1:1 with Lindsey if she is your direct supervisor.
  2. Templates - Under Files in #training_workflow of Teams
  3. Align the roadmap to your personal and professional development goals.

Annual Team PSD awards will be at the October Roadmap Event - wk2 October 2024

  1. Specific Awards - Valued contributions - Team, Innovation, Growth
  2. A valued contribution is something that gets integrated in others' workflows and used, built upon.
  3. 5 Value Streams - Education, Portfolio, Research, Operations, Development

Standards for Roadmap of User Story Maps

  1. Use 3 story points/wk as a work in progress (WIP) limit.
  2. Plan dependencies for QA and handoffs with 1 week units.
  3. Use labels for GitHub Views and Value Stream Analyses

Principles for Roadmap of User Story Maps

  1. Make the dependencies transparent for real-time alignment.
  2. Align our views to avoid cakewrecks.
  3. Sync our timing to avoid trainwrecks.
  4. Avoid rework, overwork and stress by considering the iceberg of invisible work.

User Story Map Skills

  1. Plan handoffs to determine who will do what when - Workflow user, workflow_meeting (if needed), Story Points, Link to GitHub.
  2. Clarify scope and make real-time adjustments as needed.

June 2024 Roadmap Context

  1. Team PSD is growing - 6 new team members in the last year - Most are ~25% time +/- 5% (~1 day/wk).
  2. Team PSD will support it's largest scale (volume of users) yet: e.g., Point Number 1 above, plus more MTL sites at once. CDIAS Statewide analyses.
  3. Team PSD will add a grant pre-award user story map for our #health_equity grant examining more definitions of "local."
  4. Team PSD will add trainees (Gracelyn Cruden, Cali Harbaugh, Sam Habimana, Porsha Dadgostar, Eve Rosenfeld)
  5. Team PSD will prepare for coverage at conferences


June Roadmap -> Close out FY2024 over Jul, Aug, Sep Oct Roadmap -> wk2 F2F in Menlo Park, CA (FYI)

#systems_sme_workflow - Finish the Trials

#schedule - Final Confirmed Dates thru end of FY24 for Live Consults MTL 3.7 Red Live Consults (Eastern Time) - 13 Red dates thru end of FY24 Red wk1 2024_06 (Tue 12noon; Wed 1PM; Thu 2PM) Red wk2 2024_07 (Tue 12noon; Wed 1PM; Thu 2PM) - Earliest possible R01 completion. Red wk2 2024_08 (Tue 12noon; Wed 1PM; Thu 2PM) Red wk1 2024_09 (Tue 12noon; Wed 1PM; Thu 2PM) Red wk2 2024_09 (Tue at 12noon) MTL 3.7 Blue Live Consults (Eastern Time) - 15 Blue dates thru end of FY24 Blue wk4 2024_06 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) Blue wk3 2024_07 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) - Earliest possible R01 completion. Blue wk3 2024_08 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) Blue wk4 2024_08 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) Blue wk2 2024_09 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) Blue wk3 2024_09 (Tue 9AM, Wed 10AM, 11AM) Close FY24

support_workflow - Laura, Jenn & lindsey

**#manuscript_workflow - Rose, David N, Lindsey



aim_1a #aim_1b EBPsy/EBPharm Start and Dose

Tanya, David N, Lindsey**



**#portfolio_workflow - Jen Smith & Lindsey

  1. Many progress reports will be due over the next 6 months, local and federal.
  2. Jen will help 1 day/week with RDIS, DART, IRB, compliance and over site tasks.
  3. Lindsey is working to cover everyone and ensure continuity of funds between grants.

#Stanford - Team PSD Expansion & Translation Collaborations