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2024_07 Sim UI PROD - MTL 3.7 #consult_workflow - Require Administrator OR Team Lead (not Team Lead only) #3182

Open lzim opened 1 week ago

lzim commented 1 week ago

wk2 2024_06 #sim_ui_workflow @ljmoody @tejaspesquare

@lzim was working on setting up #572 for our 06/25/2024 consult and noticed these issues.

jamesmrollins commented 1 week ago


ljmoody commented 1 week ago

Given the rationale above, can we close this card @jamesmrollins?

lzim commented 6 days ago

@jamesmrollins @ljmoody

Probably shouldn't close yet. Cross-ref odd behavior of https://github.com/lzim/teampsd/issues/3189 In which I could not discern what world I was in. Received a message that I was not an Admin. But, then was listed as Admin in all worlds for that site.

The Epicenter backend logic isn't too hard to understand. It's just not compatible with the frontend #consult_workflow for study sites in which the Administrators set up all the teams and prep their consults before Team Leads are identified.

FYI: #systems_sme_workflow @dlkibbe @dlounsbu Present state of #consult_workflow with the MTL 3.7 Blue Sim UI in PROD requires non-intuitive need for all Administrators set themselves up as Team Leads instead of administrators to avoid