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wk2 2024_06 ANDON Sim UI PROD Set up - Episodes did not create message; Unclear 'Power BI' Format Message; Duplicate upload #3185

Closed lzim closed 1 day ago

lzim commented 1 week ago

#sim_ui_workflow @jamesmrollins @lijenn @ljmoody


See below. This message has changed from prior versions and I am not sure that it is as clear as it was in the past. For example, it used to include the file extension .xlsx

Do we need to include a screenshot? Or something so they can evaluate that they have the right format ??

Please ensure the team data file must be in Power BI format before uploading. Are you sure the team data file is in Power BI format? image

jamesmrollins commented 1 week ago

@lzim @dlkibbe @dlounsbu

FYI @lijenn @ljmoody

  1. We understand the bugs and have been able to replicate. We should be able to resolve by Monday morning, 6/17 PST.
  2. We will workshop a better error message and have in place Monday as well.
ljmoody commented 1 week ago

@lzim, re:

  • [ ] 03. In addition, I just uploaded a data file once and it looks like it uploaded it twice: image

This behavior is expected within the Settings > Data upload window. When a data file is uploaded, you will see the data file display like this. The top highlighted data file is associated with _team and _shared worlds; the lower highlighted file (with the added _ind identifier found in the Group column) is associated with that team's _ind world. This behavior is documented in card #2997, in Tejas' April 8 comment.

fyi @jamesmrollins @lijenn

ljmoody commented 1 week ago

@jamesmrollins, some notification messages brainstorms for Point 2 above:

jamesmrollins commented 1 week ago

@matomasz @ljmoody

The notification message above looks good, as it adds needed details. However, I would omit the first bullet as that would require someone to both open the .xlsx file and understand what they are looking at.


We need to resolve the "Episode not created" issue. Please acknowledge receipt by clicking "thumbs up" in the reaction button below.

lzim commented 1 week ago

@ljmoody & @jamesmrollins

Those bullets above are partially redundant options, are they not?

Recommend this simplified text:

ljmoody commented 1 week ago

@lzim, my bullet list of options was not finalized and meant to choose from. I appreciate you boiling it down and combining to make a robust message. Thank you. Teamwork=🌟!

@tejaspesquare, please incorporate Lindsey's bulleted items in the above comment as a replacement for the current "Please ensure the team data file must be in Power BI format before uploading. Are you sure the team data file is in Power BI format?" message and let me know when ready for verification. Thanks!

fyi @jamesmrollins

lzim commented 6 days ago

@jamesmrollins @matomasz @lijenn @ljmoody

Given that Data files downloaded from the Sim UI no longer render properly, should we prevent the ability to download them to avoid confusion?

tejaspesquare commented 6 days ago

@ljmoody - We have replaced message & it appears like this. Shall we move to test for verification at your end.


ljmoody commented 6 days ago

@tejaspesquare, is it possible to first change all 3 instances "MTL" to be iitalicized? If so, please do that and migrate to test for verification. Thank you.


fyi @jamesmrollins @lijenn

ljmoody commented 5 days ago

✅ verified that point #2 above (data upload format message) is updated and live in PROD:


FYI @lzim @jamesmrollins

lzim commented 4 days ago

Great attention to detail and thanks @ljmoody and @tejaspesquare

Thanks again!

lzim commented 4 days ago

sim_ui_workflow - Please edit story point estimates as necessary. I put at 3 story points for now.


ljmoody commented 1 day ago

✅ 1. I was able to enter the DDD when selecting the same team Lindsey had issues with. The _team, _shared, and _ind worlds all loaded and had consistent numerical returns in all 5 modules.

✅ 2. Verified correction was made and is live in PROD: image

Great attention to detail and thanks @ljmoody and @tejaspesquare

  • [x] Note one final correction to the top bullet, which is clearer with the file extension after "Excel" and without the missing space in the screenshot above. "Excel (.xlsx) data files exported from the MTL Data UI (Power BI), or uploaded from your MTL MS Teams, are in the correct format."

✔️ 3. Re: users uploading data files and it looking like they've uploaded two, will there be work done (and if so, when) to help reduce confusion about this? I created card #3186 to track that feature.

ljmoody commented 1 day ago

Because 2 of the 3 tasks on this card are compete and the third is being tracked in another card (#3186), I'm closing this issue card.